News and articles

Nearly 900 billion HUF for agri- and rural development grants in 2018

In next year’s budget, the amount of agricultural and rural development funds is close to 900 billion HUF, 51 billion HUF more than this year – the Minister of Agriculture...

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Deputy MInister of State: Strong producer communities are needed for the development of vineyards

The development of vineyards requires strong farming communities – Gál Péter, Deputy MInister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said on Friday at the Budapest European Conference of...

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The culinary revolution continues with premium beers

This year, the Staropramen Taste Works campaign was launched, which aims to introduce the concept of beer gastronomy in Hungary. The success of the initiative was unthinkable a few years...

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The Sága Foods Zrt. invests 600 million HUF for developments this year

The Sárvár-based Sága Foods Zrt. devotes six hundred million HUF for developments this year. The company will primarily upgrade the packaging and the production of ham products – the CEO...

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Garantiqa: Every second small business plan to invest

One third of domestic micro-enterprises, more than half of small businesses are planning to invest in the next year, according to the nationally representative survey of the Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt.,...

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A spice plant was inaugurated in Nagytarca

The Innovofoods Zrt. handed over a production plant capable to produce 10 tonnes per shift in Nagytarca. The company producing self-developed soup powders, special spices, pudding powders, instant coffees and...

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Consumer prices in the euro area and in the EU increased at a slowing pace in May

Annual comparable consumer prices increased in the euro area and in the European Union in May. According to figures, published by the European Union’s Statistical Office (Eurostat) on Friday, consumer...

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Italian beauty care and cosmetics

Hungary hosted the “Italian Beauty & Care Day” event for the first time, which took part at the Boscolo Hotel in Budapest. The organizer of the event was the ICE-Agenzia...

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The NAV seized more than seven million HUF worth untaxed cigarettes

The National Tax and Customs Administration’s (NAV) finance officers found about seven thousand packs of untaxed cigarettes at the Kőbánya Railway Station Two men wanted to transport the cigarettes with...

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The deficit of the Romanian agro-foreign trade balance was around 75 percent in the first quarter

In the first quarter, the deficit of Romania’s agricultural and foreign trade balance grew by almost 75 percent to 460.37 million euros, according to the data of the Romanian Ministry...

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Several hundred tons of canned cheese for soldiers in Jordan

Hungarian group Kőröstej supplies the 100,000 soldiers of the Jordanian army with canned cheese. Only last years the soldiers ate several hundred tons of Buda cheese. Kőröstej sends the cheese...

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Anti-food waste practices to be rewarded at OMÉK

At the 78th National Agriculture and Food Exhibition (OMÉK) – to be held between 20 and 24 September 2017 – the best practices in fighting food waste will be rewarded....

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Magazine: The most influential retail trends in 2016

How did Hungarian FMCG retail perform in 2016? Value sales improved by 2.8 percent if compared with the 2015 level. Volume sales dropped 1.1 percent and prices augmented by 3.9...

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Good quality melon will be harvested this season

Thanks to the long-lasting warmth, the Hungarian melon production will have a good quality this year again – the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) told MTI. In Hungary – basically because...

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Price difference between the EU Member States is almost threefold

There were very big differences in the price level of goods and services in the various Member States of the European Union last year: Denmark was the most expensive and...

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Lidl Magyarország is among the best employers

The employer activity of Lidl Magyarország was rewarded with another award. The German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DUIHK) handed over the “Reliable Employer 2017/18” award last week. The German-Hungarian...

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The main prize of the Nádudvari sweepstakes was announced

The main prize of the Nádudvari sweepstakes was handed over to the lucky winner Szabó Pál on 7 June. The main prize was a one week holiday in Hajdúszoboszló for...

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MNB: almost two-thirds of the card purchases were contactless payments

The expansion of electronic cash flow in the first quarter of 2017 continued to rise: contactless payment has become dominant, 63 percent of the purchases were carried out this way,...

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Land turnover increased by more than double last year

Thanks to the Farmers’ Growth Program the land turnover more than doubled last year according to the OTP Farm Land Map Analysis. Based on the size of the total land...

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The representatives of the grape and wine sector suggest sector-specific solutions and self-regulation

The Commission proposes that every alcoholic beverage label should indicate its caloric content and warn young people about the dangers of drinking and drunk driving. The four largest European lobbying...

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A community song was born from SPAR’s courtesy

Majka wrote one of the hits of this year’s summer called Party Quarantine. The singularity of the song is that the popular singer has used the words in the lyrics...

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The Downtown Beer Festival has begun

More than two hundred kinds of beer, special brews, and beer ice-cream can also be tasted at the four-day Belvárosi Sörfesztivál (Downtown Beer Festival) from Thursday at Szabadság Square in...

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Personalized digital novelties in beauty care and at the workplace

A hairbrush that reads on our scalp and a patch that warns you if you’re overdone sunbathing. Some examples of the technological innovations of the world’s largest beauty company, presented...

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China votes for organic fertilizer

A program was launched by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture for the replacement of fertilizers with organic fertilizers in hundred areas of the country – wrote. The central budget...

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National hailstorm damage reducing system from May 2018

It is very likely that by May next year a nationwide hailstorm damage reducing system will be operational. Hungary’s territory will be divided into 10km by 10km squares, where anti-hailstorm...

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Online supermarket in Berlin

Amazon has launched the AmazonFresh service in Berlin. The online retailer offers its full grocery assortment online – 85,000 products, from fresh food to frozen food and drinks. Florian Baumgartner,...

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Hungarians drink more and more flavored non-alcoholic and special beers

The value of the retail turnover of beer in Hungary remained unchanged from 2015 to 2016 and decreased by 1 percent in volume. Hungarians purchased beer in a value of...

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We spend one of four forints on own branded products

The market share of the supermarket chains’ own branded products is growing steadily, according to Gfk’s survey. By the end of 2016, their market share reached 25 percent, ie one...

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Cerbona and Ham-Let in one hand

The owner of the Cerbona Élelmiszeripari Kft. purchased the Agrimill-Food, the producer of the Ham-Let puffed cereal slice, so the two known brands came in one hand. The further operation...

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