News and articles

Drastic decline: this year's apple crop reduced by half

This year's apple crop was lower than it was expected. Because of the drought, compared to last year’s nearly 900 thousand tons this year only 450 thousand tons of apples...

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The Food Bank collects Christmas donations in three hundred stores

The Hungarian Food Bank Association organizes its traditional Christmas food donation campaign in 2015 again. It is a novelty that from this year for the first time, the campaign lasts...

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Lázár Vilmos will be the new President of the CBA

Baldauf László, the president of the CBA will retire at the end of the year. Lázár Vilmos will be the new President of the CBA from 1 January 2016 –...

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What about a beer? – Mobile application from Borsodi

The Borsodi has aunched its first mobile application called “Jössz 1sörre?” (“What about a beer?”). With the appication we can organize a beer party with our friends quickly and easily....

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The tobacco supplier contracted with the Philip Morris Magyarország Kft.

The National Tobacco Store Supplier Ltd. (ODBE) signed the contract with the Philip Morris Magyarország Kft. on Tuesday – the ODBE told MTI. This means that the products of the...

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Szabó András has become the Young Leader of the Year 2015

Executives could apply for the Young Leader of the Year award for the first time this year. The main prize was awarded to Szabó András, owner and strategic leader of...

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Twenty wineries at the wine muster in Debrecen

The visitors can taste the wines of twenty domestic wineries at the 4th Wine Muster in Debrecen on Saturday in the Déri Museum – the organizers announced on Wednesday at...

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The FM would register the Chimney Cake as a Traditional Special Product

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) acts for EU registration of Chimney Cake as a “Traditional Special Product” – the ministry told MTI on Wednesday. The registered name can be used...

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Consumer confidence improved in the USA

Consumer confidence improved in the USA in November – according to the final data of the Reuters and the University of Michigan. According to the regular monthly survey published on...

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Temporary solution

From 1 January 2016 the rules of setting the deadlines for settling accounts periodically are going to change – reported MAZARS. Sándor Szmicsek, a tax partner of MAZARS told: the...

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Is there a reporting obligation?

According to guidelines from the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) published in October, it doesn’t have to be reported within 30 days if a partner company renounces being paid...

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Nielsen: one third of the Hungarians are satisfied with their salary

More than half of the Hungarians gains informations from television. TV is on the second place for spending free time as well. In Hungary an average of 33 percent of...

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FM: About 13.5 million tons of grain grown this year in Hungary

In Hungary, a total of approximately 13.5 million tons of grain grown this year, compared with the 16.3 million tonnes of last year – the Minister of State of the...

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Gallicoop closes this year with a productivity increaing development

Year 2015 at one of the biggest national poultry producer, the Szarvas-based Gallicoop Turkey Processing Co. Ltd. was about development. In addition to the new markets and product groups the...

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The National Tobacco Store Supplier and the Imperial Tobacco Ltd. signed a contract

The National Tobacco Store Supplier (ODBE) signed a contract with another tobacco wholesaler, the Imperial Tobacco Ltd. – the ODBE told MTI on Tuesday. According to the communication of the...

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The EuroFamily increases its efficiency

Laurel started a major project at its EuroFamily chain of stores. After a successful first launch, the convertion of the entire store network has begun. The Laura cash register software...

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Distillate tax ticket to come

The institution of legal pálinka distilling will remain; the private distilling will be burdened with minimal cost and administration burden – the head of department of the Ministry of National...

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The competition authority imposed fines due to dietary supplements

Several companies have given misleading information about certain dietary supplements that are containing devil's tongue extract (glucomannan). The agency on Tuesday informed that the proposed daily doses of the Celsus...

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Getting Familiar with the horse meat?

The consumption of horse meat is sacrilege in the eyes of many people, but some of the horses in Hungary finishes its life as a food product. However, no horses...

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Consumer confidence decreased strongly in the US

After a slight decline of october, consumer confidence deteriorated sharply in the United States in November – the Conference Board economic research institute announced on Tuesday. The CCI (Consumer Confidence...

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The PET Bottle Movement calls for the removal of the waste floating in the river Tisza

The PET Bottle Movement urges a rapid removal of the waste floating in the river Tisza – the movement's organizer, the Termé Association sent a communication to MTI on Tuesday....

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Successful corn variety presentation in Debrecen

A corn variety testing system was introduced at the Debrecen laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH). There were 80 participants from 32 town and villages. Sándor Szabó,...

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Farm produce marketplace in Kecskemét

Every Thursday local farmers and artisan food producers are selling their products in front of the Town Hall in Kecskemét. The farm produce marketplace programme was organised by the county...

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New meat plant in Megyaszó

The Harangod-Mag group completed building its new meat plant in Megyaszó. From the project’s HUF 420-million budget HUF 100 million was granted by a European Union programme. The new plant’s...

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Bombasei Decor builds new factory

Swiss-Hungarian confectionery firm Bombasei Decor Kft. is building a new production facility in Szikszó. They are investing more than HUF 500 million in building a 10,000m² plant. The company has...

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Dairy sector plans to intro­duce a standardised system

At the last Agriculture Club meeting, organisers K&H Group and Agrár Európa Kft. urged important actors of the diary sector to develop a standardised system for calculating production costs, which...

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Magazine: Rural Development Programme commences

The first grant programmes in the government’s HUF 1,300 billion Rural Development Programme (VP) will be announced this autumn. In addition to the HUF 206-billion sum available from this budget,...

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The number of commercial credits increase before Christmas

From the point of view, consumer lendings, the period before Christmas is traditionally strong. Most people are looking for goods and overdrafts, but credit cards are also commonly used in...

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Media Council: eight brands per hour appear on the two major commercial channels

The viewers of the two large national commercial television channels identified an average of eight brands an hour in the first half of 2015. This ratio was 8.5 in case...

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More and more businesses join to the Black Friday

More and more businesses join to the “Black Friday” in Hungary that will be held on 27 November , however, this kind of purchase special is not so widespread in...

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