News and articles

Mexico’s native drink conquers the world

The tequila is Mexico’s native drink. It is traditional there as the champagne in France, the sake in Japan or the pálinka Hungary. However, the tequila not only gave pleasure...

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Minority donut festival will be held on Saturday in Pilisszentkereszt

The 8th Pilisi Cavalcade Donut Festival will be held in Pilisszentkereszt on Saturday. The organizers wait several thousands of guests from Slovakia and Hungary to Pilisszentkereszt mostly inhabited by Slovaks....

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Pepsi published its fourth quarter flash report

The Pepsi in its fourth quarterly report, reported about revenues and result per share above the expectations – writes Although the company's sales grew organically, less revenue occured, compared...

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The world in 2050

China will clearly be the largest economy by 2030, but its growth rate is likely to revert to the global average in the long run India could challenge US for...

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Contemporary confectioners – a conversation with Emese Szentandrási Szabó

MVM is going to introduce a special program on 25th February 2015 on Thursday at 7 pm, with Emese Szentandrási Szabó as a special guest. Registration at

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Changing development priorities

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) announced that the government and the European Commission agreed on EUR 34 billion in funding from the European Union. Together with the necessary own resources...

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Place of origin is important information

According to the latest 1,000-person shopper survey by Perception Research Services (PRS) published in British trade magazine The Grocer, 89 percent of Brits check where the fresh product they buy...

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The turnover of cosmetics and household chemicals increased in the terms of volume as well

The sales volume of retail from cosmetics and household chemicals was 333 billion HUF in 2014; 6 percent more than a year earlier. In terms of volume the sales increased...

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Lázár: the advertising tax remains

The advertising tax remains the most important objective of the government to maintain the system of special taxes – Lázár János, the Minister, leading the Prime Minister's Office told in...

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The government expects the banks to pick up small business loans in exchange for the tax reduction

Rogán Antal, the parliamentary group leader of Fidesz, mentioned the condition of the bank tax reduction that the banks to start up the lending to the small and medium-sized enterprises,...

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The analysts expect imports to pick up

The domestic foreign trade surplus continues to be very high – according to analysts polled by MTI, who expect a picking up of import this year. According to the first...

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KSH: the number of cattle and swine increased further

The increase in cattle stocks continued, so by the end of 2014 their number exceeded 800 thousand. The number of pigs is over more than 3 million again – the...

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Europe's largest illegal cigarette factory was detected in Vecsés

Europe's largest illegal cigarette factory was detected in Vecsés – the staff of the National Tax and Customs Authority announced at a press conference on Tuesday. Photo: NAV At the...

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A new retail chain breaks into the Hungarian market

The Pepco retail chain has already been searching its store managers and assistant store managers, which would expand in Hungary in the region – the Index wrote. On the basis...

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New samples to be produced from the special wine bottles in Orosháza

The Öblösüveggyár (Glass Factory) in Orosháza will produce new samples from its unique internal textured wine bottles. From mid-April the company plans to manufacture several hundreds of thousands of bottles...

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Americans are printing chocolate

The CocoJet printer is scheduled to start operating in May in the adventure park of the US Hershey chocolate manufacturer in Philadelphia – the wrote. Photo: The Hershey's Company,...

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The German exports may break record this year again

The German economy’s export can break a record again after 2014 – according to the forecast of the Association of German foreign and wholesale companies (BGA). According to the German...

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Companies’ source of energy

MVM Partner Zrt. was an exhibitor at the 8th Business Days conference, held between 23 and 26 September 2014. The competitiveness of Hungarian FMCG companies and food industry firms in...

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Facts and numbers about sales efficiency (Part 1)

MindZ Business Design prepared the first report surveying the efficiency of Hungarian consumer good-selling companies. Results were presented at the Business Days conference with Otília Dörnyei, client service director of...

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Brands, growth, innovation

There are masses of products and services available to us and it isn’t easy to choose from these. If we are lucky, we get some help in making this important...

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Magazine: Fruitier tea market

After the continuous expansion of recent years 2013 brought the market to a halt (probably the unusually mild winter had something to do with this) and this negative trend continued...

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Analysts expect higher growth and lower inflation than the European Commission forecasted

The European Commission is too pessimistic with regard to next year’s economic growth and this year's inflation – the senior analysts of K&H and ING consider. According to the economic...

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The President of the Bank Association welcomes the reduction of the bank tax

Patai Mihály, the President of the Hungarian Bank Association welcomes the announcement on the possible reduction of the bank tax – the Hungarian Bank Association told MTI on Monday. He...

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KSH: trade surplus was 6.5 billion euros in 2014

Hungary's foreign trade balance closed last year with a 6.5 billion euros surplus, exports increased by 3.9, while imports grew by 4.3 percent compared to the previous year – teh...

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The majority of employers are planning to hire new staff this year

The 63 percent of employers plan to hire new staff takes up this year, the biggest demand is towards semi-skilled, unskilled and skilled workers – the survey of teh Humán...

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New Director of Communications at SPAR

The SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. appointed a new head of communications: Maczelka Márk. From 1 January 2015 Maczelka Márk fills the Communication managerial position at the SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft....

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The scope of social marketing fund payers was expanded

The scope of social marketing fund payers was expanded in the milk product line; those processors, retailers and wholesalers should pay the marketing sector contributions, who have not been members...

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Largest wine tasting of the year at the Millenáris

More than ever before, about 700 wines of 220 of producers, 30 culinary exhibitors and Valentine's Day programs await the audience of the Borjour Magnum wine tasting on14 February in...

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The Chocolate Salon in Brussels was held again

The Chocolate Salon was held in Brussels at the end of the week. It is the most important Belgian event of the fans of sweet flavors. At the salon, visitors...

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Lively interest in the Prodexpo in Moscow in spite of the sanctions

The Prodexpo international food exhibition opened on Monday in Moscow, surrounded by high interest. At the Prodexpo international food exhibition about 2000, the companies are presenting their goods including 17...

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