News and articles

Companies’ willingness to pay increased

The companies’ willingness to pay has improved. Invoices are offset more quickly, and less bad debts occur in cross-company sales, compared to last year, according to the survey of Atradius....

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Asia and Europe save the luxury industry

The world’s luxury market will grow larger than expected, according to an analysis. Growth is mainly due to Europe and Asia, which is offset by falling the US sales –...

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National Anti-Counterfeiting Agency: 3.3 billion HUF loss, due to fake toys a year

The loss of the industry is estimated at an average of 3.3 billion forints a year, due to counterfeit toys – according to a report by the European Office of...

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The Ice Cream of the Year was selected in Szeged

The jury of the Ice Cream of the Year tasted nearly 100 items on Monday. The best ice cream has become the ice cream of Eszenyi Ferenc from Balmazújváros: the...

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Nearly the third of the fruits froze in Ukraine

The frosts of May have caused serious damages to the Ukrainian agriculture this year. The Ministry of Agriculture predicts that fruit production will be 29 percent less than expected, only...

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The Chinese condom business can grow giant

The Australian Ansell sold its condom manufacturing department for 600 million USD to a Chinese consortium. While Australians believe that the market is shrinking, in China there is a huge...

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Chinese investment triples in US, doubles in Europe

Combined Chinese direct investment in the advanced economies of North America and Europe more than doubled in 2016 as China’s rapidly maturing economy continued its transition to a new growth...

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Payment Practices Barometer Eastern Europe 2017

After an increase of almost five percentage points in 2016, the percentage of overdue B2B invoices in Eastern Europe decreased again this year (41.5%). With the exception of Turkey, economic...

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Agrarian Chamber: producers join forces to increase the competitiveness of the onion sector

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) aims to increase the competitiveness of the Hungarian dairy industry and to attract the attention of traders and consumers to the high quality Hungarian...

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Agrarian Ministers: well-thought-out water management is the foundation of agriculture in the future

Well-thought water management is the basis of future agriculture, EU agriculture ministers agreed on Tuesday in Malta, agreeing that effective cooperation between the water and agricultural sectors is essential to...

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The circular economic model is also popular among the Hungarian companies

Waste is not only an environmental problem but also an economic one, so the linear economic model should be transformed into a circular economy based on a circular process –...

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Seed Alliance: Hungary is the sixth most important seed exporting country

Hungary is the sixth in world seed exports. The country’s climatic weather conditions are excellent for seed production – Pavelka Árpád, chairman of the Seed Society Interprofessional Organization and Product...

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Add your word – as soon as possible!

The SPAR Verde mineral water game is inviting participants to submit their summer words that they consider to be the most expressive. Together with the players, Majka will write the...

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The number of employees increased further

In the February-April period, the average number of employees was 4 million 378 thousand, 84 thousand, or 2.0 percent more than a year earlier. The employment rate for people aged...

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The Italian Festival was opened

On Thursday, 25 May, the press conference of the third edition of the Italian Festival was held at the Verdi hall of the Italian Cultural Institute. The festival, which runs...

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Nádudvari flavors at the Campus Festival

The Debrecen-based Campus Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. (Campus Nonprofit Public Company Ltd.) and the Nádudvari Élelmiszer Kft., (Nádudvari Food Ltd.) have signed a unique regional cooperation agreement. As a result, two...

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Parents spend on average 2 to 5 thousand HUF on children’s day surprises

In nine out of ten Hungarian families, children’s day is celebrated. The parents spend on average 2 to 5 thousand HUF on children’s day surprises – according to the researches...

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The Ford Trucks commercial vehicles were presented

The Ford Trucks’s exclusive distributor and importer the Delta-Truck has introduced the Ford Trucks commercial vehicles within a large-scale brand management event. Within the framework of the Ford Trucks Open...

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The doping-free dietary supplements have been listed

Hundreds of dietary supplements were collected that certainly do not include the 85 most problematic doping drugs. The tested substances were also included on a website – wrote. From...

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The World Organisation for Animal Health declared Romania as a swine-fever free country

The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) declared Romania as a swine-fever free country. The official certificate – that was voted at the 85th session of the OIE General Assembly...

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Ninety million cigarettes were seized in the port of Antwerp

The Belgian customs authorities seized nearly 90 million cigarettes in the port of Antwerp last week – one of the largest ever catch in the port. The shipment came from...

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US consumer mood is on a four month peak

The consumer sentiment in the United States is on its four month peak in May, according to the regular monthly survey of the University of Michigan. The results were published...

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Duna House Q1 sales jump

Real estate company Duna Houseʼs first-quarter after-tax profit edged down 9% year-on-year to HUF 266 million, an earnings report released early today shows, according to Hungarian news agency MTI. Sales...

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Hungary is relying on its own domestic resources

“It is important to stress with relation to the current migration crisis that Hungary is relying on its own domestic resources; the Government would like to support the Hungarian people...

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Number of jobs on the primary labour market up by more than 100 thousand year-on-year

In February-April 2017, the number of people employed in the private sector increased by 105 thousand year-on-year, the latest data show. Compared to the corresponding period of 2010, the number...

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A huge part of Hungary’s EU funds are due to the common agricultural policy

More than 36 percent of the European Union’s funds coming to Hungary by 2020 are due to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union, Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Minister...

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The SPAR opened a new business in Buda

The SPAR spent more than 300 million HUF on the opening of its new store in Budapest. The supermarket in Retek Street offers a wide range of products. “This year,...

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The Hungrana Kft. uses 3,000 tons of maize a day

Almost 1.2 million tons of domestic GMO-free maize is processed annually, and the Hungrana Kft. provides 5.5-6 percent of the Hungarian food exports – wrote. This means that their...

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Jordanian soldiers love Hungarian cheese

Over the last few years, in 2013, in 2015 and in 2016, the Hungarian Kőröstej won the international tender of the Jordanian Army. As a result, in the past year...

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The PayPal expands its vendor protection program in Hungary

The PayPal extends its vendor protection program – the payment system operator company told Pénzcentrum. The PayPal extends the scope of its sales protection program. This protection option has only...

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