News and articles

The Hungarian canning industry is in double-fold

The Hungarian canning industry is still struggling with survival. While the demand is declining the production prices of the producers increased by about 20 percent.  Although the Hungarian Ministry of...

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Budapest is one of the best city to live in the region

According to the report of The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) of the London Economic Analyst House; from the EU countries in Eastern Europe, Budapest is one of the best city...

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Most people believes, that ads are economically useful

According to the survey of Nielsen market research company, made by the participation of 50 country; consumers do not hate advertising, so that a large majority of the ads play...

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Tesco Express store opened in Óbuda and Kispest, hypermarket opened in Sárbogárd

Two Tesco Express stores opened on Friday in Budapest. The new format stores has much smaller business space but waiting the customers with selected product range, and the usual quality....

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Hypermarkets choose Hungarian fruit

The hypermarkets in their range of fruit and vegetable products, prefer Hungarian products because the Hungarian consumer usually prefer domestic fruit and vegetables and is more economical to buy from...

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Despite the crisis, the after tax results of Danone has increased

Danone, the world leader in dairy sales reported a 722 million euros after-tax profit in the first half of the year, 7.6 percent more than a year before. The income...

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Borsodi Brewery Ltd. became Superbrands

The Borsodi Brewery Ltd. has received the Business Superbrands 2009 award. A number of products of the Brewery was awarded with consumer Superbrands award earlier, but this time the company's...

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Armonia mall in Romania – have recently opened and already being closed

After nine months of operation, the Armonia Shopping Mall which built with 45 million euros investment will be closed in Braila, Romania. The turnover of the renters was less than...

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The economic index of GKI improves for the third month

The seasonal adjusted volume of the GKI economy index increases since three months. Accordding to a the survey of GKI Economic Research Company with the support of the European Union...

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The European Parliament does not agree with the Commission in the case of milk

The European Parliament strongly criticized the European Commission, due to the insufficient action list of the dairy crisis. The majority of Specialists believe that the increase of milk quotas caused...

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British retail sector performed well

In June, the British retail datas increased by 1.2 percent, three times bigger than expected. The annual growth was 2.9 percent (2.2 percent had been forecasted). The development of the...

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Two prestigious awards for Henkel

Henkel has won four consecutive years, in the competition of the world's most competitive companies. The company received a Platinum award for its annual report and won gold for an...

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The hundredth Spar supermarket converted from Plus store has opened

The SPAR Hungary Ltd. took over a year ago, the 174 businesses of the Plus network. In January 2009 the transformating of Plus stores into Spar supermarkets has been started....

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One purchaser is out of competition for Borsodi Brewery

The venture capital ace could not obtain sufficient credit, and therefore got out of the competition of purchasing the Hungarian Borsodi Brewery. According to Bloomberg’s information; KKR has withdrawn from...

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Fruit juice production – as a family business

In the last period, the fruit processors operating as small family businesses have been multiplied. The increasing unemployment and the extremely low fruit price also play an important role in...

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Food prices remained high in the poor countries

According to an UN report; food prices will never return to the level of two years ago, before the price explosion. Prices will increase in the developed countries, with the...

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Trademark on Hungarian wheat

The National Association of Cereal Growers (GOSZ) created a trademark called Pannon Wheat that the producers could sell their extra quality wheat at good price on the markets, especially abroad....

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Cafeteria which is a special tool of motivation still worth it

According to the communique of Nexon; although tax will be charged to the fringe benefits, it will be worth to the companies from 2010-to avail themselves of these opportunities. The...

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World trade expanded last year despite the crisis

Global Merchandise export increased by 15 percent nominally and in real terms by 20 percent to 15.78 billion USD, while services increased by 11 percent to $ 3.73 billion USD...

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SZÖVET producer action in Budapest

The producers of the Association for the Living Tisza (SZÖVET) waiting their costumers at five locations in Budapest, in particular with peach, plum, apples, cherries, tomatoes, potatoes, and apricot. The...

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Eight products of Tortellino Ltd. can be marketed again

The Pest County MGSZH and the Food Chain Safety and Animal Health Directorate in the cases of 8 products lifted the block. Thirteen products of Tortellino Ltd. were blocked 30th...

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Innovating summer at Szentkirályi

In the summer of 2009 Szentkirályi Mineral Water Ltd., introduced several novelties at a number of products to be better suited to consumer needs. At flavored waters a new flavor...

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Lots of British pubs closed due to the crisis

An average of 52 UK pubs close every week because of the crisis. Last year, a total of 24 thousand people lost their jobs due to closure of pubs. In...

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The market share of Tesco fell a bit, while others grow

Tesco could not able to maintain its earlier market share in the British grocery market in the last three months, but the reduction was only one-tenth, so after the previous...

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MFB is still lending – with positive changes

The Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) has changed the financing of agricultural enterprises in three points. So far, more than 400 businesses get 19 billion HUF credit which was enough to...

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Brussels is not willing to reduce the milk quota

Milk quotas will not be reduced and the freezing of the gradual quota increase, decided last year – states the European Commission's report, which leaked to several news agencies before...

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LEI index: recession can end in the United States

The composite index of U.S. economic indicators (leading indicators), increased by 0.7 percent in June, which is higher than the expected 0.5 percent. It is the third consecutive month, that...

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Another fusion in the Coop Group

The Economic Competition Authority (GVH) accepted that the food-group Nyírzem Ltd., – which is part of the Coop group will obtain 60 percent share in the Mezőkövesd Zrt. According to...

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Henkel stepped onto a better position on the list of the world's largest companies

Henkel improved 20 places to the 448th place on the 500 list of american Fortune magazine in the rankings of the companies with the largest turnover, furthermore the first time...

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Lots of students at McDonald's

This year summer work for students is ten times oversubscribed at McDonald's. The jobs have run out in a few days. Until mid-summer 3500 person tried to get a seasonally...

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