News and articles

Rivaling chamber drafts

The chamber draft of the Chamber of Industry and the bill of the Ministry of Rural Development rival with each other. It appears that the draft of the Chamber of...

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The second largest shopping mall of Budapest opens in the Autumn

The developer, the R-CO Zrt. plans to hand over the second largest shopping mall of Budapest at the Kőbánya-Kispest end terminal of the M3 metro for the Autumn. The project...

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Margarine and cooking oil prices may increase due to weak colza crop

Partly due to the low spring rainfall, the European Union's colza production may decrease to 19.5 million tonnes, from last year's 20.59 million tonnes. This can be the lowest level...

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A kilogram of cherry from Nagykörű is around 400 HUF

The May frosts spared, but the drought in March significantly thinned the crop in Nagykörű,  which is the largest cherry growing area of the country – told Veres Nándor mayor...

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Prosperity may continue in the global economy

According to ifo's research; slight, but further improvement occurred in the economic sentiment indicator for the second quarter of 2011. According to the survey of the Munich- based ifo Institute...

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The Swimming Duck Plaza will be dock in Budapest

The Swimming Duck Plaza is one of the world's largest river boat, which is a luxury shopping mall also. The ship that is just like a giant duck will start...

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Use the concept of ‘Hungarian Product’ only

The trade stands united in supporting the ‘Hungarian product’ regulation. Presently conditions are chaotic and after last year’s parliamentary elections supposed expectations made many manufacturers go ‘national colours crazy’. Several...

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KÖKI terminal opened

The new commercial and leisure center located at the final metro stop Kőbánya-Kispest was opened by the tenants f KÖKI Terminal within the compass of a key-giving ceremony. Mayor of...

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Conference for CEOs and leaders of logistics – even for free (X)

Do you need help as a CEO or director of logistics how to decide about various factors when it comes to taxing and keeping cars? Are you aware of various...

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Interpack Düsseldorf: drPACK received a World Star award

Biatorbágy-based drPACK was awarded with a World Star award by World Packaging Organization for the company's film that keeps food fresh for a long period of time. CEO Antal Pelcz...

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New marketing-strategy focusing on domestic goose liver sales

If each Hungarian citizen consumed 30 dkg of goose liver every year, this branch would not face any financial problems anymore – Lajos Elekes, CEO of Orosháza-based Merian Foods Ltd....

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Frozen consumer loans

Consumer loans are not increased on the Hungarian market.: during the year lasted until March, their stock increased by only a little more than two and a half percent, to...

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Balaton local currency to come

The introduction of a local currency is planned in Veszprém and in the Lake Balaton region from 2012 – said Porga Gyula, mayor of Veszprém (Fidesz-KDNP) at a press conference...

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The hamburger tax will be introduced next year

The extended Semmelweis plan has been completed, however, the most anticipated specifics are still missing. However, it was decided, that the new institutional organization of public health will be created,...

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World Bank predicts big changes

In the next 15 years, six emerging markets including Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea and Russia will give more than half of the global economic growth and the international...

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Conscious Consumers' Store opened

The Conscious Consumers'Association opened its exhibition, under the Conscious Consumers' Store title. The exhibitioncan be visited free of charge, in the Gozsdu Court, Király utca,  downtown of Budapest, The store...

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Russian food safety experts explore Hungary

A number of Hungarian food production companies are looking forward to return back to the Russian market, which is nearly privilege nowadays. Now, newer Hungarian companies could be included to...

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Award to SPAR for environmentally conscious innovation

SPAR Hungary Commercial Ltd. has received a special award by XIX. Hungarian Innovation Prize for its innovation called “Using and recycling trash for energetic purposes”. Being environmentally conscious and delivering...

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German business sentiment decreased in May

German business sentiment decreased in May, surpassing all the expectations, and business expectations in terms of in the euro area also decreased significantly – shows the Tuesday published datas of...

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Wal-Mart reported 103 billion USDin revenue for the first quarter

Wal-Mart reported about per share results a bit higher than the expectations, in its First Quarter Interim Report. The company's shares reached a profit of 0.98 USD per share by...

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Bright future of eco-aggriculture in Hungary

Hungary is facing a bright future of eco-agriculture: the number of areas under eco-cultivation may even triple in the next couple of years, meaning that from 120 thousand hectars it...

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Let us be patriots!

A ‘Hungarian Product’ decree is being prepared, with the objectives of creating order from the chaos that surrounds the marking of food products and motivating consumers to buy products made...

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Checking conterfeit banknotes is a top priority

Hungarian National Bank has launched the new phase of conscious banknote-control in March. The major goal of the worldwide unique program is to enable shop-owners to purchase modern UV-AC-machines in...

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Interpack Düsseldorf: new packaging trends

The leading trade fair of packaging offers new special group of offers: “Metal Packaging Plaza” and “Save Food!” Interpack 2011 is following the results of the highly successful 2008 exhibition....

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New Széchenyi Plan: 80 percent of the candidates are small and medium sized enterprises

In the scope of the New Széchenyi Plan (ÚSZT) 80 percent of the 1800 applications were submitted from the small and medium-sized sphere – said Molnár Ágnes, Secretary of State...

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Fornetti catches momentum

Fornetti is expanding in Asia: the Group recently opened its first store in in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan and in Istanbul in Turkey – confirmed Palásti József, the founder...

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Apple prices increase due to rising imports

Compared to the 550-600 thousand tons harvest of the previous years, last year, only 400 to 450 thousand tonnes were harvested. Therefore, apple was imported from abroad (from Austria, Germany...

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In the EU, 70 million tons of food ends in the trasher

While food is getting scarcer and more expensive worldwide, about a third of the food ends in trash – told FAO, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization on Monday, scheduled...

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Demján remained the chairman of the VOSZ

The National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) held its meeting in Esztergom on th 12th of May. The President remains Demján Sándor. They chose Bartha Ferenc, the president of...

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The royal wedding brought big revenues to the London retailers

According to the first estimates Prince William's wedding was good for the retailers of London's downtown. According to the datas of the New West End Company, which is the organization...

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