Company and Personal News

News and news background television expands the offer of the trading house

As of March 1, 2022, Atmedia will sell NewsTV’s commercial advertising time. The thematic news and news background television, founded 20 years ago, has a national coverage of 92%, and...

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Diageo’s Eastern European marketing team has been strengthened by Hungarian experts

Diageo’s Eastern European marketing team has appointed a new leader and brand managers. The experts perform the marketing communication and product innovation tasks of the alcoholic beverage brands distributed by...

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Cola-Cola HBC is expanding its coffee portfolio with the Caffè Vergnano brand

As of 1 January 2022, the Coca-Cola HBC Group was among the first to start selling Caffè Vergnano premium Italian coffee products exclusively in Hungary. This opens a new and...

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New comprehensive educational resource for primary schoolchildren on environmental education

After the environmental educational short films presented last year, the educational material of the P&G ECO habits was prepared for 7th-8th graders as well. Embracing three important areas: water consumption,...

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Tesco customers can decide about more than HUF 40 million

Last autumn, for the 10th time, it was possible to apply for support for community-building activities as part of Tesco’s “You choose, we help” programme. Of the 176 applications submitted,...

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(HU) Kézfertőtlenítőt adományozott a dm hátrányos helyzetű térségek iskolásainak

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A grape processing plant is being built in Ordacseh

The Balaton Agrár Zrt. is building a grape processing plant in Ordacsehi, the company won a 464 million HUF grant for a complex development of food processing plants for an...

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LG joined the League of Legends As a support partner with its gaming monitor series

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PICK encourages movement in the first month of the year

Let the year begin sportily! PICK will once again move the consumer community in January this year: it will launch its new online community-building campaign encouraging joint cheering and year-opening...

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Kurucz Agro Kft: from farmland to the table

Kurucz Agro Kft. Is a family-owned company group, which serves the customers by implementing the “farmland to table” philosophy – Kurucz Ferenc, the company’s managing director and owner said, writes...

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Eastern European companies fear an increase in bankruptcies

According to an analysis by credit insurer Atradius, 39 percent of companies in the region fear that with the expected release of government bailouts, there will be more bankruptcies this...

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Rossmann on an increasingly green road

Recycled aluminium frame and 100% recyclable interchangeable plastic head – the eco-friendly toothbrush designed by startup Skoonex won rossmann Hungary’s letter of intent in the pitch competition of the Startup...

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What to expect in logistics in 2022?

The pandemic has caused significant changes in the logistics industry in both 2020 and 2021, and it seems that this year will be no different. The coronavirus has also forced...

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Uncle Ben’s is now Ben’s Original

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Support can be requested from the Auchan Foundation for food-related projects

The Auchan Foundation embraces important social causes and encourages good solutions. It mobilises its resources mainly for the benefit of the local communities where it is present with its stores....

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A new campaign for musical Túró Rudis

Polka Dots and Spotify start the year with an innovative joint campaign that is unique throughout the CEE region. The iconic dots have been replaced by hearts again until Valentine’s...

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Főtaxi has entered the instant parcel delivery market

Focusing on the business segment, Főtaxi launched its parcel delivery service. The instant courier service, Főtaxi GO, is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, delivering almost everything...

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(HU) Megállapodtak a 2022-es bérekről a SPAR-nál

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BioTechUSA’s new campaign uses everyday advertising faces in its marketing

With the call “Be Yourself”, biotechusa, more than 20 years old, is launching an image building and shopping promotion campaign to show that its products are universal and gender neutral....

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From January 1st, Semmelrock Paving Stone Ltd. was merged into Wienerberger Zrt.

On the first day of the new year, Semmelrock PavingStone Ltd., one of the largest players in Hungarian paving stone and sheet production, will be merged into Wienerberger Zrt. Thus,...

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One company continues to operate Danone’s entire domestic business

With effect from 1 January, Numil Kft. transferred its infant and clinical formula distribution business to Danone Hungary Kft., so in the future the entire hungarian activities of the Danone...

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(HU) Nemzetközi ételfutár cég lép a magyar piacra

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(HU) Egyetlen trappista sajt kapta meg a Kiváló Minőségű Élelmiszer védjegyet

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(HU) Magyar pezsgősiker az Effervescents du Monde világversenyen

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The Hungarian Maltese Charity Service, the Food Bank and the Ecomenic Relief Organization will receive the Christmas donation of Budafoki yeast this year

The charity call of Lesaffre Hungary Kft., the manufacturer of Budafoki yeast, “Care begins at home!” has moved many bakeries. They were happy to join and create a gift package...

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What’s the carbon footprint of Christmas presents?

More and more companies would reduce the carbon footprint of their products in order to achieve climate-neutral operation and meet consumer expectations. For example, many of them already measure how...

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Danone’s domestic companies donated millions this year

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A period of trouble is coming in the security sector

The guaranteed minimum wage will increase by around 20% from 1 January, so those working in jobs with at least secondary education will have to pay more than twice as...

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A four-year-old Australian boy ordered cookies in a value of more than a thousand dollars with his father’s phone

A four-year-old Australian boy ordered cakes for more than a thousand dollars with his father’s phone via a food delivery app. According to an article in The Guardian, Christian King...

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