News and articles

The 500 largest companies of the region – the Hungarians are in better position

Manager magazine publishes – with the contribution of Coface Hungary – the list of the Top 500 Central and Eastern European companies.The Top 500 list publishes the ranking of the...

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SPAR: Customer loyalty program and SuperShop card

SPAR Hungary Ltd. introduces the SuperShop program from 3rd September 2009 in all SPAR and Interspar supermarkets of the country. The country's largest customer loyalty program will be available in...

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Conscious nutrition for healthy aging

Various studies show, that a huge number of pensioners living in retirement homes do not receive age-appropriate, balanced diet and many have not taken the recommended daily amount of energy....

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McDonald's choose communication adviser on tender

The Avantgarde Group has won the tender of McDonald's Hungarian Restaurant Network Ltd. on public relations consultancy tasks. The private invitation tender was issued at the same time, (1st July)...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports efficient irrigation

From the autumn, non-refundable support can be be requested for water-saving irrigation technologies – appears in the ruling of the Minister for Agriculture. In the case of irrigating from layer...

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The purchasing manager index has improved after one and a half year

The total performance of the manufacturing industry has improved in August, in the United States. This is the first month, during the past year and a half, when the sector’s...

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The turnover of the turkey processing plant increases

According to Gallicoop Turkey Processor Zrt.; the week forint and the increase for domestic demand – especially for fresh goods – created favorable conditions, for an increase in the company’s...

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There will not be Kassa-Miskolc Expo

The management of the two cities initiated to postpone the Kassa-Miskolc EuroExpo Slovak-Hungarian exhibition and fair. Káli Sándor Mayor of Miskolc and Frantisek Knapik Mayor of Kassa agreed, that the...

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Dairy producers contemplating an EU-wide strike

Dairy producers could decide European Union-wide strike, if there will not be favorable decisions on next week's meeting of agriculture ministers of the member states – announced on Tuesday by...

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Gianni is the new face of Lidl

Discover a new world every week in Lidl! – This is the concept of the new Lidl series of commercials. The chain's 2009-2010's campaign starring Gianni Annoni well-known from cooking...

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Deposit could also be chargeable to chocolate paper

One large supermarket chain charge 5 HUF deposit in the prices of the most beverage products. When the buyer returns the bottles to the store, they got the deposit back....

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New Managing Director at FrieslandCampina

After the successful FrieslandCampina merger taking place at the end of last year, Johan Priem assumed the position of Managing Director of FrieslandCampina Hungária ZRt., carrying out this role at...

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Henkel aspires on sustainable water usage for half a century

The drinking water is a great asset in the world. Henkel continously improves its high technology products and production technology in order to conserve resources. The company, pays increased attention...

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Cheerful delicacy from Storck – Smilegummi nimm2 has arrived

New family members of Storck will arrive in September. The nimm2 hard candies and the sweet gum of nimm2, the Smilegummi also arrived, in three kind of tastes. The Storck...

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The confidence of the people and businesses is to raise

The August 2009 economic index of Ecostat increasing since February, with varying intensity. The rate of improvement excessed of 7 percentage points. Besides the strenghtening public optimism, the confidence of...

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German retail re-started again

Retail sales in Germany increased again in July, after June’s decline. The increase can be linked to the activation of the customers due to the falling prices and the improving...

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The question is whether there will be suppliers law in the autumn

It remains an open question, what will be with the law about the unfair trade practices, against agricultural and food products suppliers. The legislation was sent back by President László...

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The heat affect Szentkirályi sales well

The Mineral Water Ltd. had 6 percent increase in the first six months of this year compared to last year, due to the hot summer months. According to the company’s...

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Artificial cheese and ham

In recent months, in Germany and Austria, the designation of artificial cheese and artificial ham was a regular topic in the media. In particular, consumer protectors required a more precise...

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From September “Our school will win!” again

The children have taken the possession of the new playground of the Education Center of Marcalváros, which was realized from the main prize of the “Our school will win!” program...

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A British tourist drinks 4 liters of beer per day

According to a research of 3500 employees, British drink an average of 80 pints of beer (approximately 38 liters) during a ten-day holiday. Alcohol abuse in Great Britain is a...

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Find 1 million a week or a vacation! – Apenta Lottery Campaign

Apenta Lottery Campaign ended after nine weeks. During the consumer promotion, more than hundred thousands envelopes had been received. Among those who took part in the game, 30 beach chair...

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Perwoll White Magic with whitening-renewal effect

The basic color of the summer wardrobe is white – but it is not easy to preserve the whiteness of the clothes. They can became gray during washing. Henkel Perwoll...

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Veolia – ECO-KORD co-operation: a world-class waste recovery

Eco-Kord National Nonprofit Ltd. which coordinates the collection of packaging waste has made exclusive partnership contracts with the leading companies of environmental management services. The goal of the Eco-Kord National...

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Bábolna International Farmer Days for the 25th time

This year, between 16th and 19th 2009 September, the Bábolna International Farmer Days will be held with a specialty. This will be 25th time that the Bábolna International Farmer Days...

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Wine growers faces with sales problems

According to Horváth Csaba, Secretary-General of HNT; This year, 3.5 million less hectoliters of wine was produced than last year. It is estimated that this year the same amount as...

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Organic foods tolerate the crisis well

According to market researchers, economic downturn did not harm the sales of the organic products in most countries. On the basis of the feedback of traders, the growth in Hungary...

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Lean pro day in Debrecen

American Chamber of Commerce organises Lean proffessional day 3rd September 2009 in Debrecen. At the event, the Lean management philosophy (minimize the losses), will be the main theme. The system...

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Eurokonform casher will be a mandatory next year

According to the decision of the Government from the 1st September 2009 only eurokonform hardwares (eg: cash register, taximeters) could be purchased from EU budget and funds, which is capable...

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More needs to be learnt in the managing of PET bottles

During the summer heat up to twice as many PET bottles are purchased. On an annual basis, the number of empty PET bottles are up to 1,4-1,6 billion, which is...

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