Market News

German optimism seems to fade away

ZEW institute's German economic mood index decreased from the 57.7 points of September to 56 points in October, while analysts expected 58.3 points. According to the preliminary expectations of the...

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The Conscious Consumer Index has strengthened

The latest Conscious Consumer Index (TVI) of and Ipsos slightly increased in the first half of 2009. The loyalty index toward Hungarian products has increased a lot, but consumers...

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A significant drop in agricultural producer prices

The agricultural producer price level in August fell by 11.8 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The price of plant products decreased by 16.4, live animals...

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Technical break does not mean the changing of opening hours

The Supreme Court pointed out, that the break of the opening hours are not considered to be an opening hours change, therefore it does not require a separate notification. The...

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Chocolate lover English and German

In spite of the economic crisis, the British do not give up their daily dose of chocolate, even the consumption has been increased by almost 6 percent this year. The...

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The fate of shelf money is a question

According to the informations of Napi Gazdaság; the 3 percent secondary recovery limit so-called shelf money can be out of the food product draft law. The 3 percent secondary recovery...

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Warming, favors the quality of domestic wine

In qualitative terms, this years vintage can be the best vintage of the recent years, because the average quality of the 2009 wines is very high – claimed the latest...

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U.S. spirit consumption increased

According to AC Nielsen’s statistics; There was a large increase in the four weeks until 19th September in the volume of spirits, sold in the United States. The biggest winner...

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Regulation would hinder the too easy shop openings

According to the new trade law entered into force 1st October, shop openings become much simpler, but it seems only temporary. The legislators would conclude certain foods sales to prior...

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Romania wants the agriculture commissioner post in vain

José Manuel Barroso, the President of theEuropean Commission think inconceivable that Romania will receive the Agriculture Commissioner Post – reported by the Hotnews Romanian site referred to Brussels sources. According...

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Drugstores are expanding. Body cream, deodorant, and diapers are the favourites

According the Nielsen market research company; The turnover of the Hungarian drugstores decreased by 4 percent, between August and September 2008, compared to the previous comparable period, thus, the size...

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Law Proposal on environmental product fee is ineligible for a general debate

The suggestions of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture were not built into the law proposal, connecting with the environmental product fee. The National Assembly Agriculture Committee declared the proposal ineligible...

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Mostly the workers will suffer the tax burden on Cafeteria

According to experts, the majority of the companies will debit the increasing tax burden of Cafeteria to the workers, from the 1st of January. However, it is unlikely that the...

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An annual 2.5 billion eggs produced in Hungary

In Hungary 1 percent less eggs were consumed last year, than a year earlier – said Földi Péter secretary of the Poultry Product Council (BTT) on the International Egg Day....

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The world's number one consumers prefer saving

U.S. public credit has been reducing for the seventh month in August, after households decreased their consumption and the banks have reduced the crediting limits. According to FED datas; the...

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The Hungarian proposals could cure the milk crisis

The Hungarian proposals could help to resolve problems of the EU milk market, if – in part or in whole – the EU would accept the Hungarian proposals – said...

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Food industry aid on the horizon

Within the course of the New Hungary Rural Development Program (UMVP), new food industry supports will be launched, in order to support increasing values of agricultural products. The projects focuses...

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Christmas can glitch in its past glitter

It seems that the supermarket chains now expect that the crisis will be end for Christmas. Marks & Spencer, for example, expects such a traffic increase that the chain will...

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Romanian retail shrinks, although with decreasing tempo

According to Bucharest Statistical Office; The Romanian retail trade turnover declining with a smaller rate, for the second month. The willingness of public spending is also hindered by the slowdown...

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Searching for tomorrow’s breakfast in Switzerland

The joint venture of Nestlé SA and General Mills, Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW) specializing on cereal products – announced recently, the opening of a new innovation center in Orbea Switzerland....

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Another crisis can hit the economy

According to Coface Hungary Credit Rating; This year's poor financial numbers will only appear in next year’s business ratings and more companies will enter to a worse category. In recent...

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Csányi Sándor: About the break out points of Hungary

The Hungarian innovative capacity exists, but can not be applied – states Csányi Sándor in a video interview of Figyelő. The OTP Chairman and CEO would put the emphasis on...

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The price of cocoa is on its quarter century peak

The March term cocoa prices increased to its 24 and a half year peak on Monday afternoon, because of the unfavorable outlook for the global supply. Investors worry of cocoa...

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GfK: stable consumer confidence

According to the joint survey of GfK Hungária and the Corvinus University; consumer confidence appears to be stabilized. Beside the Consumer Confidence Index, the consumer expectations index also stagnates compared...

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Eurozone’s retail shrank less-than-expected

The euro zone retail sales decreased by 0.2 percent, instead of the expected 0.5 percent decrease in August compared to the previous month. Behind the positive data the minor boom...

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Harvest can end until the end of October

So far, about 60 percent of the grapes were harvested by the farmers, so this year's harvest can last until the end of October. Because of the favorable weather conditions,...

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Hungary can export poultry from Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád counties again

The U.S. authorities terminated the import restrictions of the poultry, poultry meat and eggs of Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád counties. According to the American assessment, Hungary has the animal health control...

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Women decide about the family cash nowadays

GfK Hungária Market Research Institute has examined what attributes belong to a typical man nowadays. The research showed that the majority of men consume alcohol, do not smoke, but do...

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Bankruptcy continues

According to Opten Company Information Service; The number of bankruptcies more than doubled in September, compared to the previous month. After the positive surprise of August, the datas return back...

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A huge gap opened between exports and imports

According to the Central Statistical Office; the foreign trade balance surplus in July was 528 million euros, compared to the previously reported 548 million euros. The balance of the first...

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