News and articles

GfK: consumer sentiment in Germany has deteriorated

The German citizens assess their economic prospects slightly more worse than in the previous month, according to a consumer sentiment index of the GfK Market Research Institute published on Thursday....

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The European Commission has approved an investment package that supports environmental protection

The European Commission approved a 222 million euros investment package covered by the EU budget on Thursday that that supports environmental protection and climate policy program called LIFE for a...

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Blackmailer threatens with food poisoning in Germany

One or more blackmailers have threatened to poison food products in shops in Germany and elsewhere in Europe, unless they are given millions in cash, police warned on Thursday. Authorities...

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A small-scale production guide was prepared for good hygiene practice

A small-scale producer guide was prepared for good hygiene practice for food production and marketing, which is available free of charge on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM),...

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Tesco reduces the sugar content of its own branded soft drinks

Tesco significantly reduced the added sugar content in its own branded soft drinks, so from the beginning of October in the soft drinks on the shelves of the department stores,...

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Czerván: less corn is expected to grow this year

This year, less corn is expected to grow. The yield per hectare is below the record level of 2016, the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said...

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FM: the export of beef and rabbit meat to Singapore may soon begin

Hungary’s export of beef and rabbit meat to Singapore may soon begin – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture said, after a meeting with Lawrence Wong, head of the Singaporean National...

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Hungarian households are more and more optimistic

According to internationally representative research carried out by teh Provident Pénzügyi Zrt. (Provident Financial Co.) and its parent company the International Personal Finance (IPF), one third of Hungarian respondents have...

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Rural development projects were announced in a value of almost 1000 billion HUF so far

The Rural Development Program (Vp) announced applications worth 969 billion HUF, about two-thirds of the 1300 billion HUF budget – the Minister of State of the Prime Minister’s Office in...

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Junibor and Gastro Feast at St. Stephen’s Square

The wines of thirty-three young producers can be sampled from almost every wine regions of Hungary at the 5th Junibor and Gastronomic Festival that lasts from Friday to Sunday in...

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KSH: the number of employees increased further

In the three-month period from the beginning of June to the end of August, the number of employees was 4 million 444 thousand people, 58 thousand more than a year...

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NGM: the government helps the innovative Hungarian companies to access foreign markets

The Hungarian government considers it a priority task to help the market expansion of the Hungarian innovative startup businesses to the international space – Varga Mihály said at the Startup...

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The autumn fish planting into the Lake Balaton has started

So far 47 tonnes of three-summer carp have been put into the lake, Nagy Gábor – fishing sector manager of the Balaton Fish Management Nonprofit Ltd. (BH) said. Nagy Gábor...

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L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science

The L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science initiative began 19 years ago. Since that inaugural year, the L’Oréal Foundation and UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) have strived...

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Analysts: wage growth still persist

Wages will rise by 13 to 14 percent this year, and this growth rate will continue next year, according to macroeconomic analysts interviewed by MTI. According to data published by...

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55 billion forints for dairy farmers

The Rural Development Programme had earmarked HUF 36.5 billion in subsidies for the well-being of cows. Since applications for funding were sent in for a value of HUF 55.4 billion, the...

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Will there be more or fewer presents under the Christmas tree?

In August Kantar Hoffmann asked 18-64 year old Hungarians about how much they plan to spend on gifts. Last year the average shopper spent HUF 50,000 on Christmas gifts. 25-34 year old consumers...

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Enterprises acquired new agricultural machines in a value of 77 billion HUF

The Hungarian companies acquired new agricultural machines in a value of 77 billion HUF in the first half of this year, which is an increase of 40 percent in annual...

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MNB director: economic growth can permanently exceed 3.5 percent

The Hungarian economy is expected to reach an over 3.5 percent growth this year and the next year, and the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) expects that the 3 percent inflation...

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The European Soy Declaration was presented in the European Parliament

Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) and a representative of the German agricultural ministry presented the European Soy Declaration at the meeting of the...

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The packaging of the Twickel Bag in Box has a new, creative design

At the Twickenham Estate this year, the more and more popular Bag in Box wine pack was given a special attention, and this time it was a truly creative way...

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The sausage festival in Békéscsaba will be held on a bigger area this year

The 21st Csabai Sausage Festival will be held this year in two large tents and two stages, in addition to the Sports Hall in Békéscsaba, from 19 to 22 October,...

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The Hungarian Development Center helps applicants to acquire EU funds

The Hungarian Development Center, helps Hungarian applicants to successfully take part in the acquisition of EU funds directly from Brussels with coordination and operational information – Kiss Antal ministerial commissioner...

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FM: The Hungarian-Vietnamese agro-industrial cooperation is deepening

There is a strong Vietnamese interest in Hungarian agricultural machinery. The cooperation between the two countries is intensifying in the area of poultry farming and food security – Fazekas Sándor...

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Apple and Google have remained the world’s most valuable brands this year

For the fifth consecutive year this year, Apple and Google proved to be the world’s most valuable brands in the global ranking of the Interbrand US consulting firm. In the...

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IKEA is opening more and more mini-stores

IKEA is opening more and more mini-stores and the so-called “pop-up stores” in the downtowns of the major cities in Europe and all over the world – wrote. “IKEA’s...

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Alibaba plans a brutal overseas expansion

The Alibaba e-commerce giant is preparing for a brutal overseas expansion, according to the company’s investment plans published by Reuters. Alibaba spends 100 billion yuan (about 3.9 billion HUF) in...

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The police found almost one and a half tons of leaf tobacco in Nyíregyháza

Almost one and a half tons of leaf tobacco were found on a property in Nyiregyháza on Monday – the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Police Headquarters announced on the police website on...

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Major growth in the Hungarian cloud computing market

This year up to USD 1.15 billion may be spent on public cloud computing services in Central and Eastern Europe – according to a forecast by IDC. This would constitute...

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KSH: 7.2 million tons of grain cereals were produced this year

This year, 8.7 percent less, 7.2 million tons of grain cereals were produced in a 10 percent smaller area, compared to last year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced...

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