Market News

Bitter sugar confectionery: price increases are to come

In times of the crisis chocolate improves mood, but the producers are threatening with world price increase, because the sugar and cocoa prices rose into the heavens on the world...

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The purchase of apples will start from 11 HUF per kilogram

Agrana Juice Hungary Ltd. owning the majority of the market, started the purchasing of apple in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. The Austrian company pays 11 HUF (4 eurocents) for the fruit to...

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Almost one hour work for a Big Mac in Budapest

In the world's boomtowns one has to work for a Big Mac for an average of 38 minutes. In Tokyo only 12 minutes, nearly an hour in Budapest and 158...

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Households saves because of the crisis

Nearly three-quarters of households restrained spendings because of the recession. Most of the households save on holiday, clothing, entertainment and culture – reported Népszabadság the assessment of BellResearch research company....

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The Global economic climate indicator improves significantly

According to the Munich based Ifo market research company, in the third quarter the global economic climate will continue to improve, especially the six-month expectations appear to be promising. IFO’s ...

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Euro-zone’s industrial orders improved on monthly level

Far beyond the preliminary expectations; Euro-zone’s industrial new orders stock level increased by 3.1 percent in June on monthly level, after the 0.5 percent decline of May. Only 1.7 percent...

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Small beer breweries suffered huge market loss

The turnover of small beer breweries decreased by four-fifth, this year compared to the datas of the previous year. In the mid 90s 340 small breweries were in Hungary, now...

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Market in the U.S. garages

Because of the economic crisis and the rising unemployment rate, garage markets are in bloom in the United States. More people are forced to sell their beloved belongingsin order to...

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One purchases cheap food because of the crisis

The total turnover of the own branded products of the supermarket chains reached more than 165 billion HUF in the first six months of 2009 – states Nielsen market research...

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Ninety percent use Internet before shopping

According to the survey of Google; almost 90 percent of the Hungarian consumers are using the internet before buying a product. About half of the users are browsing on price...

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GKI’s economic index improves for four months

The economic outlook in August, has also improved. GKI’s economic index rising since May and already exceeds the value of last November. The expectations of each sector within the business...

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Germany has not seen such a price decline since 1987

According to the datas of the German statistical office; the consumer prices decreased by 0.5 percent in July compared to the previous month, for the first time since the spring...

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Scottish wine can win over French wine

More than fifty French wine and food expert, wrote an open letter that called for action against global warming. Otherwise, Scottish wine can win the battle against French wine. Because...

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Online retail is crisis free

According to the datas of GKIeNET; more than 2400 online retail stores were operating in the first half of 2009 in Hungary. The turnover of these online stores has reached...

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Germans optimistic before the next six months

German ZEW research institute’s prosperity, sentiment and business index for the next six month increased to 56.1 in August, from the 39.5 points July. This is the strongest improvement since...

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Even the dog food is consumed in hypermarkets

According to the companies selling pet-food world brands; only 3-3,5 percent increase was occured in volumes traded on the Hungarian market. According to Szórádi Gyöngyi, Secretary-General of the Hungarian Pet-food...

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Pig became a bad investment

Pork became the second worst investment on the market, and even until the end of the year, it is expected to fall a further 33 percent on exchanges, compared to...

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Half of most of the ice cream is air

According to the assesment of the German consumer magazine Stiftung Warentest; most of the volume of ice-cream is air. The vanilla ice cream of Haagen-Dazs became the best ice cream...

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Romania: discount in the mall

The retail rents are falling on the Romanian retail estate market. In the city of Pitesti a contract was signed about bringing a discount into the shopping center. According to...

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Parmesan cheese is the credit provision in Italy

In Northern Italy, Parmesan cheese is the provision for the credit instead of jewelry or property in several bank. The bank Credito Emiliano store 400 thousand parmesan cheese. The 40...

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Cooking at home economically: Goulash soup from the price of four ice cream

When the savings reduces a greater or less money can be saved by cooking at home. According to the datas of Maggi, an increase had been occured on the market...

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Caffeine affects different on occasional and chronic headache

As the result of a study of more than 50 thousand people, Norwegian researchers found that caffeine causes headache at some people, while it prevents others. In summary, investigations found...

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Beer guide

At the international price comparison site anyone can search for information, about the price of beer in more than 200 countries. The datas of the price comparison site comes...

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Consumer confidence index unexpectedly decrease in the U.S.A.

According to the survey of the University of Michigan; Contrary to the expectations, the U.S. consumer pessimism did not decreased. The Institute's consumer confidence index decreased from 66.0 points to...

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Nielsen and the Superbrands research the development opportunities of brands together

Nielsen is the marketing partner of Superbrands in 82 countries of the world including Hungary. Superbrands, is the only one brand reward system in Hungary – and one of the...

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World grain market prices significantly decreased

According to the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture, domestic and world grain market prices significantly decreased in recent months. In the last month, the price of cereals in Hungary also fell...

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Cost of Living became cheaper in the euro area

Consumer prices fell at record level in the euro zone in July, mainly due to the fact, that less need to be paid for energy and food. According to Eurostat...

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Hungarians consume less biscuits than most of the citizens of the union

Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers Association assists the cereals made sweets lovers with a biscuits and muesli slice code. When eating biscuits and cornflakes from cereals, a lot of valuable nutrients get...

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So far, 40 percent of the hosts were fined

During its mid summer restaurant control, the National Consumer Protection Authority found problems at the 40 percent of the catering units. The fine was 25 million HUF. Last year, more...

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U.S. sugar stocks are on a thirty-four-year nadir

The leading U.S. food producers, such as Mars recently warned the Obama government to take immediate steps, because they will soon run out of sugar. Many jobs can be a...

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