News and articles

Major frost damage in the autumn rape

Frost damages affected the winter wheat, winter barley and triticale smaller than expected, but the autumn rape suffered major frost damages in Békés county Kulcsár László, Békés county chairman of...

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Large stores becoming more important in grocery retail

December 2015-November 2016 grocery retail sales valued at HUG 1,620 billion. Value sales were up 2 percent but volume sales dropped 1 percent in the 90 food categories audited by...

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Packaging is a ‘dark horse’ in the case of breakthrough innovations

Nielsen analysed the market performance of 9,900 new products in its latest Breakthrough Innovation Report. There are eleven products in the report that realised at least EUR or GBP 7.5-million...

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2017 – Az új lehetőség!Magazine: 2017 – The new opportunity!

It is interesting to monitor the changes in the labour market. It seems to me that job security is still a very important factor, especially if there is only one...

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11.2-billion dollar turnover estimated in the electronic display market

A report by Technavio forecasts that the growth rate of the in-store display market will be 16 percent between 2017 and 2021. The main driving force behind this growth will...

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Coffee, tea, bread and detergent: premium products Hungarians would buy for more

40 percent of Hungarian consumers would pay more than the average price for premium quality coffee or tea. 39 percent would do the same when buying bread or other baked...

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Fazekas: a strong CAP is needed after 2020

Hungary will do everything to ensure to give a strong and appropriate budget to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2020. In order to reach this goal the Member States...

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Inflation accelerated as expected

Inflation accelerated in February in Hungary by 2.9 percent, in line with the analysts’ expectations. In the coming months, inflation may exceed 3 percent, but the macroeconomic analysts interviewed by...

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The NÉBIH tested spiral-shaped pastas

At the lastest product test of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) 23 objections were raised out of 33 pastas – the agency told. During the product test, the...

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Massive bee mortality in Somogy county

Although precise data has not been disclosed yet, but experts say that bee mortality is 30-40 percent in the apiaries in Somogy county – wrote. Who could not make...

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888 wines of 121 Hungarian wineries at the wine competition of CBA

This year, 888 wines of 121 Hungarian wineries will be evaluated at CBA’s 11th National Wine Competition. Bock József winemaker during tasting at CBA’s 2017 wine competition at the company’s...

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NGM: customs and VAT revenues increased

In the first two months of the year, Hungary’s EU customs revenues increased with almost 5 billion HUF, while 4.3 billion HUF more Value Added Tax (VAT) flown into the...

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The secret was revealed: UBER, Apple and Facebook used this trick

The machines are already thinking, while malleable robots and “smart dust” characterizes the modern wars. The SMART 2017 Conference on 5 April 2017 are about such and similar topics. At...

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Slovenia is at the forefront in the origin protection of traditional agricultural products

Slovenia is at the forefront in the community preservation of origin protection of agricultural products and geographical indications. Slovenia applies for protection for more products than Austria, Hungary or Croatia...

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Air freight and passenger traffic has increased

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) data, an increase occurred in air freight and passenger traffic in January compared to the same period of the previous year. According...

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Artificial intelligence technology for Hungarian HR experts

SAP has added new functions to its technology used by HR experts. Thanks to the artificial intelligence function of the cloud computing-based software, HR experts will have to do less...

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Rabbit, hop!

Confectionery manufacturers are optimistic ahead of the Easter season. Last year Easter confectionery sales were lower than in the year before. This had to do with a few percentages higher...

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Prices increased by 0.4 percent on average last year

According to data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in December 2016 consumer prices were 1.8 percent higher on average than a year before. In 2016 consumer prices elevated by...

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Inflation has jumped

In February, consumer prices were an average 2.9 percent higher than a year before and rose 0.4 percent in a month – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Wednesday....

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Fifth of the honey on the EU market is fake

The European Commission’s highlighted honey investigation has confirmed the suspicion of farmers. Thanks to the most modern methods it turned out that fifth of the honey available in the common...

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EU action is needed to protect European rice production

EU action is needed to protect European rice production – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture, told – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) informed MTI. The FM told that Fazekas Sándor...

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Lidl’s Hungarian wine exports increased by 50 percent last year

Last year, the Hungarian wineries exported 6.1 million bottles of wines through Lidl Magyarország, which is about 50 percent more compared to the 4 million bottles of the previous year...

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Six new DESPAR grocery stores to be opened near LUKOIL filling stations

The number of LUKOIL filling stations with grocery stores is growing further. In addition to the first three stores opened in 2015, shopping is available at six other LUKOIL gas...

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Another 80 billion HUF will be available in the Rural Development Programme by the end of March

Another 80 billion HUF will be available in the Rural Development Programme in thirteen proposals by the end of March. Kis Miklós Zsolt, Minister of State of the Prime Minister’s...

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Novelty by IKEA

Beyond its trademark style and overwhelming stores, IKEA is known for making products that aren’t exactly a joy to assemble. Now, though, the company is pushing furniture that can “snap...

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Őszre megépül az Amazon felvidéki telephelye

A kis Szered megelőzte a nagy Brünnt, a morva főváros helyett ezt a 15 ezres szlovákiai települést választotta az Amazon, itt épül az amerikai online óriásáruház logisztikai központja – olvasható...

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The P&G CEO Challenge competition was launched again

The P&G offers a unique opportunity to promising Hungarian business talents. They can step into the shoes of senior managers who are responsible for a billion-dollar brand. The Hungarian students...

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Offering an experience is now more important in serving customers

On 26 January 2017 Monte City Event Palace was the venue of the 8th Excellence in Serving Customers Conference and Gala, which was organised by ClientFirst Consulting. At the event...

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Where did Hungarians’ work motivation go?

In November 2016 GKI Economic Research Zrt. conducted a representative survey with the participation of 987 companies, trying to find the answer to questions such as ‘Why are companies unable...

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