Market News

People preferring domestic webstores

The researches of the European Union have shown that EU consumers afraid from the dangers of cross-border shopping, the difficulties of law enforcement, and prefer domestic webstores – told the...

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All Saints Days in special offer-publications

October saw special offer leaflets filled with All Saints Day- and Hlloween products. With the help of the leaflet monitoring database, October specia offer leaflets were investigated rather closely. Big...

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KSH: 33 thousand more people work than a year ago

In the third quarter, 33 thousand (0.87 percent) more people worked in Hungary than in the same period of the last year, so the number of employees reached 3 million...

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The bottled and canned wines may be re-sealed again

Font Sándor would make the re-sealing of bottled and canned wines mandatory again. The Fidesz MP initiates the restoration of seals in his submitted amendment. “According to the National Tax...

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Fidesz representatives to further shape chips-tax

Several amendments of Fidesz occurred in chips-tax: among other things, cocoa drinks, Túró Rudi would be not taxed, however, the tax would be extended to extruded salty foods and low...

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GfK: the purchasing power of Komárom-Esztergom county develops the of the fastest

According to GfK Hungária; Budapest's advantage decreased further contrary to the countryside. Komárom-Esztergom county has developed the fastest. GfK's Thursday release explains: According to the study; Budapest's advantage decreased further...

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Chamber of Agriculture: school milk subsidy is available

The school milk subsidy of this year's fourth period is available from the 2nd of November – reminds the the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture in its latest briefing. The grant...

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The success of the online purchasing clubs is unbroken

The success of the domestic online purchasing clubs is unbroken and coupon sites have an increasing traffic as well. Similar sites offering significant discounts to purchasing communities nowadays carry out...

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Magazine: Detergents and softeners: manufacturer brands progressed

Detergents constitute the category with the highest sales among the 60 household chemical and cosmetics products measured by Nielsen. The annual market goes beyond HUF 33 billion but in the...

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Grain Association finds supervision-fee unacceptable

The Grain Association finds the foodchain-supervision-fee unacceptable, which they consider to be a new tax burden on entrepreneurs. Besides, no consultation with the trade unions have taken place while crating...

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European Day of Commerce for the 7th time this year

The European Day of Commerce is going to be organized for the 7th time on 3rd November by VOSZ, the Hungarian memberorganization of EuroCommerce, ÁFEOSZ, OKSZ, KISOSZ, MKIK, and MBSZ....

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KSH: the impact of the euro crisis can be felt everywhere

In the first half of this year's the global economic dynamics lost momentum. According to the most recent forecast of the International Monetary Fund ; in 2011 world economic growth...

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Magazine: Hair care is a highly innovative category

Retail sales of hair care products are highly concentrated – reports the Nielsen Retail Index. Value sales of the category in total worsened in retail in the January-June period. Manufacturer...

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GVH: the “Hungarian quality” mark can be used in case of a enterprise-wide set of criteria system

According to the GVH; those trading companies will be punished that previously did not establish for themselves when to use the national tricolor and product origin marking slogans. For example...

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Chinese investors can create industrial park and thousands of jobs in Debrecen

Representative of twenty companies from China's Inner Mongolia province will arrive to Debrecen in November. It is expected that they will create ten thousand  new jobs in the next few...

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More than four thousand farmers in Szabolcs asked support due to frost damages

More than four thousand farmers in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county asked for support from the agri-compensation system, due to frost damages  – said the regional government office to MTI on Wednesday. About...

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Chinese winegrower's Hungarian brand is not valid

Four different wine-regions – Tokaj, Eger, Mátra és Villány – own the brand a Chinese winegrower wanted to possess – on 31st August 2011, the Chinese brand-name has been cancelled...

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This year's sunflower crop surpassed all expectations

Despite the changeable weather, this year was great for the sunflower producers. Thanks to the high purchase prices and the high yield, they will close the season with a nice...

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Food manufacturers will pay inspection fee soon

Food and agricultural companies will soon pay hundreds of millions supervision fees to the food chain supervising agency, the Agricultural Administration Office (MGSzH), if the Parliament approves the government's recent...

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Hungary has joined the Alps-Adriatic GMO-free Region

Parliament has passed a resolution requesting that local governments ban the use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture and farming within their areas of administration, so joining a Croatian initiative....

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Consumer sentiment improved in Europe's largest economy

According to GfK research institute; despite the gloomy economic outlook consumer sentiment has improved slightly in Germany. Consumer sentiment indicator became 5.3 points in early November in the European Union's...

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Six-language wine dictionary published

Six-language grape and wine dictionary has been published by the Mezőgazda Kiadó. The publications contains more than five thousand word articles in Hungarian, English, French, German, Italian and Russian languages....

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Magazine: Cleaning products: hypermarket is the dominant retail channel

In general cleaning product retail sales augmented in the first half of 2011. The biggest category was general cleaning and scrubbing products: annual sales were above HUF 11 billion in...

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GMO-laws accepted by the government

Hungary has joined NOW the Alps-Adriatic GMO-free region, under a resolution approved by Parliament.The resolution was approved unanimously. The Alps-Adriatic GMO-free region is an initiative of Croatia....

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566.6 millionn public health tax paid so far

A total of 566.6 million HUF had been paid in the form of public health product tax – in everyday language: chipstax – in September, for the third quarter of...

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Furder decline in business and consumer expectations

In October the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjested for seasonal effects continued to deteriorate – the declining trend has been going on for eight monts. Business and consumer expectations also...

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The new industrial orders rose in the euro area, Hungary is in the forefront

In August, the new orders in the manufacturing industry increased in the euro area and in the whole European Union, after the decline of July. According to Eurostat; monthly orders...

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Vintage to be completed soon

At most of the wine regions, the harvest of the grapes has been finished; more than ninety percent of the plantations are harvested – said Horváth Csaba, Secretary-General of the...

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The mobile wallet is a good opportunity for coupons brokers

The spread of mobile wallets can fundamentally affect the future of  the Hungarian coupon broker firms – writes On Tuesday, we arrived to a technology historical milestone: Three Hungarian...

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Frozen meat: extended public debate

The Ministry of Rural Development extends the public debate on the public utilization of frozen meat to become acquainted with the opinions of all stakeholders – told the ministry's press...

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