Market News

Slovak citizens plan a wealthier Christmas this year

According to a survey; almost a third of the people of Slovakia, spends at least 300 euros on gifts – writes Új Szó Hungarian daily newspaper. According to the newspaper;...

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Széchenyi Cards available in Saving Banks

The Government expects the co-operative credit institutions to take an active part in the agricultural financing. Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) György Czerván discussed this subject matter...

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Magazine: Lemon juice brands: time separated the wheat from the chaff

Cold months, when vitamin intake becomes more important, are slowly but steadily approaching. One accessory of tea drinking, lemon juice is an important source of vitamins and a really seasonal...

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Arthur C. Nielsen Jr., ratings entrepreneur, dies

TV ratings pioneer Arthur C. Nielsen Jr., chairman of the A.C. Nielsen Company, from Alzheimer’s-related complications. He was 92. Nielsen’s father may have invented the system still used by the...

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Analysts say one-off effect may have increased the retail sales in August

According to the communication of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM); the retail trade figures reflect a positive turn in August. Analysts polled by MTI explained the expansion with a...

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Hungary's competitiveness is lagging behind

In case of competitiveness Hungary is still lagging behind in the European Union – shows the annual report of the European Commission (EC). The industrial performance of the member states...

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Workania: Czechs and Slovaks earn more than Hungarians

In Hungary the average gross salary is 221 thousand HUF. The workers in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia earn more – shows the ''competitiveness'' comparative survey of the

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Rekord weak grape harvest in Italy

This year's harvest in Italy was the worst of the last more than sixty years, but according to the grape growers, the quality of the wine is promising, due to...

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The TakarékBank revised its GDP forecast downward

The analysts of the Takarékbank expects smaller GDP growth for this year, contrary to their earlier forecast. Now they are expecting a 1.7 percent GDP growth for this year, a...

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Coface: the insolvency situation of the companies deteriorated further

In this year's first nine months, the insolvency indicator of the companies increased by 30 percent, compared to the same period of last year – shows the most recent analysis...

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Food Labels: warranty differs from expiration date

In Germany, every year nearly 20 million tons of food are thrown into the trash because of the expiration date. Partly why a debate started about whether it would be...

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Beer-lovers are loyal to their favourite beers

Szomjoltóság has carried out a research project to find out the beer-preferences of the Hungarian population. They found that 94 percent of Hungarians find it important to have their favourite...

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460 farms competing for farm-development support

A farm-development program was closed on 30th September with 460 competitions, competing for more than 2.5 billion HUF which is well beyond the original sum intended for the program (930...

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Flour is cheap, but all other factors justify a bread price increase

The price of flour does not increase bread prices, but other production costs might motive bread price growth. Werli József, Secretary General of the Baking Industry Association told to Népszabadság:...

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Most of the small and medium businesses are expected growth in revenue

78 percent of the Hungarian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) calculates with revenue growth for the next year, while 15 percent expects decline – shows the SME confidence index research...

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The Hungarian Association of Brewers criticizes the chips-tax on flavored beers

According to the Hungarian Association of Brewers;  the extension of the chips tax on flavored beers causes a competitive disadvantage, does not serve the original purpose of tax and means...

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The Ministry of Rural Development decreased this year's funding source for sugar beet growers

The Ministry of Rural Development has reduced this year's additional financing source for sugar beet growers by 800 million HUF – said Czerván György, State Secretary of the Ministry of...

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The food processors and the Ministry of Rural Development may meet next week

The meeting of the food processors and the Ministry of Rural Development over the chips-tax was shifted to next week. The industry representatives wrote a letter two weeks ago to...

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Magazine: Are traditional places of shopping still important?

Thanks to the significant changes that occurred in Hungarian retail in the past 15 years hypermarkets, cash&carrys, supermarkets and discount stores became more significant places for shopping, to the detriment...

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Compaint about the privatisation of Budapest Airport

Commissioner's Office of the Government has made a criminal complaint in the matter of some €85m in damages to the Hungarian state resulting from the failure of the owner of...

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Ipsos Global @dvisory: The Economic Pulse of the World

A major analysis of world public opinion was released today by Ipsos— one of the world’s largest market and opinion research companies. The report, titled “Ipsos Global @dvisory: The Economic...

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The separate sectoral taxes will be terminated from 2013, the bank tax will be halved

The separate sectoral taxes will be terminated from 2013, the bank tax will be halved The sector specific taxes will be terminated from 2013, the bank tax will be halved...

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Agricultural emission was of 1800 billion HUF last year

Last year, despite the bad weather, the agricultural output has seen a 10 percent growth, reaching 1800 billion HUF – Rural Development Minister Sándor Fazekas announced on Tuesday at the...

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Chips-tax: coffee escaped

The NGM and the Rural Development Ministry would impose taxes on coffee, the Ministry of National Resources would not, but now the market participants have also started intense lobbying. The...

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Less than third of online shoppers pay with credit card

In case of online ordering, less than a third of the customer pay by credit card – shows the most recent survey of KutatóCentrum. During a year, the proportion of...

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Hungary's largest shopping center opens spring 2013

With the construction of the second phase of the Árkád in Budapest Hungary's largest shopping center trade area will be established in 2013 in the Örs vezér square. The construction...

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NAV: The deadline of chips-tax is approaching

The deadline of public health taxes so called chips-tax is approaching – told the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) to MTI on Tuesday. According to the Communication; the tax...

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ZEW index: German business sentiment decreased

German investor sentiment fell in October. More and more signs indicates that the European debt crisis may spread to the banking sector. According to the survey of the German ZEW...

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Magazine: Price-value ratio is decisive when buying food

Nielsen conducted a survey in 55 countries, which revealed that 47 percent of Hungarian consumers are influenced in their food buying decisions by the price-value ratio of a product. 43...

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Coface country risk assessments: deterioration in Europe and in the United States

Coface notes a deterioration of the average strength of companies in Europe and in the United States and is placing on negative watch, or removing positive watch of, 8 developed...

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