News and articles

Magazine: Practicality is more important than product looks

According to Réka Forgách, Essity Hungary Kft.’s Zewa brand manager, sales of household towels grew by 9.5 percent in 2018. Private label products are important in the paper towel category,...

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This year’s beer season started with premium beers

The Hungarian Beer Manufacturers Association and the Kraft Beer Association officially launched the 2019 beer season. Beer consumption has renaissance in our country. According to last year’s report, 70,000 hectoliters...

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In one year the price of potatoes and vegetables increased significantly looked at the inflation data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) in March, highlighting the sharp rise in food prices. In the consumer basket of KSH, foods have a...

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IKSZ: the population collects beverage cartons with renewed vigor

The population selects beverage cartons with a renewed momentum. Following the stagnating results of recent years, the recollection of carton boxes of dairy and fruit soup which is a valuable...

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E.ON is setting up e-charging station in over one hundred ALDI stores

The set up of the network has begun. The first electric car filling station which was developed within the collaboration between ALDI and E.ON was handed over on Thursday in...

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Nearly half of the Hungarians are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly services

42 percent of Hungarians say that they are willing to pay more for eco-friendly products, most of them up to 10-30 percent more than for a traditional product. Although the...

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Kométa 55 tons less salt in a year

The Kométa significantly reduced the salt content of its products by nearly 70 percent, while the taste experience remained unchanged. Thanks to the salt reduction program, the food manufacturer has...

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Here are the coolest Instagram brand sites in Hungary!

Thanks to the recently launched website, the top list of domestic Instagram brand pages with most followers is available. The Hungarian Insta Brandlista shows the profile of the 100...

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A new confectionery plant will be built in Békés

The Prevail Co. Kft., builds a new six thousand square meter confectionery factory from one and a half billion HUF. The foundation stone of the plant was placed in Békés...

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NAV detected a tax evading vegetable dealer network

The criminal organization dealing with vegetable trade caused more than six hundred million forints damage to the budget – the press officer of the Central Transdanubian Criminal Directorate of the...

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The Village Food Festival – Göcsej tastes gastronomic festival will be organized in the Village Museum in Göcsej

The traditional food of the region and its novel ways of preparing are presented at the first Village Food Festival on 18 May in the Göcsej Village Museum in Zalaegerszeg....

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Hungarian companies present themselves at the agricultural fair in Novi Sad

With the participation of CED Central European Economic Development Network Nonprofit Ltd., 24 Hungarian companies are represented at the 86th International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad, between 11 and 17...

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Van Genechten Packaging’s approach to award-winning packaging

The company – headquartered in Belgium – took both the top title, and the Save the Planet award for its innovative FlatSkin®, fresh food packaging at Europe’s most respected annual...

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IT company directors lead the way in going digital

Switching to digital technology requires drastic changes not only in the systems customers get in touch with directly, but also in the domains of support technologies, the culture of informatics,...

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The Lactalis dairy producer increased its market share in Romania

The Lactalis dairy producer increased its market share in Romania. The company bought the Covalact firm from the US investor SigmaBleyzer – the Ziarul Financiar economic and financial newspaper reported...

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Germany’s Kaufland Launches Insect Burgers

German retailer Kaufland has added burgers that contain buffalo worms to its assortment. The burger patties are produced by the company Bold Foods and contain protein powder from buffalo worms...

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Herbal Essences and TerraCycle launch limited edition bottles made from 23 percent beach plastic

The partnership prepares to launch a US-wide take-back recycling program on World Ocean Day, June 8, 2019 Herbal Essences has teamed up with waste management innovation company TerraCycle to create...

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Slovenia Introduces Regulation To Limit Trans Fats In Food Items

Slovenia has implemented a new regulation that limits the amount of trans fats in food items sold in the country. The regulation forbids the sale of food containing more than...

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Magazine: Gluten-free products are more common now

Tamás Czepanecz, brand manager of Nestlé Hungária Kft. informed our magazine that a little more than 1 percent of the Hungarian population are sensitive to gluten, but due to the...

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Mondelēz To Secure Cocoa Needs Through Cocoa Life Program By 2025

Mondelēz International has announced its commitment that, by 2025, the Cocoa Life sustainability programme will deliver 100% of the cocoa volume needed for the company’s chocolate brands. The news follows...

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 3.9 percent in April

In April, consumer prices were on average 3.9 percent higher than a year before, with prices rising 0.9 percent on average in March – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced...

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Palvin Barbi, the beers of the Hungarian small breweries and the glassy packaging are the most wanted

Hungarians like to drink beer anywhere, anytime, because of the taste and the good company – the survey of Beerbox revealed. Only one is a woman out of ten regular...

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Survey on the state of the digitization of the food industry

The mapping of the digitization situation of the domestic food industry companies is taking place. The survey can be completed until 17 May, 2019, and the results can contribute to...

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From Waste to Resource: Coffee Cups Made Out of Used Coffee Grounds

in 2012 Americans generated about 251 million tons of trash. From that 164 million tons were sent to landfills to be buried for decades or sent to incinerators to be burned and reduced...

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The government supports animal husbandry

Livestock farmers can rely on the help of the government and the Ministry of Agriculture – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture told in Hódmezővásárhely. Farkas...

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The NAK melon working group was established

Several tasks and goals have been set by the National Chamber of Agrarian Economics, a newly formed working group of melon-growing members. Among other things, they support this year’s campaign...

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New leader at Nestlé Hungária’s NESCAFE business branch

In April 2019, Izabela Wajnert took over the management of Nestlé Hungária’s Nescafé business branch. The new leader started her career at the company in 2001. In Poland, she worked...

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The new Pöttyös Cocoa Milk has arrived

Pöttyös has been present in Hungary for over fifty years, and during this half-century, everything was revolving around the tasty curd desserts. Now is the time to experience the unmatched...

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NMHH: the share of advertisings promote domestic products and services is low

There is still very little television advertising to promote domestic products and services, but the accessibility of TV shows remains at 99.9 percent – the National Media and Communications Authority...

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KSH: 677 million euros export surplus in March

In March, the value of commodity exports in euro rose by 4.9 percent and imports by 5.6 percent, compared to the same period of last year. The commodity turnover surplus...

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