News and articles

FM Minister of State: The objective of the Pick It Up! action is to strengthen environmental protection

The largest volunteer action in Hungary, the Pick It Up! 2017 Waste Collection Campaign will be organized this year again to strengthen environmental protection – V. Németh Zsolt, Minister of...

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Peanut allergy treatment ‘lasts up to four years’

An oral treatment for peanut allergy is still effective four years after it has been administered, a study has found –BBC News wrote. Children were given a probiotic, with a...

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Worldwide sales of smartphones declined

In the second quarter, only the five largest manufacturers were able to increase their smartphone sales, but global market turnover declined overall, according to an analysis of the US International...

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Analysts: growth can be around 4 percent this year

The growth of the Hungarian economy has slowed, but fell short of the expected pace in the second quarter – in line with the expectations, but the expansion could again...

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SPAR modernized four more stores

The SPAR spent nearly one billion forints for the renovating works of four more stores in Pécs, Mohács, Veszprém and Budapest. During the modernization process, not only the interior and...

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Finally, the best breads of the year were presented to the audience

Görböc, Rozs and Szalmaláng It is no exaggeration to name the three best products of the year that won the Hungarian Baker’s League competition this year. Among the works received...

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The Körös-Maros Biofarm won support for the production of a special cereal organic beer

The Körös-Maros Biofarm Kft. in Gyula and its consortium partners won almost 402 million forints of European Union funding for the production of a special cereal organic beer – the...

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The 22nd Hungarian Wine Route Rally visits the Etyek and Sopron wine regions

The 22nd Hungarian Wines Route Rally starts on Friday. It will take place in the Etyek and Sopron wine regions. Megay Róbert Péter main organizer at the event’s press conference...

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Concerts, tastings, chocolate statue at the National Chocolate Festival in Szerencs

Among others, concerts, tastings, chocolate statue and adventure park await the visitors at the 10th National Chocolate Festival between August 25-27 – Koncz Ferenc (Fidesz-KDNP) announced on Wednesday in Szerencs....

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There are only two weeks left for compulsory registration

By August 30, 2017, all business entities are required to register at the Company Gate. From the beginning of next year, the official contact with the public authorities will be...

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Nébih: In Hungary consumers shhould choose good quality Hungarian eggs

While the issue of eggs contaminated with fipronill is not cleansed in Europe, consumers in Hungary should prefer fresh and high quality fipronyl-free Hungarian eggs – Pleva György, the Food...

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The Nébih checked fish fryers at the Lake Balaton

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) checked 13 fish fryers at the Lake Balaton in the last week of June. 700 laboratory tests were carried out on more than...

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Most of the Hungarian streetfoods can be prepared at home

The first Food Truck recipe book is available from September. Steak sandwiches, salty waffles and angusburgers can be made at home. The best-known domestic food trucks publish their best and...

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Heidi Klum’s new budget line for Lidl has been unveiled

America’s Got Talent contestants had better watch out – because supermodel judge Heidi Klum is not afraid to show her catty side. The 44-year-old arrived on the aftershow party on...

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An illegal cigarette factory was found in Vecsés

An illegal cigarette factory was found two years ago in Vecsés. 2.5 million cigarettes and 12 tons of cigarettes were seized. A lawsuit was filed against 13 people – the...

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There was no change in inflation in the European Union

The inflation rate has not changed in the European Union nor in the euro area in July – Eurostat reported on Thursday. According to the statistics from the European Union’s...

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New commercial director at eMag


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KSH: GDP grew by 3.2 percent in the second quarter

In the second quarter, gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 3.2 percent, compared to the same period of last year, according to a first estimate of the Central Statistical Office...

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The Danone Kft. conducted a survey on the nutrition habits of children

42 percent of the children aged 10 to 12 years consume high calcium-containing dairy products such as yoghurt only a few times a week, 16 percent of them only once...

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The new slaughterhouse in Mohács is operating with a 75 percent capacity

The new slaughterhouse of the MCS Zrt., handed over at the end of April is operating with an almost 75 percent capacity in Mohács – the company told MTI. According...

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Professional organizations urged the Increase of the purchase price of raw milk at the dairy sector negotiations

Without the rise in the purchase price of raw milk, the domestic raw materials can not be kept in the country and if only imported products will be on the...

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The store of the Gödöllő COOP Zrt. has been renewed on University Square

As a continuation of its shop renewal program the Gödöllő COOP Zrt., re-opened its shop at the University of Gödöllő again in the days. During the reconstruction, the interior spaces...

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Nébih: contaminated eggs has reached Hungary

Pesticide drug, fipronil contaminated eggs and egg products were found in Hungary. There were residues in the products that did not endanger the health, so their consumption did not pose...

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Blissful success! Not only Hungarians love the Sopron IPA

The Óvatos Duhaj received a prestigious international award. The Óvatos Duhaj IPA beer of the Soproni won bronze medal qualification in the “flavor” category at the International Beer Challenge and...

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Increasing attention and increasingly tight controls in e-commerce

Fraudulent webshops can receive up to 2 billion HUF fines. Which are the main mistakes, what the companies should pay attention to? According to the Consumer Conditions Scoreboard 2017 issued...

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Germans mixed beer with wine

The Germans’ new launch is Wier, a special beverage that is created by a mix of wine and beer. Its name is also derived from this pairing using the words...

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GDP growth in the euro area accelerated in the second quarter

The euro area economy expanded as initially estimated in the second quarter with better contribution from individual economies. Gross domestic product grew 0.6 percent quarter-on-quarter, slightly faster than the 0.5...

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Insect-based products on the store shelves in Switzerland

Switzerland’s second-largest supermarket chain will begin selling insect burgers for human consumption after the country’s food safety laws were revised – the Guardian wrote. The Coop announced insect-based products such...

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Viszkok Fruzsi’s favourite products in the Rossmann-stores from now on

Viszkok Fruzsi is a popular youtuber with more that 250 thousand followers, so Rossmann is now launching a product line with her fvourite products....

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I believe it if it comes from them

At the 1 June 2017 meeting of Trade Marketing Club (TMC) members came together in the Budai Vár Fortuna Restaurant to meet some of the most popular Hungarian video bloggers....

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