News and articles

International operation against food fraud

Hungary has contributed to the success of the international operation against food fraud, called ‘OPSON VI’. Between December 2016 and March 2017 no less than 61 countries participated in the...

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Magazine: ‘Turkey meat is a healthy choice’

Gallicoop’s story started in Szarvas in 1989, with a capital of just HUF 40 million. Today the company employs 900 people and it is one of Hungary’s top suppliers of...

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FM: The government supports the modernization of milk production and processing

The government supports the modernization of the dairy production and the establishment of modern dairy plants with various forms of support – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State Secretary of...

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NGM: retail sales are increasing for forty-six months

Hungarian retail sales have been rising steadily for forty-six months – Marczinkó Zoltán, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told M1 channel on Tuesday in...

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It is not easy to release pig and poultry GMOs

The replacement of genetically modified (GMO) soybeans in cattle breeding can be relatively easily solved, but in the case of pigs and poultry, the Germans and Austrians who are far...

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EU and euro area retail sales increased

Growth occured in retail sales in April in the European Union and in the euro area. Eurostat said on Tuesday that according to the seasonally adjusted data, retail sales increased...

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Tesco home delivery in Veszprém

The Tesco Online Shopping is one of the most dynamically developing services of the chain, which is expanded and improved on the basis of the customers’ feedbacks. Thanks to the...

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Forbes list: Apple leads, Huawei is the only Chinese brand name

Huawei has been listed as the only Chinese brand on the most prestigious global brands ranking top 100 list of Forbes – the Huawei Technologies Hungary Kft. informed MTI. Huawei...

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What makes a dietary supplement safe?

How can we know that a dietary supplement is safe and does not contain any prohibited substances that can be dangerous to our health? The survey reveals what the...

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We can celebrate wine regions in the city of thousands cellars this weekend

June 10 is not only the Day of Wellness worldwide, but the Weekend of the Wine Regions will be held in Monor in Hungary that time, for example –

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Shops can sell sprits during the night in Kiev again

The Ukrainian court of appeal has issued a final decision to allow it to sell spirits during the night in Kiev’s stores – the Ukrainian anti-monopoly committee announced on Tuesday...

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Major growth in the Hungarian cloud computing market

This year up to USD 1.15 billion may be spent on public cloud computing services in Central and Eastern Europe – according to a forecast by IDC. This would constitute...

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Online shops to pay bigger fines

Ákos Kara, secretary of state responsible for infocommunication and consumer protection informed that the name of online shops that don’t comply with the regulations will be registered in an online...

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Five billion to be paid to ransomware attackers

This year the number of ransomware attacks has been growing exponentially, and in accordance with this USD 5 billion will be paid to attackers this year at world level –...

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Magazine: Pasta: a healthy choice

Hungarians like pasta, this is well-reflected by the fact that we are seventh in the European pasta consumption ranking. Although the product is healthy, sales only expand in certain segments....

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KSH: growth rate of retail sales consolidated in April

In April, the volume of retail sales grew by 3.5 percent according to the raw data, while calendar effect adjusted, mainly due to the Easter effect increased by 2.0 percent...

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Visegrád countries: EU’s food independence had to be ensured

An Extraordinary Meeting of the Agrarian Chambers of the Visegrád Four Countries (V4) was held on 1-2 June 2017 in Nadarzyn, near Warsaw. The Agrarian Chambers of the Visegrad Four...

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A 110-day promotion campaign was launched by the 110-year-old Theodora

Hungary’s historic mineral water is 110 years old. Theodora’s bottler, the Szentkirályi-Kékkúti Mineral Water Ltd. launched a 110-day promotion on the occasion of the jubilee anniversary. The campaign focuses on...

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HIPA’s President presented the Competitiveness Improvement Package to large companies

Ésik Róbert, Chairman of the National Investment Agency (HIPA), a member of the National Competitiveness Council presented a package of proposals compiled to improve the competitiveness of Hungary with improving...

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The New Gluten-Free Product of the Year award was handed over

The New Gluten-Free Product of the Year award was handed over. The recognition of the National Advocacy Association of Celiacs was handed over to the Chocolate Sour Cherry muesli bar...

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The Hungarian SMEs could meet with business development services within the series of events of MNKH and EEN

The Hungarian National Chamber of Commerce (MNKH) and the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) organized a seven-station series of events for the enterprise development of the Hungarian SMEs. In the framework...

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The African swine fever (ASP) appeared near the Hungarian border

Again, the African swine fever (ASP) appeared near the Hungarian border; The virus was detected from a wild boar shed in Beregújfalu. The incident was notified by the Transcarpathian authorities...

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Growth in retail sales slowed in the Czech Republic

In April, retail sales in the Czech Republic rose by 2.7 percent year-on-year, after the 8.7 percent of March – the Czech statistical office (CSÚ) reported in Prague. Retail sales...

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Waberer’s would go to the Stock Exchange

The Waberer’s International Inc. reapplies the introduction of the company’s ordinary shares to the Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE) in the premium category; The company expects to invest 50 million euros...

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Global air cargo and passenger traffic increased

According to the data of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), air cargo and passenger traffic increased significantly in April compared to the same period of last year. According to...

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2017 BrandZ Top 100 Global Brands

The 2017 BrandZ™ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking and report has now been published by WPP and Kantar Millward Brown. In its 12th year, this is the most...

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Is Europe about to recover?

Pro-Europe candidate Emanuel Macron won the French presidential election, beating far right politician Marine Le Pen, who represented a threat to both regions and markets. Macron’s win reduced the risk...

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Favourable price and quick service is the key to sharing economy

The “sharing economy” is a term frequently incorrectly applied to ideas where there is an efficient model of matching supply with demand, but zero sharing and collaboration involved. Platforms such...

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Magazine: Consumers expect more from yogurts

In the past few months plain yogurt sales decreased in value and stayed put in volume, while fruit yogurt sales didn’t change in value but reduced in volume. Henriett Szabó-Spanyol,...

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The SME lending grew by 12 percent in 2016

Corporate lending increased in 2016 in an extent has not seen since the crisis. Corporate lending increased by 4 percent. The SME loan portfolio increased by 8 percent, and extended...

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