Market News

FruitVeB: VAT on fruits and vegetables should be reduced!

The Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Inter-professional Organization and the Product Board (FruitVeB) calls for the VAT reduction of vegetables and fruits, and they willing to see that these products would...

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27 percent VAT is not conflicting with the EU rules

There is no legal obligation in the European Union that the VAT rate should be below 25 percent, so the Hungarian 27 percent rate does not conflict with EU rules....

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Randstad: flexible solutions are needed

According to Randstad's new publication “Bridging the Gap”, countries that have already reformed their labor markets, however, have performed substantially better than those countries still in need of restructuring. “Bridging...

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Similar to last year's average corn yield is expected in Békés county

An average of 6 to 6.5 tons per hectare yield of corn is expected this year in Békés county – said Varjú Mónika, leader of the Agriculture Directorate of the...

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The price of pork drives up inflation in China

The price increase of pork generates social dissatisfaction and significantly drives up inflation in China. The government will make every effort to increase stocks. Inflation has moderated somewhat in China...

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More and more SMEs enters the marketing market

Marketing is no longer expensive for the companies, only they need to know the right tools – states the main organizer of the SME Marketing Expo. He said achieving customers...

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Wine spritzer days in Győr

The cultural event Wine spritzer days in Győr was initiated, launched and organised by Rotary Club Győr. Our club and this popular event is united just like the sparkling water...

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KSH: retail sales decreased by 1.3 percent compared with July last year

The retail sales volume remains virtually stagnant – shows the datas of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). The turnover of July was 0.3 percent below of the previous month's datas,...

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Retail sales will not grow substantially this and the next year

The drop in retail sales may slow down for the end of the year, because of the base effects, but consumption is still not growing substantially, and due to next...

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Prices may grow with a higher extend than the rate of the VAT increase

The Friday announced VAT increase would justify a 1.6 percent price increase, but previous experience has shown, that the majority of firms raises the prices higher than the rate of...

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Hong Kong is the world's freest economy Hungary is the seventeenth

Similar to the previous years, Hong Kong proved to be the world's freest economy again. The United States is the tenth, Hungary is the seventeenth on the list of the...

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Chinese super rice broke world record

The Chinese hybrid rice called super rice broke its own world record with 13.9 tons per hectare yield this year. The DH2525 hybrid rice brought a record amount of 13.9...

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More cereal grown on a smaller area this year

In Hungary, 5.7 million tons of cereal was harvested in 2011, 8 percent more than in 2010, and on a  5 percent less area than last year on 1.4 million...

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The EU Food Aid Program continues

In the scope of the EU Food Aid Program, the aid agencies that already have a signed contract wit the for Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) continue the delivery...

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ZEW index: German business sentiment deteriorated further

In August, the German business sentiment index, decreased to -37.6 points, from the -15.1 points of July – announced the Mannheim-based European Institute for Economic Research (ZEW). Analysts forecasted a...

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Nearly three hundred Italian bakery products exist

In Italy, more types of bread produced than pastas: the bakery products were counted and found that there are nearly three hundred of them. Half of the Italians consider bread...

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Russia would ban foreigners from retail trade

The Russian government plans to ban foreign citizens from retail trade including markets, from the 1st of January 2012. According to the draft regulation; foreign cititzens are not desirable for...

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Rice dessert was a relative winner on the contracting market

Data by GfK Hungária indicate that reduced spending by households had a negative effect on the dairy snacks market: families bought 10 percent less cooled dairy snacks in the first...

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Environment -conscious World Week began

An environment-conscious wordweek has begun on 19th September which will last until 23rd September, with more than 26 countries involved, all over the world by Hungary Green Building Council. You...

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Romania: drastic decline, in line with consumption trends

In Romania the number of completed transactions in the retail sector dropped from 15 to 6 in the first eight months of 2011. Consumption growth practically stopped: retail sales will...

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Slovakia: few transactions, enterprise-friendly environment

In Slovakia the number of completed transactions in the retail sector doubled, from 1 to 2 in the first eight months of 2011. Statistical data indicate a slowing down in...

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Poland: fewer transactions but growing retail sales

In Poland the number of completed transactions in the retail sector fell from 5 to 3 in the first eight months of 2011. Rather surprising data, considering that retail statistics...

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Latest merger trends in the retail sector in our region

Experts at PwC Retail & Consumer (R&C) analysed the performance of countries in Central and Eastern Europe in terms of M&A transactions, plus highlighted characteristic M&A trends in the food...

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Staying in the game

Small and medium-sized retail enterprises have to compete with many others every day, in order to keep their customers. Consequently, it is great help for them if orders can be...

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Cross of Merit

On 20 August Eszter Vágóné Balla, together with other two colleagues from Coop was decorated with the Gold Grade of the Cross of Merit of the Hungarian Republic. The CEO...

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Alföld Pro-Coop Zrt. strengthens its fresh product segment

Domestic retail is stricken by economic difficulties, less money in consumers’ pockets and weakening purchasing power. Coop reacted to these trends by not surrendering: they carry on with the modernisation...

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Majority of Hungarians are not against receiving ads in e-mail

Hungarians have a more favourable opinion of receiving online advertisements via e-mail than the European average – revealed a 55-countrey survey conducted by Nielsen. 58 percent of Hungarian participants said...

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Ladybird discount stores, Real, Tesco, Lidl…

In the second quarter of 2010 51 percent of Polish consumers were of the opinion that their country’s economy was in a state of crisis – the European average was...

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Foreign trades shows pre-crisis characteristics

In January-May 2011 the volume of Hungary’s foreign trade developed as follows: the volume of export augmented by 16 percent and import grew 14 percent from the same period in...

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More and more people buy in separate shops

GfK Hungária conducted its annual nationwide survey on shopping malls. One third of the survey’s participants go to a shopping mall at least once a week and 31 percent visit...

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