News and articles

Winding up procceeding was launched against the Electro World CRV Ltd.

The Municipal Court ordered the liquidation of the Electro World CRV Ltd. – writes Gazdasá online site. This company operated Electro World’s business in the Allee shopping center. With this...

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EU pig prices remain high during 2011

European finished pig prices remained at a high level through the second half of 2011. Normally, prices fall during the autumn before recovering slightly in the run up to Christmas....

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Magazine: Only the hair dye market was able to grow

Hair care product sales are highly concentrated as drugstores and hypermarkets realise the majority of sales. According to the Nielsen Retail Index, manufacturer brands are in a rather favourable position:...

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GfK: Worsening economic forecasts cause uncertainty among European consumers

New rescue packages, uncertainty about further developments in Greece, Italy and France and the prospects of poorer economic development in 2012 are all heightening the anxiety of European consumers. This...

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Economic forecast: GDP will stagnate in the EU a slight fall will occur in the euro area this year

The real value of the GDP in the EU 27 will stagnate this year, in the Euro Area containing 17 EU Member States a 0.3 percent drop is expected –...

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Not the school canteens are responsible for the obesity of school students

Authorities are trying to banish soft drinks and hamburgers, containing to much sugar, salt and fat from the American educational institutions, because they believed that school students  become fat, because...

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Ministry of National Economy: the ECE has not called for exemption under the mall stop

The ECE that is planning to build a 140 thousand square meters mall in Óbuda, has not yet applied for exemption from the plaza stop – said the Ministry of...

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A mall is under construction in Óbuda

A shopping center can be built between the Szentendrei Road and the Filatori Dam train stop. Roads an utilities will be renewedstored, and the proportion of green areas will be...

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The majority of companies in the meat industry has not implemented the wage compensation

The expected wage increases, wage compensation has not implemented by most of the meat industrial companies, or could not perform in the areas of trade unions – told the Meat...

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New agency is responsible for the online communications of Sport szelet

Kraft Foods has chosen HPS digital division on the brand’s online tender for long-term strategic online partner. The HPS Interactive is responsible for the total online communication of Sport szelet...

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Sticker festival in Győr on the weekend

Győr organizes a three-day sticker festival during the weekend, beside the meat fans those people are also expected who are interested in folk artisans and their products. Visitors can also...

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Anuga FoodTec: Future packaging will be expected to fulfil rigorous requirements

At present, food packaging tends to get judged in terms of three criteria: the environment, marketing and functionality. Packaging and packaging technology have been around for over 100 years now....

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Nielsen: Consumers find advertising on tablets more acceptable

Consumers find advertising on tablets more acceptable, more memorable and more enticing than advertising on smartphones, according to the latest UK Connected Devices report from information and measurement firm Nielsen....

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Hegyalja-Borsodi: more sponsoration to help Northern Hungary

From now on, there is az even stronger co-operation between Borsodi Brewery and Hegyalja Festival, in order to help the Northern-Hungarian region with a wide range of cultural programs. The...

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Domestic industrial orders did not develop well in December

While in the European Union and in the euro area new industrial orders increased in December, in Hungary they decreased in the greatest extent –told Eurostat. The new industrial orders...

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Poultry-products are getting more and more expensive

In a couple of weeks, poultry prices will see a significant change in prices. According to pre-calculations of the Poultry Product Council (BTT), chicken and turkey may get 40-50 HUF...

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The European Commission proposes to freeze 495 million euros worth cohesion fundings

The Commission proposes to suspend the disbursement of 495 million euros (142 billion HUF) worth cohesion fundings to Hungary from next January, because Hungary has failed to fulfill obligations of...

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NGM: The number of employees in the private sector increased by 25 thousand in 2011

In the January-December period, the number of employees increased significantly in the private sector by 25 thousand at companies that have at least five employees, while at the financial institutions...

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Textiles are the hit products of illegal trade

Despite the highest rate of VAT in the EU, according to the experiences to the tax authority, the market of cigarettes and fuel are getting cleared, but hackery increased with...

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Slovakia is the least self-sufficient country within the EU

Slovakia imports too much food and the country should follow a path of greater self-sufficiency, it is the country with the lowest rate of self-sufficiency within the entire European Union...

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The MÁV also joins to the Gluttonous Thursday

The MÁV-START Zrt. joins again to the seventh Gluttonous Thursday initative. The rail company offers a 50 percent discount to those who will choose the trains of MÁV to place...

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The Pacsa-based plant of the Zalai Poultry Processor was handed over

From April a weekly 10 to 12 turkeys and 25 to 30 thousand chicken is expected to be processed producer in the Pacsa-based plant of the Zalai Baromfifeldolgozó Kft., inaugurated...

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Magazine: It was time to have FUN

Members of the Former Unilever Network, nearly one hundred current and former Unilever employees, met for the fourth time on 18 November 2011 on Margaret Island. The six hour event...

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Fair of Hungarian Handicraft Taste Products: new shops to be opened

The organizers of the Fair of Hungarian Handicraft Taste Products will open new stores in the forthcoming – announced the organizers at the press conference of the fair, that will...

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The position of the Government of Hungary on the proposal adopted by the European Commission today

The European Commission today issued a proposal to suspend in part the commitments from the Cohesion Fund for Hungary in 2013. Our government regards it as an unfounded and unfair...

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Fifteen Million HUF for a bottle of Scotch whiskey

A bottle of 57 years old Scotch whiskey was sold for forty-four thousand pounds (more than 15 million HUF) at an auction in London. The Glenfiddich branded beverage was entered...

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Date with Heineken

This may seem a bit weird to many of my readers, but so be it. The new Heineken ad, titled 'The Date' is a legendary date in action and highlights...

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Analysts: wage growth is expected this year

Gross wages increased better than expected in last December and this year due to the minimum wage increase and the recommended salary increases strong gross wages growth is expected, this...

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GfK: the tobacco law may result in the losses of jobs in retail

According to the GfK Market Research Institute; the tobacco law may result in the termination of up to 15 thousand jobs in retail. The new system ócan result the expansion...

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Coface: the proportion of risky companies reduced last year

Last year, the number of risky companies in Hungary  decreased to 49.84 percent from the 51.36 percent, of the previous year, so the Hungarian companies appear to be less risky,...

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