Market News

Be careful with online shopping!

More and more people are looking for web sites, hoping to find cheaper Christmas gifts. The store sales are not expected to increase, compared with last year. Online shopping, however,...

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Men leave purchase to the last minute

According to the joint Christmas survey of store comparision site, and Ipsos Ltd.; People plan to buy fewer gifts for the Christmas this year. The number of those who...

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Less valuable gifts may be under the Christmas tree

Fourty-two percent of the population is planning to spend less on Christmas presents this year, compared to the previous year – shows the survey of Kérdőí More than half of...

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Copenhagen climate summit begins

The 15th UN climate summit has started in Copenhagen. On the event lasts until 18th December, representatives of 192 countries will be debating over the new global climate agreement which...

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Holiday from health insurance resources payments

According to Stability Fund Association; It is worth to collect money for the holiday in health insurance funds, because it has a number of benefits. Several catering companies are waiting...

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Declining manufacturing orders in Germany

The German manufacturing orders showed an unexpected fall on October monthly basis, suggesting that the recovery of the largest European economy, is getting slower. According to the seasonally adjusted preliminary...

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One can buy until 2 pm on Christmas Day

The shops can be open until 2 pm on 24th December, on 31st stores will close earlier than usual, at 6 pm. During the Christmas holidays, on 25th and 26th...

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EUFE launched its roadshow for the renewal of high-quality public nurition

EUFE’s (Meal Vouchers Distributor Association) Roadshow arrived to its first stage to Gödöllő. The initiation seeks to promote healthy nutrition and mor variable public nurition. The program aims to encourage...

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EU's GDP increased again

In the third quarter of this year – the first time since January-March 2008 – European Union's economy expanded, compared to the previous quarter. According to Eurostat; The gross domestic...

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London started the Christmas season energetically

Despite the recession, the first major pre-Christmas shopping weekend in London was characterised by spending fever has not seen for two years, where millions of customers stormed the British capital's...

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The crisis does not affect the food deliveries

Food delivery companies do not seem to face a significant downturn. The fast delivery, the changing supply and the energy saved on cooking are enough convincing reasons not save on...

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Winery at the Corvinus University

The Corvinus University of Budapest (BCE) will create a Vine and Winery Institute, in order to further increase the traditionally good quality of the domestic wine education and research, from...

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Decreasing alcohol consumption in Russia

This year, in the January-September period, Russian alcohol sales decreased by 15 percent in volume, compared to the same period of the last year. Vodka consumption has decreased by 15-16...

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Sales approach an annual HUF 27 billion

Demand for wiener is steady: 27,000 tons were sold in September 2008-August 2009, just like a year earlier, according to the Nielsen Retail Index. Wiener sales grew above the meat...

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Producers paid less for meat

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) continuously monitors and publishes world trends in poultry and fruit/vegetable products. Their last report reveals that the production price of domestic pork fell by...

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The crisis made wiener buyers more rationalistic

Consumers accept pre-packaged wieners and do not think of deli counter wiener as better. The price advantage of the latter is also dwindling and it is important to be aware...

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GKI expects Euro’s exchange rate to be at 260 Forints next year

According to a forecast by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. and Erste Bank, the Hungarian economy hit rock bottom in autumn 2009 and in the 4th quarter a modest growth is expected....

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They spent more on wieners

According to GfK Hungária’s ConsumerScan, Hungarian households bought 3 percent less wiener in the first eight months of 2009, compared to the same period last year. The average price per...

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Retail in a bad patch

Retail sales continued to fall in August, in terms of volume. Sales turnover of retail stores was down by 4.2 percent in the first eight months of 2009 and by...

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In terms of volume pálinka, in value bitters lead

Spirit retail sales are stable in terms of value, surpassing HUF 73 billion in October 2008- September 2009, just like a year earlier. However, Nielsen registered a 5 percent decline...

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Shrinking real wages

At enterprises employing a minimum of 5 people and at budgetary institutions, gross average wages were 1.3 percent higher and net average wages improved by 1.6 percent in the first...

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Shaken, not stirred

After the increase in excise duty and VAT, spirit distributors spent most of 2009 with rethinking their price strategies. Although the number of spirit buyers is declining, the average price...

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Foreign trade balance improving

In January-August 2009, the volume of foreign trade was 17 percent lower in export and 23 percent lower in import than one year earlier. KSH’s quick report also states that...

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The market of baking additives, dessert powders and fruit preserving agents expands

Powder product sales are on the increase, the market expanded by 17 percent in terms of value in August 2008-July 2009, to surpass the annual HUF 8 billion level. In...

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Temporary halt among non-alcoholic cold beverages

In the first six months, 10 percent less non-alcoholic cold beverages were bought in Hungary, reveals a joint survey by GfK Hungária and Agrár Európa Tanácsadó Kft. The world market...

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The rebirth of home baking

As a result of austerity measures, the positions of several food categories connected with home cooking/baking improved. Families do not buy as many ready-made cakes as before and spend less...

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Austrians trust their good old brands

According to Nielsen Austria, retail turnover growth in food products is losing speed in Austria. Last year food sales augmented by 4.8 percent, largely due to increased prices, but in...

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Kalifa now also offers Oriental flavours

– I am happy to say that our sales turnover in the cooking-baking segment in last October-December improved by more than 20 percent. Around Christmas, Kalifa ground poppy seed and...

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Price/value ratio and the brand value of products and retail chains put in the limelight

According to David Calhoun, Nielsen’s president/CEO consumers are getting used to changes caused by the crisis. They worry less and try to accommodate to the new situation. Spending habits changed...

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The same number of people buy more baking products

Certain product categories are able to improve sales even in a negative consumer atmosphere, because at the time of crisis people spend more time at home. In January-July 2009, we...

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