News and articles

Informatics development is necessary

Parcel vending machine use can only become more frequent if online shops improve their IT systems: the machines can only hold relatively small parcels but online shops sell big objects...

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The fish may be cheaper as well

According to the operators of the sectors, the VAT should be reduced not only on pork, but also on dairy products and fish. Lévai Ferenc former president of the National...

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Hungarian premium beef is already available in the Chinese shops

The sales of the Hungarian premium quality beef has begun in Shanghai and the surrounding area, in ten stores of the Chinese Greenland Group supermarket chain on 1 February –...

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Fazekas Sándor: the decline in the pig population has stopped

The decline in the pig population has stopped in Hungary in the past few years, now the pig population is around 3.2 million again – the Minister of Agriculture said...

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The EC expects 2.1 percent growth in Hungary this year and 2.5 percent next year

This year the European Commission (EC) expects 2.1 percent economic growth in Hungary and 2.5 percent for the next year. The European Commission (EC) published its winter economic forecast in...

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We produce nearly 2 million tonnes of food surplus each year

In Hungary, we throw away nearly 2 million tonnes of food each year. The Food Bank aims to save the food surplus and deliver it to people in need. The...

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Túró Rudi in the shops of dm

The dm once again surprised its customers with a novelty: the Túró Rudi is available in seventy-one stores of the company. The customers can choose from a variety of tastes...

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Zwack profits declined

The Zwack Unicum Nyrt. reached an after tax profit of 2.0 billion HUF in the first three quarters of its financial year, which is 11.6 percent lower than a year...

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Online marketing for the SMEs

The marketing of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is a market niche, which the larger agencies are reluctant to deal with – Szaladják Linda marketing manager of the iData...

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IKEA increased its sales in Hungary by nearly 15 percent

Compared to the previous fiscal year, the IKEA increased its sales revenues in Hungary by 14.6 percent to 47.01 billion HUF in 2015 – Marek Feltl, leader of the company...

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Italian cigarette smuggler was caught

An Italian man tried to smuggle over 14 million forints worth cigarettes from Hungary, but was caught by finance guards at the Hungarian-Croatian border crossing at Letenye. Joó Hilda, press...

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Valentine's Day Doubles Tennis Tournament in February

Businessmen, politicians, prominent public figures, athletes will play tennis on 13 February, Saturday within the 18th Valentine's Day Doubles Tennis Tournament. The popular sporting event also serves to build business...

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Lindström strengthens its market presence by purchasing a Hungarian company

The Lindström textile company buys the Talp-Alj Kft. that is dealing with the leasing of indoor mats. The acquisition further accelerates the international company's growth on the Hungarian market. The...

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Leasing companies to join the financing scheme

Leasing companies can also join the agri-business financing programme in the EU budgetary period that lasts until 2020. Until 2020 there will be an annual budget of HUF 628 billion...

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SCA is launching premium Tork-products

Today, SCA, the producer of the Tork® brand of Away-from-Home professional hygiene products, has launched its full line of high-end Tork Image Design™ dispensers at the ISSA/INTERCLEAN show in Las...

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Smoke-flavour ham

Sága Selyemsonka ham has been popular in the Hungarian market for more than 15 years. The product range now welcomes a new, smoke....

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Magazine: HUNGEXPO Zrt. CEO Gábor Ganczer: ‘Continuous growth’

HUNGEXPO’s realist-optimist CEO Gábor Ganczer expects growth from the next year. He told our magazine that 2015 was one HUNGEXPO Zrt.’s best years. A record number of visitors came to...

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NGM: retail sales growth of around 5 percent is sustainable

Hungarian retail closed an exceptionally good year in 2015. Such an increase has not seen for more than 10 years – Lenner Áron Márk, Deputy Ministerof State of the National...

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The fruit and vegetable sector is waiting for the VAT reduction

Many market players think that about 60 billion HUF falls out of the budget annually because of VAT frauds – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. The Vice President of the interbranch...

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Czerván: the Russian embargo re- organized the markets

The Russian embargo on food re- organized the markets. The European exports to Asian countries moved towards Japan, China, Hong Kong and South Korea – Czerván György, Minister of State...

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Kőröstej: Revenue increased by 17 percent last year compared to the previous year

The Kőröstej Group’s generated consolidated sales in 2015 is expected to be 25 billion HUF, which represents approximately a 17 percent increase over the previous year – the Group told...

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Hungarian presence continued to expand at the world's largest fruit and vegetable trade show

In addition to the Hungarian national stand, this year the Hungarian sour cherry producers, tomatoes, pepper and horse-radish producers have a separate booth at the fruit and vegetable sector’s largest...

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The BI-KA Logisztika Kft. reached nearly 6 billion HUF in revenue last year

The net revenue of the BI-KA Logisztika Kft. increased by 620 million HUF (11 percent increase) to 5.9 billion HUF, compared to the previous year, thus the company further strengthened...

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EasyJet opened a discount store

A mega-discount shop has been launched by easyJet founder Stelios Haji-Ioannou, who aims to take on the budget supermarkets Aldi and Lidl. The Easy shops offers a range of basic...

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Retail sales grew rapidly last year in the Czech Republic

Last year, retail sales rose by 5.9 percent in the Czech Republic. Sales growth was so high as in 2008 – the Czech Statistical Office announced on Thursday in Prague....

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Increase in air freight and passenger traffic in 2015

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced global passenger traffic results for 2015 showing demand (revenue passenger kilometers or RPKs) rose 6.5 percent for the full year compared to 2014....

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Almdudler is stron in social media

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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VHT takes steps to raise meat consumption

The Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organisation and Marketing Board’s (VHT) objective is to increase per capita pork consumption by 5kg by 2020. Conditions are given as due to the Russian...

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AKG calculator

The environmental management for agriculture (AKG) calculator is already working on the NAK website. As part of the Rural Development Programme (VP), farmers could apply for AKG funding between 7...

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Food safety guaranteed

There were almost 400 participants at the IFS Food Safety Conference in Budapest at the Corvinus University on 5 November. Before the speakers took the floor IFS business development consultant...

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