Market News

The industry of the euro area further slows down

The euro zone’s industrial production fell in November: compared to the previous month decline was 0.1 percent, while compared to the previous year a 0.3 percent decrease occured –    reported...

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The Hungarian bakeries complaining of the Albanians bakeries

The Hungarian bakeries consider the presence of the Albanian bakeries as a problem, although some say its all about rivalry – writes Magyar Nemzet. Werli József, the professional secretary, of...

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The rate of cocoa increases at the commodity exchanges

In two days cocoa increased by 15 percent at the commodity exchanges. The rate of the raw material, began a steep rise after a nationwide strikes broke out in Nigeria,...

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IKSZ launches an awareness shaping campaign

The Beverage Carton Environmental Protection Association (IKSZ) launches a large-scale awareness raising campaign this month, with the 48 million HUF support of the European Union. The campaign can be implemented...

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The new Erzsébet-voucher can be used for eating warm meal this year

Erzsébet-voucher, which can be used to eat ready foods and cold food can be used for eating warm meal this year as well. The Erzsébet-voucher can be spent without contributions...

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Waiting for EU's arguments on disputed laws

Hungary is waiting for arguments from the European Union on disputed laws and when they are convincing, the government will be ready to consider modifying the legislation, Prime Minister Viktor...

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Chinese rich prefer to give Western luxury brands as a gift

According to the survey of the Hurun research institute; When it comes to gift giving China's rich people prefer well-known Western brands, who spend an annual tens of millions HUF...

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Magazine: Personal Marketing – build and sell yourself!

There are many well-trained and experienced marketing experts on the labour market. What can we do to increase our own value and better our position? The labour market works the...

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The renaissance of American whiskey

While many American industries are struggling with the crisis, the whisky manufacturers of Kentucky succeed, thanks to the renaissance of American whiskey-based cocktails and and the beneficial effects of the ...

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Gapwater is the most strictly controlled item for human consumption

Gapwater is the most strictly controlled item for human consumption in Hungary. 85 percent of the population drinks gapwater, and 75 percent of them are satisfied with the quality- Hungarian...

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K&H Bank SME confidence index falls to lowest point since onset of crisis

K&H Bank’s quarterly index of SME confidence declined 18 points in the fourth quarter of 2011 to minus 44 points, the index’s lowest reading since the onset of crisis. Pessimistic...

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OTP-economic index: SME sector's prospects further deteriorated

OTP Bank’s economic activity index for the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has decreased to another nadir. The confidence of the SME sector’s managers further reduced – told the OTP...

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German economic performance decreased in the last quarter

In Germany – adjusted with price effects – a 3 percent increase occurred in the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2011. The data of the German Statistical Office met the...

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Orange juice on a 30-year record level

he futures rate of orange juice increased to a three decades peak, backed by an official investigation. If the finds investigation will detect that the products that are used during...

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Magazine: Economic insecurity rewrites the definition of luxury item

Forbes magazine published an article about the conquest of hiding luxury, which started in about 2008. Instead of showing off fashionable and very expensive brand names discretion prevails. At the...

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American optimism prevails

Despite continuing high unemployment and a persistently challenging economy, a majority of Americans say they are optimistic about 2012 both in terms of the country as a whole (62%) as...

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Cafeteria is still an important tool of motivation

losely related to employee satisfaction and morale, employee motivation may be considered both an action and a status. The action occurs when management takes steps to foster a work environment...

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Exhibitors and visitors are becoming more active

Trade fairs and exhibitions play a key role in strengthening trade relations with foreign markets. The importance of Russian and Asian events keeps growing but the leading trade fairs are...

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AKI: increase in agricultural producer prices

In Hungary, agricultural producer prices typically rose; the producer price of cereals and oilseeds, or the producer price of pork was significantly above the level of the same period of...

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Retail food sales edge up 4% in 2011

According to market research company Nielsen, retail food sales in Hungary rose 4% in value terms in the twelve months to last November from the previous twelve-month period. Sales of...

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Half billion HUF for the hungarikum related tasks

In the near future, the Cabinet rearranges about 500 million forints from to hungarikum related tasks – reports Magyar Nemzet. According to the newspaper the rearrangement is expected to be...

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The entertainment industry's revenue this year may rise over a thousand billion USD

According to the forecast of the CEA; the entertainment industry's revenues this year may rise over a thousand billion USD, due to the distribution of smart phones and tablet PCs....

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K&H Bank: a new department dealing with the financing of agriculture and food industry

The K&H is one of Hungary's leading financial institutions, and it is traditionally strong among the agricultural and related – primarily food – companies. This is proven by the fact...

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The global advertising market is growing despite the euro crisis

The Warc has modified its 2012 forecasts for the global advertising market. According to the company's experts; the sector will grow by 5.4 percent this year, this a 0.9 percentage...

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The two-thirds of the sites offering consumer loans are irregular

Only 30 percent of the 562 websites, that are offering consumer credit investigated by the national authorities are line with EU consumer protection rules – said the Competition Authority's website...

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Simply Mediterranean – Italian Catholic food industry focuses on domestic products

The first Catholic Italian food portal, the Simply Med offers less expensive and only domestic products, which aims to help to the crisis-stricken families and parishes as well as the...

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U.S. consumer credit loans on a decade high level

According to the datas publsihed by Fed; the U.S. consumer lendings in November increased by much more than expected by, 20.4 billion dollars, has not seen since November 2001. On...

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Magazine: Quality, health and reliable base materials are the appeal of Hungarian products

According to Ágnes Villányi, Nielsen’s commercial relations director six out of ten consumers find it important to buy Hungarian food products. One third of them told the main reason is...

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Uncertainties around the bill-hungaricum

The government bill on Hungarikum law aims major goals. But the bills has several problems. Neither the text of the proposal or the budget does not indicate the source of...

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Analysts continue to expect growth in trade surplus

Although the trade surplus of  666 million euros of November 2011 is expected to be smaller than the analysts’ expectations further surplus is expected in the trade balance. The Central...

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