News and articles

Henkel won prize

Henkel Laundry & Home Care business unit won prize, with its excellent supply chain work. Boston Strategies International awards this recognition, to companies operating at the general industry area. The...

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New Electro World will open in the Allee shopping center

The eleventh Electro World store will open on Wednesday in the Allee shopping center. The network has new owners since may, which will increase the number of units by three...

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Hungarian Trade Grand Prize for the staff of Metro Commercial Ltd.

Köbölné Németh Margit got Grand Prize for Hungarian Trade from Demján Sándor, Chairman of the Entrepreneurs and Employers National Association of Trade. Köbölné  got the prize, in recognition of her...

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1500 billion in the pocket of shoplifters

According to the statistics, the total value of products stolen by shoplifters increased by 20 percent, over a year. Moreover, amateur middle-classed thiefs increasingly committed thefts. The British Center for...

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The usual Christmas rush may be omitted

Less and less expensive – That is what traders expect for the holiday season. Although the season warm-up ads build on the customer rush of the past years, traders believe...

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Gift spirit decreased

According to Promo Direct Market Research’s national survey, fourty-four percent of the companies do not know exactly how much they spend on gifts. Due to the crisis, gift spirit decreased...

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Thirty companies joined the Good CSR program

Thirty companies joined the Hungarian initiative and in 2009 became international corporate responsibility program this year. Due to the enlargement; beside the Hungarian companies, two Polish and six Romanian companies...

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One billion development in the cheese factory of Kacsóta

Until the end of the year even one hundred people may work in the cheese factory of Kacsóta after a three years break, where an enormous development has been occured....

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The first E-Mail Marketing Report has finished

According to the E-Mail Marketing Report of the KutatóCentrum; Ninety percent of the active Internet users read the interesting subjected advertising messages. However personal invocation, does not always show an...

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The Eckes-Granini Group’s Board of Directors visited Hungary

The Eckes-Granini Group held its General Assembly Meeting in Siófok. Hungary has been chosen because Sio was the group's first ever international investment. The visit aims to acquaint themselves with...

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The commercial manager of Szentkirályi received high level of recognition

Csikesz Csaba commercial manager of Szentkirályi Mineral Water Ltd. was awarded by the “Grand Prize for Hungarian Trade” on the fifth European Day of Commerce.  Csikesz Csaba started his career...

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Closed cooling desks and energy-saving bulbs

The British government is planning Decisive steps in the economical in order to operate the retail chains more economically. Food prices also can be reduced with the new rules. According...

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Kraft became “hostile”

According to Reuters’ sources; Kraft will take an officially hostile 10.2 billion pounds takeover bid, after Cadbury rejected Kraft’s former acquisition steps. The British company ,two months ago rejected the...

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Revenue of 250 thousand euros at the mushroom auction

A 750 white truffle has been bought at an auction for 100 thousand euros (27 million HUF) held in Grinzane Cavour, Nortern Italy. A total of 11 Italian white truffle...

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The international chains defeat the domestic

The Vienna based RegioPlan Consulting analyzed the main market participants in nine Eastern European countries. In some sectors it was hard to find a domestic company among the top players....

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External trade balance: it will be slow to recover

The trade balance surplus was not surprised the analysts. The moderation of exports decrease shows an improvement, however, several analysts see the dynamics of the improvement powerless. According to the...

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EU protection for Makói onions

The European Commission picked up Makói onions on the narrow range of protected products known as the European Union list. The Hungarian specialty, was picked up on the list with...

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The agricultural production decreases this year, compared to 2008

According to Kopint-Tárki and Agrár-Európa Tanácsadó Ltd.’s Agrármonitor; this year's production level is expected to be 10-12 percent below compared to last year's outstanding value. Producer prices also decreased in...

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Only good products are on this list

The “Good product” database, of the Association of Conscious Consumers was published. The database informs the costumer about the characteristics of dairy, chocolate, cocoa and coffee products and gives tips...

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Health protection for the economic growth

The World Health Organization statistics and national studies show that 73 percent of the workers' health depends on factors, that can be controlled. The largest share of the 73 percent...

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Hungarians helped tens of thousands of African children

As a result of the 3-month program of Procter & Gamble, more than 1 300 000 liters of clean, drinkable water, was “gathered” with contribution of Hungarian consumers. The main...

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Price increase in the stores

Origo’s product basket price increased significantly, compared to the last survey. The web portal – as before, now it did not take own branded products into account. The prices of...

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Tesco Express opened on Rákóczi Road

On Friday a new Tesco Express store opened in the 6th district of Budapest, under 20 Rákóczi Road. With this store 16 new format Tesco shops are across the country....

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Romanian pork exports can be re-started

Next year, Romania can export pork products, such as Szebeni salami into the member countries of the European Union as well as raw meat exports may restart – announced Emil...

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Hungarian product from Hungarian shop

Leader Alliance for the Renewal of the Countryside, the Coop Hungary Ltd. and the East-Central European Federation for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises signed an agreement with “Hungarian product from Hungarian...

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Even the chocolate declines in the crisis

The confectionery industry is also infiltrated by the crisis. According to Bélai Krisztina Secretary of the Hungarian Confectionery Association, the third quarter datas are already indicates a decline in the...

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Weak retail datas from Europe

According to Ecostat; Euro zone retail sales fell unexpectedly in September, on a monthly basis. This shows the weak consumer demands, which questions the strength of economic expansion. Within the...

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Improved payment morale

According to the most recent report of Dun & Bradstreet ; The economic crisis brought new trends in the payment patterns: in low rates, but the Hungarian payment morale has...

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Cutted off beef heads on the demonstration of dairy producers

A dozen cutted off beef heads were taken in front of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on the Thursday dairy demonstration, where dairy farmers protested against the lowest...

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SPAR free from product family: solution for the gluten-and lactose sensitives

Those who suffer from gluten sensitiveness and lactose intolerance Spar’s new product family the Spar free from, offers a solution. The sensitivity to gluten and milk sugar inflict high social...

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