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(HU) Férfiéleteket mentett a novemberi bajusz

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(HU) Kutatás: a húshoz jobban ragaszkodunk, mint a tejtermékekhez + receptek

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(HU) Sokkal többet tesznek félre a megtakarítók, mint a járvány előtt

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(HU) 108 ezer élelmiszercsomag a Tesco és a Nestlé jóvoltából

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(HU) Fidelity: Puha landolásra készülve

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(HU) A boltos ajándéka: jó kis munkaerőhiány

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Business Days 2021 – The 8th wonder of the world (Part 2)

Nearly 800 participants turned up to discuss the 8th wonder of the world – the restart of the sector – during the 5 five days of the Business Days conference,...

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Creaveg vegan food

Creaveg Veganmeat essential products are free from everything – they are soy-, gluten- and lactose-fee. Our Veganmeat essentials aren’t only ideal for vegans and vegetarians, but also for consumers who...

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Sága Selyemsonka from chicken breast

To accompany our turkey meat, thin sliced ham product Selyemsonka, this year we created Selyemsonka ham made from chicken breast. Selyemsonka ham is made from chicken breast that comes from...

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Magazine: Dr Mária Törőcsik’s presentation at the Business Days conference: Why are some consumers reluctant to buy?

Hungarian consumers have experienced three recessions since the political transformation in 1990: the period right after the transformation, the economic recession in 2008 and the recent pandemic. As a result...

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The law governing the food chain is being amended

From February, the largest grocery stores will be obliged to offer food products to the Food Rescue Center Nonprofit Ltd. (ÉMK) at least 48 hours before the end of their...

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Companies also help the work of the Food Bank

The Hungarian Food Bank Association can deliver 108,000 food packages to those in need thanks to the support of two companies. As a result of the collaboration between Nestlé and...

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According to a survey, 59 percent of Hungarian workers consider their job to be secure

59 percent of Hungarian employees see their job as secure for more than five years, compared to 52 percent of a year before and the proportion of those who believe...

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Oxford Economics survey: omikron markedly worsened the global business sentiment

The emergence of the rapidly spreading omicron version of the coronavirus, Oxford Economics, one of London’s most prestigious financial and economic analysts in London has significantly worsened the mood in...

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Big drop in GKI’s consumer confidence index in November

GKI’s economic sentiment index went down a little in November. In the business world every sector became a bit more optimistic, especially retail trade: the index went above the pre-pandemic...

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dm celebrated the introduction of a new beauty brand

Conscious skin care has gained enormous ground in recent years, with dm keeping up with this by expanding its facial care offerings. Geek & Gorgeous is a conscious Hungarian brand...

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Hungarians spend more than HUF 7 billion on szaloncukor

Szaloncukor traditional product of the Advent period. According to the panorama of the National Chamber of Agriculture, each household buys 1 kilo of bacon sugar per year, the most popular...

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SPAR has received new sustainability and product awards

Spar Hungary’s initiatives and products have recently been recognized with four prestigious awards. In addition to its two product awards, the company was also recognized for its circular business model...

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Yemoja’s red microalgae simulate “bleeding” in plant-based meats

Israeli marine ingredient start-up Yemoja unveils its new red microalgae “Ounje” to infuse bloody juiciness to plant-based burgers and steaks for an authentic medium-rare experience. The formulation, which contains no...

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Santa’s supply chain looks shaky this year

When analysing current global economic conditions, it should be borne in mind that 2/3 of world trade takes place at sea. Whether you buy a shirt, toy doll, computer, or...

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Kaufland Launches Beeraclez Craft Beer Range

Kaufland has launched a new craft beer range, Beeraclez, that draws inspiration from classic fairytales such as Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood, and Snow White. A QR code can be...

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SPAR Slovenia Expands Offer With Products From Michelin Chefs

SPAR customers in Slovenia can now buy products created by three Michelin star chefs – Uroš Štefelin, Gregor Vraček and Uroš Fakuč. The new additions are part of the SPAR...

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Magazine: Highs and lows

In 2020 the combined output of meat processing and preserving companies was HUF 350 billion, while meat product makers manufactured in the value of HUF 210 billion. Tamás Éder, president...

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Fanni Illés: ‘I have never wanted legs’

Paralympic swimmer Fanni Illés was born without legs and won a gold medal at the Summer Paralympic Games in Tokyo this year. She was Szilvia Krizsó’s guest in the latest...

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Does foodwaste problem to mask the new surrender law?

According to a document, the set back of food waste can be a false pretense to make the biggest grocery chains’ situation harder. Based on an almost impractical surrender rule,...

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It is worth choosing domestic freshwater fish for Christmas

Hungarian fish are of high quality and healthy. This is highlighted in a joint press statement by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Hungarian Interprofessional Organization for Aquaculture and Fisheries (MA-HAL)...

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Nagy István: fish consumption is constantly increasing

In recent years, domestic fish consumption has been growing slowly but steadily, Minister of Agriculture Nagy István said at a press conference promoting fish consumption in the Central Market Hall...

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According to a study, income of 61 percent of Hungarians did not change despite the pandemic

61% of the Hungarian population did not perceive substantial change in their income situation caused by the pandemic. About a third of the respondents reported a decrease in income –...

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Used cooking oil will be available at more than 100 Aldi stores nationwide

Aldi Magyarország is expanding its cooperation with the Biofilter Környezetvédelmi Zrt., enabling the collection of used cooking oil at more than 100 stores throughout the country. The two companies said...

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