News and articles

Agriculural trade-show with top Hungarian food-products

Agrarexpo of Szent György-day located in Pápa is one of the most significant, specifically agricultural trade-shows of the region, with a wide spectrum of high quality food-products.  The event organized...

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Hungarian food-products available via online order

Starting from late March, stores and dealers may order Hungarian food-products online, thanks to a new website started by Premium Gastro Ltd. and Premium Hungaricum Association.  „Of course we still...

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External balance improvement under external pressure

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. prepared in co-operation with Erste Bank, the global economic crisis pushed the Hungarian economy onto a new development path   External...

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Opten: 1184 liquidation proceedings announced in March

Though the number of liquidation orders in Hungary's property industry fell last month, March saw an even greater number of liquidation processes, Opten company information service has reported. Liquidation proceedings were...

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Egg-prices going through a moderate raise during the Easter-season

Egg-prices in Hungary are facing a moderate, less than 10 percent increase during the Easter-season, due to the decrease of effective demand.  This Easter, egg-prices are going through a rather...

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Customers are fed up with low quality Easter-bunnies

Last spring, over 967 tons of seasonal Easter-candies were sold, and most of these chocolate-bunnies had been made of high-quality, at least 35% percent cocoa-content.  „In the past few years,...

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Experts want soft-drink producers to use less sugar

What you drink may be more important than what you eat, according to researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.  Researchers believe that soft drink producers should...

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Nestle benefiting from recession

While the world's top food groups battle a slowdown this year, Nestle SA has the credentials to exploit the recession. In spite of the crisis, Nestle seem to have closed...

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Bref Tornado Gel for dirty work

Following the Bref Tornado active toilet cleaning powder launched in 2008, the new Bref Tornado Gel was introduced in February 2009....

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Award for TV2 BRANDcare – T-Home cooperation

In the Local Deal of the Year category of the Festival of Media Awards, the brand introduction campaign of T-Home has reached the final. This innovative BRANDcare solution based on...

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Higher quality PET for fruit juice

Though consumption of fruit juices dropped last year, strong brands were not particularly badly hit, because consumers appreciate innovations even in cheaper segments. Owing to increasing price consciousness, the time...

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Recession in butchers’ shops

Trends in the world market of meat and poultry are monitored by the Agricultural Business Research Institute (AKI). Data from the market price information system (PÁIR) of KSH and AKI...

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The highly functional brand message of enviga – boosting metabolism – is conveyed by using a windmill, a unique creative tool which symbolises natural freshness and constantly changing energy levels....

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SIÓ helping children in need

The Thank you SIÓ! Schoolbag Program will help 1000 children in 2009. The program is composed of two parts: a description of the children nominated and a drawing competition. A...

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Hungarian foods sampled in Germany

Producers of bio products from all over the world met at the Biofach exhibition held in Nürnberg, between 19-22 February. The event was attended by 22 Hungarian companies with the...

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Chains of small stores increasing their market share

According to data from the GfK Hungária ConsumerScan, decline in the market of fruit juices continued in 2008. Growth was recorded only in the nectar segment. Sales in terms of...

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Expectations reaching lowest point ever

The conjuncture index of GKI has been falling for the fifth consecutive month. According to a survey conducted by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt., the deterioration in business expectations speeded up in...

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In the spot, an attractive female dentist reminds us that the use of the new Colgate Total Advanced Clean toothpaste will help in keeping our teeth free of plaque, because...

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A bit of optimism always useful

In spite of the economic crisis, more money was spent on Coca-Cola in January than ever before, with Coca-Cola accounting for 36 per cent of total sales of carbonated soft...

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Lidl embarking on logistic projects in France. This member of the Schwarz-group has invested EUR 23 million into the construction of a 30,000 square meter logistic base near Grenoble. The...

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Shiny teeth – preferably with promoted products

Experts believe that mouth hygiene is still behind Western standards in Hungary, which means there is still room for development. Brand loyalty is low in the mouth care market, with...

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Sales still not dropping in terms of quantity in Spain

Spain is one of the leading European markets, with 45 million consumers. In the fourth quarter of 2008, it was still one of the ten European countries where no drop...

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Kinder Maxi King, Kinder Hűtött Finomságok

As many gifts as many reasons to unwrap! The Kinder Hűtött Finomságok promotion has entered its third period. The attractiveness of this period and the film is due to the...

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Fastest growing foods

Table. Products achieving the biggest growth in the February 2008-February 2009 period. (percentage)...

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Tesco, CBA and Coop leading, with Spar and Lidl catching up

Tesco, CBA and Coop lead the top list of retail companies generating the highest revenues in 2008. Tesco generated revenues of HUF 602 billion, while revenues of Héliker, the last...

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A shiny and healthy smile from children with Gabi

The Gabi brand includes two toothpaste products, Tejfogkrém and Málnás tejfogkrém for children. Communication this year focuses on the 40 anniversary of the brand. Sales of toothpaste are highly concentrated,...

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Retail sales down almost everywhere in Europe

According to an Eurostat estimate, retail sales continued to drop in the EU in December 2008. Sales were down by 0.8 percent in the EU-27 countries on average and by...

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Continuous innovation and finding new markets: a way out of the crisis

We have asked the president-CEO of PICK SZEGED Zrt., László Kovács about prospects for his company and the meat sector in general. The Hungarian meat industry suffered losses amounting to...

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Synergon Retail Systems Kft. becoming “Hungarian company off to the most dynamic start”

Romulus Steinbinder, managing director of Synergon Retail Systems Kft. received the “Hungarian company off to the most dynamic start” certificate from Up Club Hungary on behalf of the company on...

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Héliker acquired by Coop Szolnok

The offer made by Coop Szolnok Zrt. for Héliker Zrt. has beaten that of Tesco. As a result of the acquisition, annual revenues of the company will rise by HUF...

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