News and articles

Fornetti is the franchise network of the year

The Hungarian Franchise Association also gave its professional awards this year. Fornetti deserved the ”Franchise network of the year” recognition. The dynamic evolving young franchise network of the Year award...

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Bad Christmas for British retail

The British retail sales in last December, increased less than expected, mainly due to price increases. According to the Statistical Office; sales rose by 0.3 percent last month. Experts expected...

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Sixty billion for the SMEs

At the beginning of the crisis, 111 billion HUF was transferred to the support of small and medium-sized enterprises – states the Minister of Economy. According to Varga István, 60...

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Stratos Red Bull: a space mission

Colonel Joseph Kittinger, the legendary figure of Aviation, presents the Red Bull Stratos research program, aimed to collect data in connection with free fall, over the speed of sound. Felix...

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New sales manager at SCA Hygiene Products

From December 2010 Földesi György will be the new sales director at SCA Hygiene Products Ltd. The expert has  nearly 18 years of managing experience at multinational and at domestic...

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China may soon be the world's second largest economy

China's economy last year grew by 8.7 percent, exceeding initial expectations of the Beijing government. The news was reported by the director of the national statistical office. In the last...

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Starbucks produced triple profits

The American coffe chain, the Starbucks has successfully passed throught the difficulties, achieving a 241.5 million USD net profit, in the last quarter of the past year. A year earlier,...

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Permission for the Chinese Túró Rudi

The Chinese version of the well-known Túró Rudi will be manufactured soon. The Kiittyy plant of Túró is ready to produce, but only one single license is missing. Last summer,...

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Good Christmas season for eBay

EBay Internet auction and trading house, had a good Christmas season. The succes of the PayPal online payment system and the sale of Skype’s telephone service provider, had a positive...

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SPAR’s Bicske based meat plant produces also to the Czech market

SPAR Hungary Ltd. supplies 15 Czech Interspars from its Bicske based meat plant, since the 15th of January. The last quarter’s transport tests were succesful, so despite the decrease in...

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McDonald's rewarded its loyal workers

McDonald's rewarded 93 of its loyal employees at the end of 2009. The fast food chain rewarded loyal employees, working for 10, 15 and 20 years with a total sum...

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Schlecker closes 500 stores

According to the owner of the largest German drugstore network; their turnover has been declining on the domestic market, since 2004 so they are planning the conversion of the whole...

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A revival has begun on the commercial real estate market

In the second half of last year, a revival has begun in the majority of the commercial property market, which will continue this year. "In the first half of 2009,...

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Central and Eastern European households – the situation improves slowly

The Central and Eastern European households were characterized by steady growth of income for many years. The recent decline in consumer confidence and purchasing habits can be observed, according to...

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The outdoor advertising market lost several billions

The outdoor advertising market decreased largely last year: Compared to 2008, 5-6 billion HUF less was spent on billboards, citylight posters and building nets by the companies. The turnover of...

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The world's largest beer producer completely stopped

As the result of a labor dispute, the world's leading brewery, the Anheuser-Busch InBev SA (AB) was forced to completely stop the production of beer, in its Belgium plants on...

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Increasing producer prices in the U.S.A.

The industrial price level in the United States increased slightly by 0.2 percent last December, compared to the previous month. In November, the growth rate was 1.8 percent. Analysts expected...

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Fitch rated Kraft BBB minus

The Fitch credit rating, changed the rating of U.S. confectionery group the Kraft Foods ratings from BBB to BBB minus, after the purchasing of Cadbury. Fitch explained that Kraft’s Pro...

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Signature collection for the re-launch of Sciennet

Sciennet’s loyalty community want to restart the system, with a pleading signed by the members. After difficult two months of waiting, the time has come to help the work of...

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Margitszigeti Crystal Water disappears

The Margitszigeti Crystal Water disappears from the shelves of shops, because Pepsi’s Fővárosi Ásványvíz és Üdítőipari Ltd. will bottle the crystal water from Albertirsa. The company retains the "Kristályvíz brand...

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Milk marketing for 18 million Euros

Nearly 18 million euros were approved by the European Commission for the support of 13 programs, that will promote dairy products, in the EU internal market. Only one and Eastern...

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Half a million HUF worth ham in London

The World’s most expensive Ibérico ham costs 1800 pounds (547 thousand HUF). The ham can be found in one of the most popular London store, the Selfridges. The more than...

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The EU would regulate trade

EU’s Agriculture Ministers concluded that food trade should be foiled from the market regulation and specific actions are need to regulate the big chains. Common proposal has not yet been...

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Kraft Foods has won the struggle for Cadbury

Cadbury has adopted by the U.S. confectionery giant for a 18.9 billion USD bid, despite the fact that the company had fought for weeks against Kraft’s hostile manoeuvres. The 186...

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Cannot see the end of the tunnel

The economic recovery, previously predicted for the second half of 2010 is uncertain and the situation is very fragile – says Coface Hungary’s Country director. In 2009, the number of...

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A good reception for the ideas of the Romanian agri-commissioner candidate

The Romanian agri-commissioner candidate of the EU is committed to continue the common agricultural policy and reform that the European citizens shoul accept the need for supports in order to...

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The net average is 123 thousand HUF

At the companies, with at least 5 employees and at the financial institutions, in the first 11 months of 2009, the gross average earnings were 0.5 percent higher, the net...

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SPAR supermarket modernisation continues

The SPAR Hungary Ltd. completed the redesign in 2009, on the 174 stores of the Plus network taken over in 2008. The stores opened again as SPAR Supermarkets. The biggest...

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The Bonduelle would acquire France Champignon

The Bonduelle Group and Butler Capital Partners announced, that negotiations are taking place, over the purchase of the France Champignon group. As the result of the 1997 fusion of the...

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METRO’s website renewed

METRO’s website the was given new look and occurs with new features from the 18th of January. Thanks to the innovations, the appearance of the site, the novelties in...

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