News and articles

Growth in retail sales in the euro area

The volume of retail sales in the euro area was somewhat higher than expected in October, compared to the previous month. Eurostat announced on Wednesday that the volume of retail...

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Digitalisation of the economy can give further growth to Central and Eastern Europe

The American McKinsey & Company management consultancy company suggests economic digitization in cooperation for the Central and Eastern European countries to boost their growth. On average, the ten Central and...

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Manufacturers of sweets expect a record annual turnover of over 10 billion forints

Seasonal sweets can be in excess of 10 billion forints in December, and annual candy can sales may increase from last year’s 200 billion forints to 250 billion forints. Still...

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GKI raised its GDP forecast to 4.5 percent this year

After the third quarter’s 4.8 percent increase, which is one of the fastest growth in the EU, GKI has raised its forecast for GDP this year, from 4.2 to 4.5...

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The turnover of Christmas fondants accelerates before Christmas

According to a research commissioned by the Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers, 86 percent of domestic consumers are planning to buy Christmas fondants – Sánta Sándor, the chairman of the...

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Nagy István: soy production should also be promoted in the future

In the future, the cultivation of genetically modified soybeans (GMO-free) in Hungary should be encouraged, and the strategic aim is to preserve and process domestic yields – Nagy István Minister...

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KSH: the economic weight of SMEs is considerably lower than that their proportion

The economic weight of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is considerably smaller than their proportion. While SMEs provided job opportunities to almost two-thirds (65.2 percent) of the employees in...

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Mészáros Lőrinc purchases the Mezort Általános Befektetési Zrt.

Mészáros Lőrinc purchases the Mezort Általános Befektetési Zrt. – the communication company entrusted by the businessman told MTI. According to the statement, the businessman takes over the agricultural company group...

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MLBKT: slower growth in November

The seasonally adjusted November value of the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) was 53.5, ie respondents reported more favorable processes than in the previous month, but the pace slowed down. The...

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14 percent of the Hungarian workers receive a 13th month salary at the end of the year according to a survey

14 percent of the Hungarian workers receive a 13th month salary in November and December, averaging 332 thousand forints, typically at larger private-owned private companies –’s survey reveals. 48...

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The global advertising market grew to 552 billion USD

This year, the global advertising market closed a great year. The revenues of the the global advertising market increased by 7.2 percent, compared to the previous year, to record levels...

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Christmas pines are already coming to the venues

Christmas trees arrive in the first days of December, and a significant part of them began to be cut off at the end of November – Biza Klára, Chairman of...

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The seasonal food chain control has been launched

The traditional winter food chain check-up has begun, the action lasts unil the end of the year, and it focuses on almost all products that are linked to holidays, as...

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We’ve got the winners! – MagyarBrands 2018

The MagyarBrands program evaluated the outstanding Hungarian brands for the ninth time this year: the domestic brands in excellent consumer, business and innovative categories were able to compete for the...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports Hungarian honey production

Hungarian beekeeping plays a major role in rural development, the preservation of the rural population and the maintenance of ecological balance – the Minister of Agriculture said on Sunday in...

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KSH: the income situation of households improved further last year

The income situation of households continued to improve in 2017, but their consumption expenditures also increased – the Head of Department of Quality of Life Statistics of the Central Statistical...

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The consumer protection authority has not found problems in chocolate Santas

The consumer protection authority has started the nationwide checks before the holidays, so far the experience has shown that the composition of chocolate Santa Clauses corresponds to the name, fat...

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AM: the Industry 4.0 can contribute to the development of agriculture and the food industry

The solutions of Industry 4.0 can contribute to the development of agriculture and related processing industries significantly. The government’s aim is to help and accelerate this process thereby enhancing the...

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A schnitzel can be premium: OMV’s latest sandwich offer to debut

Plum cinnamon rolls, Wiener steak, fried pork chop with potato salad – from the beginning of December we can find some of these ingredients in the premium sandwich offering of...

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Cheese dishes book on the world of Hungarian cheeses

The Cheese Dishes – From Pasture to Plate book of Segal Viktor and Sándor Tamás reviews the world of Hungarian cheeses. The book that will be published these days will...

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Nearly 2500 electric filling points to be built by Volkswagen at Tesco’s stores

The German car manufacturer and the UK trade chain will build the largest UK power supply network. Volkswagen (VW) will install nearly 2,500 electric filling points in Tesco’s six hundred...

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This year’s grain production exceeded 30 million tonnes in Romania

In Romania, this year’s grain production exceeded 30 million tonnes after last year’s 27 million tonnes – the Romanian Agriculture Minister Petre Daea announced on Monday. The minister said that...

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Accenture survey: this year, the Y generation is spending the most money on Christmas shopping

According to Accenture’s survey, this year US buyers will spend more on Christmas shopping than last year during, and the Millennium (Y generation) will spend the most. The members of...

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Magazine: Shopping mall ban – Part 2: the decree modification permit

In early 2015 the so-called ‘Shopping Mall Ban’ law entered into force: according to this, retail trade units with a floor space above 400m² can only be built, converted or...

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GKI: growth is fast but inflation is also fast

After a GDP growth rate of 4.8 per cent in the third quarter, which was one of the fastest rate in the EU, GKI, similarly to other forecasters, raised its...

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Nielsen: sales of e-shopping grew by 15 percent globally

Online sales of packaged and fresh goods have increased globally by 15 percent over the past two years. As consumers’ confidence in the online shopping ecosystem increases, the range of...

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Hungarian products were popular among families with small children

The PromoBox and the MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. sent information packages promoting Hungarian products to the families of 75 thousand newborn babies. Ten Hungarian Product Trademark Users participated in the...

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Three major food manufacturers have joined the domestic canteen program

Three major food manufacturers have joined the Domestic Raw Materials at Hungarian Canteens (HAMM) program. The HAMM was launched by Hungast, the largest public catering company in the country. Strategic...

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Plush unicorn is on podium in the Auchan Christmas toy offer

Auchan offers a wide range of games and toys for all ages and also introduces new own-branded toys for this year’s Christmas season. According to the French-based department store chain,...

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Borsodi Brewery’s sales increased this year over the market average

The sales of the Borsodi Brewery Ltd. increased this year over the market average and its sales revenue is expected to increase by 10 percent, as in last year –...

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