News and articles

The courses of the Hungarian Marketing Association ended with great success

The Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) held a a series of events with the support of the National Development and Ministry of Economy for the domestic small and medium size enterpise...

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Another prestigious awards for the Soproni product family

Soproni brand family has won several awards again on Monde Selection world qualifying tournament for beers from all over the world. The awards ceremony, took place on 1 June in...

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The Hungarian Purchasing Manager index increased

The market is dominated by the positive news nowadays so it is not surprising that the Hungarian purchasing manager index joined the large team of indexes with optimistic vision. Following...

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Tesco eatblishes Banks

One of the world's leading retail chain announced to expand its already broad portfolio. Tesco has promised that to end of the year its 30 new banks will be opened...

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Food prices are falling since last year's peak

Food prices decreased 2.2 percent globally, since the beginning of 2008. According to the food price index of Economist, prices decreased by 25 percent since the peak last July globally....

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Henkel Innovation Challenge International student challenge has been closed

Henkel has announced its second international student challenge under the name of Henkel Innovation Challenge in the autumn of 2008. Twelve student groups from different European countries measured their power...

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Wal-Mart Bharti opens first BestPrice store

The first BestPrice wholesale store, a joint venture between Wal-Mart Inc and Bharti Enterprises has opened in Amritsar, Punjab, India. The new store will stock around 6,000 items, including fresh...

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It is time for barbecues

The barbecue season is coming, when the domestic retail trade transacts the bulk of its turnover with special sausages and spices. About 1.3 billion HUF grilled sausage has been sold...

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Drought package from the Chamber of Agriculture

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture in order to reduce losses caused by the drought, has submitted proposals to the Agriculture Minister. According to the views of the organisation, the developed...

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Tesco is building environmentally friendly hypermarkets

The British chains of stores are building a completely environmentally friendly, hypermarket, that is completely environmentally friendly, and operating with the minimization of emissions. The new technology will however raise...

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Bravo – “Party Party Praty” Summer promotion

Rauch Hungária Ltd. puts great emphasis on promotions every year. This summer, Rauch Hungária plans a game on Bravo brand for the 15-24 year-olds. The game is based on the...

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Descending pessimism in the U.S. manufacturing industry, increasing savings

In April, the U.S. household savings willingness increased, in May, the value of ISM Institute's purchasing managers index of manufacturing increased from 40.1 points to 42.8 points. The ISM index...

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The crisis in the European manufacturing industry is softening

Eurozone's manufacturing purchasing managers index in rose from April's 36.8 points to 40.7 points in May, slightly above the preliminary estimates. Increasing is indicated by the value over 50 points,...

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Descending beer consumption in the last two years

The economic crisis has reached the Hungarian brewing industry, the total sales of the brewers decresed by 7 percent compared to the results of previous year. According to the informations...

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The number of late loan repayers has been significantly increased

At the end of March 24 thousand companies had their credibility in late, compared to the same period of last year's , 18 thousand – reports MTI. The rate of...

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Marketing against the crisis

Not only the big but also the small and medium-sized companies are also interested in building out and developing its own customer database. The widely used marketing tools can extend...

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Danone shares can be subscribed

Danone would utilize the 3.05 billion euros which would came from a preferential share issue on debt repayment and the purchasing of smaller rival firms – reports Világgazdaság Online. Danone...

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Thee decline in the Hungarian food retail market has been stopped

According to Nielsen market research company's analysis of twenty European countries, the Hungarian food retail sales volume of goods remained stable in the first quarter of the year compared to...

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Growth and real optimism at McDonald's

McDonald's has maintained its leading position. Seventy-nine million guests, 12 percent growth, a $ 38.7 billion HUF in turnover and 1.54 billion operating profit were last year’s results. The company...

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The Hungarian economy has been increased in May

According to the common indicator of Világgazdaság and Ecostat – called the speed-up guide (GYIA) – after the decline of April, the economy increased by 0.33 percent in May. It...

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Deák Ferenc elected again

Deák Ferenc who is the Managing Director of Henkel Hungary has been elected as the President of the Hungarian Brand Alliance for a further two years, on the General Meeting...

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Mars Hungary – less chocolate, more pet food this year

Mars Hungary plans a turnover of 50 billion HUF for the 2009 financial year, stated, Ács Tamás the Executive Director of Mars Hungary on a press conference held in Budapest...

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No need to re-authorize the cash registers

The shops do not need to re-authorize the cash registers because of the increase in VAT and excise tax. A simple parameter modification is enough – stated the fiscal business-leader...

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Dry weather is bad for agriculture

Despite the rain falls of the recent days, 200 millimeters are still missing from the usual amount of precipitation. The dry weather can cause more than 100 billion HUF losses...

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Chiquita Ltd. abolished

The Vác based fruit trader the Chiquita Hungary Trading Ltd. will be wound up. The company majority-owned by Chiquita Banana Company B.V. registered in the Netherlands, imported fruits, especially bananas...

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Lidl plans to enter Romanian market

Discount food chain Lidl has advanced plans to enter the Romanian market and is currently scouting out potential store space, according to representatives of the company quoted by local newspaper...

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Consumer confidence in the United States is improving

The confidence indicator of Conference Board's the leading market research group increased to 54.9 points in May after April’s 40.8 points. The prior expectation was only 42.3 points. By the...

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Liquidation of Herz Salami has been started

The liquidation application against Herz Salami Ltd. became effective. It is begining of the liquidation of the 120 year old domestic company. The company's majority owner Jámbor János said, that...

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Save and invest rather than taking up loans

The economic crisis did not change the financial habits of people, however changed the usage of financial products – states the study of GfK Hungária market Researc Institute. The financial...

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Bank guarantee program to help food processors

The Food Industry Bank Guarantee Program of Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) provides a total of 37.5 billion HUF working capital loan for helping out the businesses. With the 90 percent...

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