News and articles

Brands love mommy-bloggers

Mommy-bloggers can easily become the big fishes of online marketing in the near future.   As a matter of fact, mothers are top-consumers: they are  responsible for $2.1 trillion of...

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Online Retailers getting more popular

If current trends continue, online retailers could outstrip the popularity of high street giants, according to TNS Worldpanel.   In its annual top 10 list of the favourite retailers in...

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Tesco to open bank branches in 30 stores this year

By the end of the year, 30 new instore bank-branches are about to be opened by UK retailer Tesco, The Independent reported. The first branches will open in Blackpool, Coventry...

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Tesco is the most creditable merchandising retail chain according to Hungarian consumers

Tesco-Global Plc. is considered to be one of the most creditable Hungarian brands and the best trusted food retailer, says Reader's Digest's Trusted Brands 2009 survey. Reader's Digest Trusted Brands...

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BB Plc wins silver medal at French wine competition

The 16th annual Chardonnay du Monde international wine competition recognises Balatonboglári Borgazdasági Plc.'s 2008 wine Chapel Hill Chardonnay as a silver medal winning product. The world’s best Chardonnay wines and...

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Expectations hit bottom again

According to the survey conducted by GKI Economic Research Co. ( with the support of the European Union, neither businesses nor consumers have ever been as pessimistic before as this...

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METRO joined the global movement Earth Hour

Earth Hour — at 8.30 p.m. local time on Saturday, 28th March — offered a unique opportunity for all METRO stores to demand action to combat climate change by switching...

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V4 commercial ethical code is about to come

The Agricultural Chambers of V4-countries agreed to take steps against dishonest merchants jointly, at the V4-conference in Debrecen organized by the Hungarian Agricultural Chamber. The V4 Agricultural Chambers have taken...

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Energizer campaigns for fresh air

The more customers of Energizer or Wilkinson products send in the data featured on their receipts, the more chance there is for Energizer-gardeners to clean up the park or green...

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Even 20%-profit increase available with data analysis methods

Firms with an outstanding performance use analysis techniques five times more frequently than weaker companies do.   Surveys justify that a carefully-planned analysis toolbar and the exploration of deeper contexts...

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REWE to break up with joint venture partner for Russia

According to German business magazin Lebensmittel Zeitung, Marta Unternehmensberatung, Rewe Group's expansion partner for its supermarket division in Russia, has gone into Austrian court.   Rewe Group has confirmed that...

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Lidl's logistics development in France

The new unit will supply 51 discount stores near the Swiss border.  Schwarz Group Lidl has invested EUR23 million on a new logistics platform in the Isere department near Grenoble...

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Tesco joined to Earth Hour action

On 28th March to frontlighting of three Tesco hypermarkets will be back for a half hour.  Earth Hour program began in Sydney, Australia in 2007 and aims to promote energy...

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Students plan future's Henkel products

Over 600 students from 11 countries submitted their ideas to the ‘Henkel Innovation Challenge’ competition.  The challenge this time: competing students will be expected to act as creative business development...

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Novelty at Nestea Vitao

Nestea Vitao Strawberry combines the power of antioxidants with a light refreshing tea taste with strawberry flavour.   NESTEA Vitao shuttered the liberal and naive updating effect of the folding...

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'Young Enterproneurs of the Future' were awarded

Dreher Brewery submits the talented youngs with all together HUF 6 million and with half year free of charge advises in realisation of entrepreneurship.   It was the third time...

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BAT is helping at homelesses' catering

“Let us help with a dish of eat! – with this address gave out common appeal the Menhely Alapítvány (Foundation Almshouse) and the British American Tobacco Hungary. One of key...

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Road Parcel divorced name

The company owned by Austrian Post changes it's name to “trans-o-flex” from 2009th April. Road Parcel was estableshed in 1997 as package delivery service, from the next month firm changes...

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Nestlé will grow in 2009

Because of the financial crisis the sales of frozen food and chocolate were up and mineral water were down.   "Nestle will also grow respectably in 2009. But that doesn't...

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Agricultural Chambers of V-4 countries meet in Debrecen

The chambers of Visegradi countries agreed, that the European Union should assure the minimum price of the milk on a stage, which covered the manufacturing cost as many as.  ...

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Winding up of Horker

The company had yearly HUF 8 billion revenue, but its financing bank annuled in 2007 and than started the graceful degradation.   According to business daily Napi Gazdaság, the former...

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Tesco hypermarket to open in Mohacs

The new 1,000 sqm big warehouse waits there consumers from 25th March in Family Center shopping mall.  The store gives work directly for more than 100 people. It offers almost...

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Rebranding Carrefour stores in Belgium

Belgian supermarket chain would be interested in taking over some Carrefour stores if the French group decided to exit Belgium, the retailer’s CEO told in a Belgian magazine.   "If...

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Carrefour opens first store in Bulgaria

With a sales area of 8,300 square metres, the store offers over 50,000 SKUs, including 3,500 Carrefour own-branded products. Carrefour opened its first store in Bulgaria on 25 March in...

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PayPass 50 million issued

MasterCard Worldwide announced that in the last year more than doubles the number of cards and devices in circulation around the world.   PayPass is designed to provide a convenient...

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Retail of clothes is bipolar

Last year an average Hungarian family spent HUF 108,500 for clothes and shoes. Most of them for overclothes.  According to FashionScope research by GfK Hungary customers used both pole of...

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Coop Szolnok bought the Héliker chain

The member of Coop group won on appraisement application of the Héliker Zr. against Tesco. With acquisition the sales of Coop Szolnok grew by HUF 9 billion, the retail area...

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Anomalous champagne testing in heart of Budapest

Törley Champagne manufacture organised the first „Evening of Champagne” on 19th March at Hungarian Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The guest of the evening tasted Törley's champagnes specialities: Törley, François, Champagne...

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Gramex is in expansion

The construction works of Gramex 2000 Ltd.'s manufacturing-hall as well as warehouse of raw material and wholly manufactured goods finished in Veresegyház industrial park.   Currently, including the expansion the...

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Conference about falsification and corruption

17th KRIMINALEXPO IT-SEC, organised by Assotiation of Hungarian Attornies co-settling of Ministry of Judge takes place between 5-7 May 2009 in Europa Congress Center Budapest.  This year the topic of...

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