News and articles

Nem került vákuumba a szalámi és a kolbász

Nincs nagy visszaesés a szalámik és kolbászok eladásaiban, de azért a márkáknak reagálniuk kell a spórolósabb vásárlási kedvre. Míg termékújdonságokkal főként a stabilabb lábakon álló prémium szegmensben találkozunk, új promóciós...

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Consumer sentiment in the United States worsened in August

In August, after two consecutive monthly improvements, consumer confidence in the United States worsened due to the renewed intensification of inflation concerns, according to a survey published by the Conference...

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KSH: The service foreign trade surplus was 2.7 billion euros in the second quarter

In the second quarter, exports of services calculated in euros increased by 6.7 percent and imports by 0.8 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The asset...

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Small Christmas? Big Christmas!

It was a big question before last year’s end-of-year season how much families would tighten their belts when buying sweets for Saint Nicholas Feast Day and Christmas. The answer turned...

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REGIO Játék opens a new store in Sopron

On September 1, REGIO JÁTÉK will expand its physical store network with a new 335 square meter unit. The total value of the investment is HUF 140 million. REGIO JÁTÉK...

Read more the number of summer bookings has decreased

The number of domestic summer reservations made on decreased by 15 percent compared to last year, the rate of decline compared to 2019, the year before the pandemic, was...

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For six out of ten employees, the distance from the workplace was already a disqualifying reason when looking for a job

In Hungary, the majority of employees work in the same settlement as their place of residence. Half of the workers spend less than half an hour a day traveling between...

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Még nem működik flottul a flotta, de halad afelé

Az elmúlt egy-másfél évben korábban ismeretlen problémákkal és nehézségekkel kellett szembenézni minden szektorban. A gépjármű- és felépítménygyártásban az ellátási láncok tovább sérültek, ami a kiszámíthatatlan szállítási határidők mellett áremelést is...

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The Managers’ Association and BOM have entered into a strategic partnership with the Hungarian Sportért Foundation and are launching a joint scholarship mentoring program

At the annual Future Manager Summer Party of the Managers’ Association, István Kapitány, president of the Managers’ Association, and Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy, chairman of the board of trustees of the BOM...

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Vénusz PLUSZ Oils with Herbs

Taste the renewed Vénusz PLUSZ Oils with Herbs! Try the Garlic, Lemon and Herb variants, which deliver the usual Vénusz quality and expertise! Contact: Bunge Zrt. e-mail:; web:

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Elválnak a Capri-Sun és a Coca-Cola útjai

A Capri-Sun Group jövőre véget vet a Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) céggel való évtizedes együttműködésének, és – Svájc, Ausztria, a Közel-Kelet, Kína és Lengyelország után – a gyümölcslevek értékesítését és...

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Named As The Face Of Lidl’s DIY Brand

Action movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger has been named as the new face of Lidl’s Parkside home improvement brand, in several European markets. Under the motto ‘You got this’, the Terminator...

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Danone replaces Russian dairy brand in Ukraine

Previously, the Ukrainian product line was marketed under the Prostokvashino brand, which stems from Soviet-era cartoon series. Danone has retired the Prostokvashino brand in Ukraine and introduced a new brand...

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Global TikTok downloads hit 3-year high, averaging 2.7 million daily

TikTok continues to enthrall the social media landscape, cementing its position among innovative platforms in the field. As per data acquired and calculated by Finbold, TikTok’s global quarterly downloads for...

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Sunflower harvesting begins in Zala county

At the beginning of September, the harvesting of sunflowers produced on 9,000 hectares will begin in the Zala county, the county president of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK)...

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The price of some seasonal products is even reduced by half in the summer

Based on the experience of the past years, it can be observed that the price of green peppers and tomatoes drops significantly in the summer. Over the years, a similar...

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The amount of fresh milk sold decreased drastically

Milk can be found in almost every household, whether it is low-fat or fatty, and is consumed by many people for breakfast or coffee. Although the price cap and other...

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The HELL group of companies exports to sixty countries

The HELL Group has summarized its extensive business results in a statement. Their export activities reach sixty countries, and they are market leaders in various parts of the world, not...

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A new PENNY will soon be built in Pilisvörösvár

PENNY’s network in Hungary is expanding once again, after the work on the new store in Pilisvörösvár has begun. The city is also located in an area where the company...

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Lidl’s two price reduction programs will also remain

Lidl has started a continuous and lasting price reduction so that Hungarian families can get access to high-quality products as cheaply as possible. The price of more than half a...

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The plum season is full of challenges, it is questionable whether there will be enough jam

Weather conditions are not entirely favorable for plum cultivation. The cool spring and early frosts had a negative impact on the pollination process, and the rainy season during flowering made...

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Seventeen years of television advertising practice were examined by the NMHH

The National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) has reviewed the classic television advertising practices of the past 17 years in order to determine the main trends of this non-negligible segment...

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The country’s burger is being prepared again

On the first weekend of September, groups of friends and families who like burgers and barbecues can take part in a real outdoor picnic and barbecue at the Szaft ‘N...

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Lidl charging stations will remain free for just a few days

Free charging is available in the Lidl e-Charge application until September 4, after which a paid system will be introduced in Hungary. The charge from the Lidl Plus application, can...

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Watermelon production area and production volume also increased

According to KSH data, 101.3 thousand tons of watermelons were harvested from 2.49 thousand hectares of production area in Hungary in 2022, which was 18 percent less than the amount...

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Straws made from paper can be harmful

Instead of banned plastic straws, restaurants now offer paper straws. But these can also be harmful to the environment and health, warns a group of researchers in the journal “Food...

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ULT expects a favorable Virginia tobacco crop this year

The acquisition of this year’s Virginia tobacco variety at Universal Leaf Tobacco (ULT) Magyarország Kft. began in the last week of August, according to expectations, the quality of the crop...

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Aldi to trial sensory-friendly shopping hours in UK stores

Aldi has revealed it’s trialing sensory-friendly shopping hours in select stores in the UK. From mid-August until the end of October, almost 100 Aldi stores across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and...

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Pepsi To Roll Out New Branding To Mark 125th Anniversary

Cola giant Pepsi will roll out its new logo and visual identity as part of its 125th anniversary celebrations. On the occasion, the company offered free Pepsi to everyone across...

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This year, 12.5 percent more corn can be harvested in the EU than last year

 In the August projection of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the 2022/2023. 2023/2024 indicates a global corn harvest of 1,214 million tons, exceeding the economic year by 5...

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