News and articles

You can believe your eyes

What is eye tracking good for? The answer is simple: it can be used when we would like to grab the attention of the target group visually and the product...

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Shops, POP and ruin pubs: POPAI executives’ meeting – the Hungarian way

On 4-5 October 2012 Budapest was the meeting place of POPAI’s (Point of Purchase Association International) 16 representatives from 9 European countries, and POPAI North America president Michael Heneghan also...

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Production prices in the industry reduced further in August

In August 2012 production prices in the industry were 0.3 percent below the level of July. The volume of industrial production fell by 0.8 percent if compared with the level...

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Clash of the titans

Walmart and Amazon continue their battle. In September Walmart pulled Amazon’s Kindle readers from 4,000 stores and in October they started same-day delivery – a service that used to be...

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At the Business Days conference in Tapolca on 26-28 September the jurying of the POPAI Awards POP competition was carried out – nearly 100 evaluation sheets were filled out. Results...

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Pheed – new social media

The new service combines different elements of Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, YouTube and SoundCloud on a single platform, in order to make content creation easy. On Pheed, you can create...

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Displays: five golden rules

Gord Collins, a strategist with Ravenshoe Packaging (Canada) defined 5 important rules, which if kept can make displays successful. On his blog, called Between the Shelves, he published the following...

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Beer is a Czech icon – a postcard from Prague

As president of the Association of Hungarian Brewers, I recently had to participate in a regional meeting in Prague. Beer is an icon in the Czech Republic, it is everywhere...

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Superbrands prize for eisberg!

‘More than just a salad…’ is the credo of eisberg, one of Europe’s leading enterprises in produc-ing and delivering ready-to-eat salads. The eisberg Hungary Kft. operates on 3,000m² with 115...

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Retail of the future

The department store is considered to be the first modern form of retail, the first such unit opened in 1890 in the USA, under the still going Macy’s brand name....

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Optimists are the minority

For the first time in the history of the Business Days conference we asked participants to answer questions about macroeconomic issues. They could use a practical handheld device to cast...

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Coop Rally rolled around the western part of Hungary this year

A record number of competitors, nearly 90 cars from more than 80 companies drove around the western part of Hungary in the 7th Coop Rally between 13 and 15 September,...

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For a better sales performance of discount stores

Discount stores play an increasingly significant role in sales: their market share from food sales grew 2 percentage points to 20 percent in the December 2011-July 2012 period, while discounters’...

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More than 3 thousand billion HUF EU fundings were used

More than three thousand billion HUF EU fundings have been paid to the beneficiaries in the 2007-2013 fiscal period, from the available 8,200 billion HUF EU funds in Hungary –...

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Food has become too cheap, Unilever boss says

Food has become too cheap, a senior executive at a global food giant has claimed, as he said that people are too ready to throw meals away because they do...

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A medium fish harvest is expected

Despite the summer drought, the fish farms in Tolna county expect a medium fish harvest. They also reported about the narrowing of export markets to MTI. According to the leaders...

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Agricultural and Rural Development Agency: the need for support increased at the wineries

Compared to the previous years the winemakers' interest in supports for wine machines and technological equipment have increased significantly. Even on the very first days over 500 million HUF support...

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Christmas season can bring revenue record in the German stores

In Germany, the turnover of stores may exceed 80 billion euros for the first time this year during the Christmas season. Due to the expected consumer rush several ten thousand...

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European Court of Justice: the listing of the Slovakian Tokaji wine region cannot be challenged

European Court of Justice dismissed the action of Hungary, which appealed against the decision of the committee which listed the Slovakian “Vinohradnícka oblast' Tokaj” wine region designation to the  E-Bacchus...

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Japan increases whale meat sales

The Japanese fisheries agency extends and enhances its whale meat sales to finance the much-criticized whaling program, that is producing more and more losses every year. According to the Mainicsi...

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Konica Minolta's huge plans in Hungary

The Japanese giant Konica Minolta selected Hungary as the location of its regional logistics center in Central and Eastern Europe. It is also a great achievement that the company will...

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St. Martin's Celebrations in Ópusztaszer

Goose greaves, tasting of new wine, ceremonial plug in, geese seeking competition and other interesting specialties await those who visit the National Historical Memorial Park of Ópusztaszer on Saturday. In...

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Danone's charity program for kids gathered 11 million HUF

A total of 11 million HUF has been collected in Danone Ltd.’s “Work Together for Children” (TEGY) program this year. The program this year supports two areas, the psychological rehabilitation...

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METRO in Budaörs going through a big change

The METRO-store of Budaörs is going through a serious change, it has three new thamtic sections now in order to make the purchasing process even more comfortable. The three sections...

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Food and wine tasting festival in Budapest

The wines of a total of 33 Hungarian winemakers and the favourite dishes of  66 known personalities, artists, successful athletes will wait the guests at the wine festival that will...

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Coface CEE TOP 500 has arrived!

The largest companies in each of the above countries (revenues ≥ EUR 120 million) were listed, whereby financial service providers such as banks, insurance companies, leasing firms and brokers were...

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The pig strategy would double the pig stocks in seven years

The pig strategy adopted in the summer would double the number of pigs in seven years, which is less than 3 million at the moment. For the implementation mainly private...

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Buying online is comfortable

The Kupon Világ carried out a survey – on the occasion of the Hungarian Dotcommerce Day – among its customer community on their online shopping experience. At nearly half of...

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Retail sales increased in the EU and declined in the euro zone in September

The increase of the retail sales in the Euro zone, experienced in the previous months has stopped in: the volume delined by an average 0.2 percent compared to August –...

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SMEs can build a webstore with the new service of Magyar Telekom

The Magyar Telekom introduced a shop building service in late October, for the small and medium-sized enterprises. The cloud-based service is available on a monthly fee basis. The Webshop Builder...

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