News and articles

We buy more with less credit cards

The number of credit cards issued in Hungary declined by almost nine percent last year, due to the difficult macroeconomic environment and the public indebtedness. However, the purchase turnover has...

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Gramex expanded its warehouse capacity

One of the largest beverage company of Hungary, the GRAMEX 2000 Kft. handed over its new finished goods warehouse in the industrial park of Veresegyháza. With the expansion the company's...

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Milk misconceptions

Despite the fact that households with children consume 30 percent more milk, and they consume 5-6 times more often and occasionally one liter more milk than the, average, according to...

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The contribution of compensation should be paid on the basis of the decision of MVH

The farmers should pay the contribution of compensation until the 15th of  September to the mitigation account of the Agricultural and Rural Development (MVH). The MVH will send the exact...

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Andalusian Recipe Contest to be launched again

The Extenda (Andalusian Trade Development Agency) launches the Andalusian Recipe Contest in April, similar to last year. The contest will start on April 23. The only criteria is to use...

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HEINEKEN Hungária: beer will be more expensive

Several beer brands are affected by the announcement of HEINEKEN Hungária Sörgyárak Zrt. that due to the economic and political environment they should increase their prices. The primary cause of...

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Special milk support can be claimed until May 15

Those dairy farmers whose farms are situated in economically vulnerable or environmentally sensitive areas can apply for special milk support associated with special treatment of the disadvantages from the Agriculture...

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Hungarian ideas for environment-friendly transport

Alternative fuelled vehicles constructed by Hungarian university teams were presented on 23 April, 2012 in the driving technology centre of Hungaroring. The apparatuses that were available for on-site testing will...

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KSH: retail sales decreased in February

After the slight increase of January (0.6 percent), retail sales in February fell by 1.4 percent, so in the first two monthsof the year, retail sales were 0.4 percent lower,...

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Active agricultural diplomacy can help the Hungarian agriculture

The active agricultural diplomacy can help the Hungarian agriculture to strengthen its position – stated the lecturers of the Sector Challenges of the Hungarian Foreign Policy – Agriculture conference in...

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Eurostat: online retailing is expanding steadily

According to the latest Eurostat datas, consumers increasingly trust in internet purchasing. More than a third of the EU's population purchased via the Internet last year in the three months...

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The Árkád will be the largest shopping center

The Árkád will be the largest Hungarian shopping center, after a 20 thousand square meters enlargement. The Árkád 2 shopping center will be completed next March, while the Árkád 1...

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A Chinese food certification company may be created in Hungary

A regional Chinese food certification company can be created in Hungary, and a joint procurement and cultivation company may also come – informed Fazekas Sándor, Rural Development Minister MTI on...

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Pfizer sells its baby food business to Nestlé

(HU) NO...

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The proportion of student workers at Tesco is five percent

Tesco-Global Zrt. employs student worforces in 210 Tesco stores. The students work legally through student cooperatives. The 5 percent rate of students meets the average of the retail companies employing...

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Polish beer exports broke record

According to the forecats of the Polish Statistical Office (GUS) the value of exports last year reached 76.7 million euros, of which more than 16 percent of sales comes from...

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HEINEKEN Hungária is committed to the Hungarian consumer

HEINEKEN Hungária keeps seeing an optimistic long term vision, keeps its role of being a good corporate citizen and continues to drive for quality and value in the market place....

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The Hungarian product draft regulation awaits for EU approval

Gyaraky Zoltán, the ministry's head of department told MTI that with the regulation the Ministry would help to stimulate the voluntary food labeling of Hungarian products. The Rural Development Ministry...

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GKI-Erste’s economic index stagnated in April

The seasonally adjusted value of the GKI-Erste economic index in April stayed on the level of March. According to the GKI Economic Research Co., in the business sector a minimal...

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The Coop Group buys the stores of the leaving multinational companies

The Coop Group buys the stores of the multinational companies, that are leaving Hungary. The acquisitions are expected to be announced within days – told Murányi László, CEO of the...

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Fake primary producers on the fruit and vegetable market

The two priority areas of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) and the county government offices to filter out the fake primary producers filtering, and the investigation of the...

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Laurel Record: 1.3 million transactions in one day

The Laurel Group IT has successfully completed the modernization of the central information system of one of Hungary's largest loyalty program, the SuperShop Card. “The current records show that the...

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The Agárdi Pálinka Distillery won 19 medals at the World Cup in Gyula

A record number, 1,120 samples were sent to this year’s 1st Pálinka, Fruit and Wine Distillate World Cup, including to the 20th Hungarian National Pálinka és Törkölypálinka, a Fruit and...

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Nestlé Hungária Kft. has announced a marketing competition

Nestlé Hungária Kft. announced a marketing competition for those college and university students who want to gain an insight into the marketing campaign of a large company. Applicants should create...

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McDonald's started the year well

The first-quarter results of McDonald's became better-than-expected, after the world's largest fast-food chain's sales level was above the estimated value, and profit margins also increased –  summarizes Questor. The company's...

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MADOSZ the decline of tobacco-growing areas can stop

According to the Hungarian Tobacco Farmers Association (MADOSZ), the decline of tobacco-growing areas can stop this year. The farmers are expected to plant 4800 hectares, such as in last year...

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Coop cheering for the olymoic contestants with MOB

Following the olympic games in Athens and Beijing, Coop is about to launch its “let's cheer for our favourites together” campaign with MOB for the third time. Within the compass...

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China is world leader in food consumption

According to a recent British study, food consumption in China overtook the food consumption of the United States. According to the datas of IGD, in 2011, Chinese food stores reached...

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Petition to resolve crisis after Malév grounding

Local officials from about thirty communities around Liszt Ferenc International Airport Budapest, along with their representatives in Parliament, have signed a declaration calling for measures to resolve a crisis resulting...

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Hungarian Postal Service signing a contract with Synergon's subsidiary

Hungarian IT company Synergon aims to raise its consolidated annual revenue to around HUF 30bn in 2-3 years and wants to expand abroad, through organic growth or with acquisitions. ynergon...

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