News and articles

Seventeen and a half billion HUF for small and medium-sized enterprises

The National Development Agency will announce the second time this year, the Economic Development Operational Program, and the Central Hungary Operational Program applications for the development of technological basis of...

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Retail sales can be expanded by 20 to 44 -year-olds

According to the new analysis of Research and Markets, Irish market research company; Hungarian retail sales turnover may expand by 13 percent between 2008 and 2013. According to the company’s...

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Széchenyi: Hungary will be

The 120 thousandth Széchenyi card was ceremonially handed over. This high number also shows that appropriate means should vote in confidence, to the Hungarian companies. Up to date, outsourcing capital...

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According to the Chamber of Agriculture; the crisis widened

There's a big problem in agriculture: the economic crisis now really reached the industry, which is compounded by the almost a complete shutdown of credit and a full product depression...

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Váci Street slipped back in the rankings

According to a recent analysis; New York's Fifth Avenue remained the most expensive shopping mall in the world. Váci Street of Budapest slipped back four places in the rankings. New...

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Törley Gála is the gold medalist of Mundus Vini

Gala sec quality sparkling wine of Törley Champagne winery won the only Hungarian gold medal on MUNDUSvini Great International Wine Awards competition in Germany. Hungarians won eight more medals. On...

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Promenade of great palinkas

Visitors can taste drinks of twenty exhibitors, from apple and elderberry palinka, through blackberry and raspberries or dogberry palinka on the so called Palinka Promenade event, from Friday to Sunday...

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Dreher is looking for the Young Entrepreneur of the future

The “Young Entrepreneur of the Future” tender of the Dreher Breweries makes the opportunity to for the fourth time, for ambitious young people, to realize their business dreams. The jury...

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Growing numbers of bankrupting meat companies

More than a hundred meat companies’ liquidation was started in August. Since last October, more and more larger companies are wound up, leaving a growing number of unemployed and unpaid...

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Individual companies can be established from January

New company types, limited or unlimited liability individual firms will be introduce by the proposal of the Ministry of Finance, which is available on the website of the Parliament. From...

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Point collecting cards become more popular

The declining consumption due to the crisis, started an expansion on the market, of point collecting and loyalty cards. A number of smaller companies have also ventured into the point...

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Borsodi may have been sold

According to the informations of the Belgian De Standaard; the CVC Capital Partners Venture Capital company buys the Central and Eastern European subsidiaries of the Inbev Anheuser-Busch, including the Hungarian...

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New Hungarian developed marketing tool in the shops

Laurel Computer Systems Ltd. developed and put into service a world novelty indoor marketing tool. The gastronomic destination computer, providing information which also helps in choosing wines.  Laurel Ltd.’s wine...

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Szent István Korona Irsai Olivér doubled

The favorite wines of the audience has been elected on the 18th International Wine and Champagne festival. In the white wine category, Szent István Korona Irsai Olivér won, which has...

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Discount actions in Slovakian stores

In the autumn the Slovakian chains’ struggle for costumers becomes more acute of this year. More and more stores are offering discounts; up to 50 percent, or well-known “pay two,...

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The meat is cheaper, eggs will be more expensive

The price of feed corn reduces, the costs of the meat industry decrease, and this will be seen in prices. However, the price of eggs can be sustained over 30...

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Simone Bagel-Trah became the new chairman of Henkel's owner committee

Simone Bagel-Trah has been elected as the new president of Henkel’s owner committee, who will gain the chairmanship of the Supervisory Board on Tuesday. The new president takes over the...

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Twenty-four percent less cereals grew compared to last year

KSH reported about decreasing cereal crop, in accordance with the previous forecasts. Compared to 2008 a 24 percent occured, compared to the previous 5-year period, a 15 percent less cereal...

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Hungary will be key partner on the Plovdiv International Fair

This year, despite the crisis, sixty, Hungarian companies will be represented on the Plovdiv International Fair, almost doubleing last year’s participation numbers. Hungary got a priority partner country status on...

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Fair Business for fair webshops

The Fair Business certification and alternative dispute resolution system – which ensures the integrity of electronic commerce – started to operate on 1st September 2009. The INFOMEDIÁTOR Information Society User...

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The needless wheat will be transformed into bio-ethanol

Due to the oversupply, wheat became cheap. In Europe, one part of the wheat will be transformed into bio-ethanol. The demand for bio-ethanol increases in the EU. The using of...

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The Kiss Cottage Bon-Bon won Product Award

The Kiss Cottage Bon-Bon marketed by BioHun Ltd. won Hungarian Quality Product Award title, on the Hungarian Quality Product Award 2009 contest. The reason, pointed out that the Kiss Cottage...

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The European Commission will help dairy farmers

The European Commission proposes new measures to help dairy producers – announced Mariann Fischer Boel, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development in Brussels. Meanwhile, the European Parliament calls for more...

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Tesco Expressz opened in Zugló

On Friday, a new Tesco Express store opened in the 14th district of Budapest, under number 125 Erzsébet királyné útja. With this store there are 13 new format Tesco shops...

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The world's most valuable brands

The Interbrand this year, also compiled a list of the world's most valuable brands. The composition of the top ten has not changed much, but consumers because of the economic...

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The renaissance of mobile shops

While the number of small businesses continue to decrease, more than five hundred mobile shops entered the market until the end of August. The house suppliers have already appeared in...

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Coffee and soft drinks can keep the customers

According to a survey, it is easier to retain customers for those service providers, who gave a cup of coffee or mineral water to them. In Hungary, however, unlike abroad,...

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Hungarians love fruit yogurt

According to Nielsen’s Retail Index The domestic consumption of yogurt has increased by 5 percent from one year to another and in the period between September 2008 and August 2009,...

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According to Csányi Sándor; the meat industry struggling for survival

The Hungarian food industry is in crisis. A lot of historical participants struggle for survival, or even lost the fight – said Csányi Sándor, owner of Pick Szeged Zrt. on...

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Székelyföld preparing to conquer Hungary

For the initiative of the County Council Harghita and Covasna Counties, a trademark has been registered to differentiate the Székely products and would give an impetus to the foreign, and...

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