News and articles

The 38th SPAR Budapest Marathon® Festival is here

Once again, the organizer BSI is expecting over 20,000 entries for the country’s largest leisure sports event on October 14-15. In addition to those from Budapest, entries have already come...

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Energy modernisation is the most urgent in retail trade

Businesses are taking steps against high energy costs: 6 out of 10 companies did something in the summer to reduce their energy bills, according to a K&H study. First and...

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In the OECD, inflation accelerated in August

In the countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the annual growth of consumer prices accelerated to 6.4 percent on average in August from 5.9 percent...

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In Romania, retail sales increased by 2.4 percent in the first eight months

In Romania, according to raw data, retail sales increased by 2.4 percent in the first eight months compared to the same period last year, the national statistics institute (INS) announced...

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Nébih: Coop honey puddings were recalled by the manufacturer

Due to product deterioration within the shelf life, Urban Édesipari Kft. (Budapest) recalled several Coop honey puddings from the market, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) pointed out in...

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You can once again apply for the OMÉK Marketing Award

For the eighth time, the Hungarian Marketing Association is announcing its application for the Exhibition Marketing Award at the OMÉK. The growing value of the Exhibition Marketing Award is proven...

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Tourism was a successful sector this summer

Based on the data of the National Tourist Information Center, more than 6 million guests arrived at Hungarian accommodation in the three summer months, which is 1% more than the...

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The soil will appreciate the use of organic fertilizers

Farmers can achieve higher crop yields if they pay attention not only to the health of the plants, but also to the health of the soil.The use of organic fertilizers...

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Az USA-n kívül is értékesíteni kezdi a Coca-Cola BodyArmor termékét

A Coca-Cola közölte, hogy januártól Kanada nagyvárosaiban is megkezdi BodyArmor italának értékesítését – ez az első lépés a márka nemzetközi terjeszkedésének folyamatában 2011-es alapítása óta. Mind az eredeti sportital, mind...

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Lengyelországi ramentészta-gyárába invesztál az Unilever

Az Unilever a lengyelországi Poznań városában található élelmiszergyárába eszközölt beruházással kívánja növelni ramen tészta márkáinak gyártási volumenét. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. A globális FMCG-óriás közleménye szerint...

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He organized a nut presentation for Nébih and NAK Pölöske

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) held a nut presentation in Pölöske on September 28. During the presentation, possible solutions to the...

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Perfect Fit Indoor alutasakos macskaeledel

A Perfect Fit Sterile Indoor 1+ állatorvosok és táplálkozástudományi szakemberek bevonásával kifejlesztett „Total 5” összetétele az ivartalanított macskák számára a legfontosabb öt tápanyagot ötvözi. Kizárólag a legjobb minőségű alapanyagokat használjuk,...

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Beam Suntory strengthens European presence with new French subsidiary

Multinational spirits group Beam Suntory has announced plans to launch Beam Suntory France in January 2024, establishing the Maker’s Mark and Yamazaki owner’s own route-to-market in Europe’s largest whisky market....

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Ahold Delhaize Joins European Purchasing Alliance Eurelec

Ahold Delhaize has signed an agreement to join Eurelec, the European retail alliance joint venture established in 2016 by German and French retailers REWE Group and E.Leclerc. Joint sourcing is...

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Amazon Web Services makes its artificial intelligence developments even smarter

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has switched artificial intelligence (AI) developments to a higher speed. The IT company, which opened an office in Hungary in the summer, recently announced five innovations....

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More than two-thirds of shoppers will pay a premium for fresh food: Deloitte

More than two-thirds (68%) of shoppers who participated in a recent survey “Fresh Food at the Intersection of Trust and Transparency,” conducted by Deloitte indicated they are willing to pay...

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Hungarian and Moldovan relations must be made closer

Agriculture Minister István Nagy discussed agricultural, food industry and plant breeding issues with Dumitru Alaiba, Moldova’s minister responsible for economic development and digitalization, in his office on Wednesday morning. The...

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7.4 billion forints will be reimbursed to the producers

On October 6, 2023, the Hungarian State Treasury will begin refunding to more than 70,000 producers the amount of HUF 7.4 billion that was previously withdrawn for the purpose of...

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The latest issue of Trade magazine has been published!

The digital version is available with more content once again, and can be read by clicking on the front page below. In the October issue of Trade magazin, we set...

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CSR Hungary Summit 2023: A good place to be! Where it’s good to study! Where it’s good to develop!

Since 2006, the CSR Hungary conferences have been the leading professional events for CSR Hungary’s corporate responsibility and sustainability decision makers. This year, the fall CSR Hungary Summit awaits economic...

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Stores are still more popular than webshops

Due to the rise of e-commerce solutions, many people in trade might have thought that traditional stores were dying. However, customers seem to have a different opinion and are not...

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Dr. Mária Törőcsik is the lifetime achievement awardee of the Hungarian Marketing Association

In addition to annually awarding the best marketing and digital solutions, the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) also awards the organization’s most important recognition, the Tonk Emil Lifetime Achievement Award, in...

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HEINEKEN Hungária Zrt. and the University of Sopron continue their cooperation for the responsible consumption of alcohol by young adults

HEINEKEN Hungária Zrt. and the University of Sopron have renewed their long-standing cooperation. The most important objective of the long-term partnership is to deliver the message of responsible alcohol consumption...

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Kivezeti kínálatából az egyszer használatos evőeszközöket a brit ALDI

Az ALDI kivezeti az összes egyszer használatos evőeszközt Food to Go kínálatából, ezzel is arra ösztönözve a fogyasztókat, hogy térjenek át a többször használható eszközökre. A cikk a Trade magazin...

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Nutriversum is replacing plastic waste with vitamin C throughout October

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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DS Smith and Coca-Cola replace unit packaging plastic carrying tabs with ‘DS Smith Lift Up’ packaging innovation

DS Smith, a leading global sustainable packaging company, and Coca-Cola are replacing the plastic carrying handles of unit packaging with the ‘DS Smith Lift Up’ corrugated packaging innovation. DS Smith...

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ALDI promotes Hungarian Product Month with a prize draw

In August ALDI organised a consumer prize draw in cooperation with Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. Promoting Hungarian Product Month, between 3 and 30 August ALDI offered valuable prizes to customers...

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Flexitarian nutrition is becoming more and more popular

Paying attention to the topics of sustainability and plant-based nutrition, the first flexitarian conference will be organized on November 17 at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen,...

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Regina XXL 2 tekercses konyhai papírtörlő

Próbáld ki az ÚJ, Regina XXL konyhai papírtörlőt! Erős és kiváló nedvszívó tulajdonsága mellett a mérete révén is kiemelkedő társad lehet a konyhában. Minden egyes tekercse kétszer olyan hosszú, mint...

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Tesco and its customers are supporting the fight against breast cancer together again this year

As in previous years, Tesco also launched a charity campaign in October 2023 to support the fight against breast cancer. By purchasing products marked with the Go Pink label, customers...

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