Company and Personal News

Nestlé Aquarel is the official water supplier partner of the Triathlon World Championship

A half mile of swimming, more than 40 kilometers of biking, 10 kilometers of running, is the program for the triathlonists this weekend. Nestlé Aquarel is the official water supplier...

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SPAR – responsibility for the staff and for their Families

One of the most important element of responsible corporate behavior of SPAR Hungary Ltd. is the staff appreciation. The company recognizes and evaluates employees' active role in the development of...

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Heineken Hungária: 2 billion decline in revenues this year

Heineken Hungária calculates with about 2 billion HUF smaller revenue for this year, compared to last year – said Benedek László, the company's sales director at a background conversation in...

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The mineral water of Borszék is market leader in Romania

The mineral water of Borszék is the strongest brand in Romania – reports Kró The mineral water, which is also available in the Hungarian market overtook the Dacia car brand...

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New Sales Director at the Szilasfood Ltd.

From the 1st of September 2010, Szenográczky János fills the post of Sales Director at Szilasfood Ltd. The specialist is working in the FMCG sector for 20 years, as a...

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Domestic food from the house of Hungarian Flavours

The House of Hungarian Flavours offers exclusively domestic product range. It will open in Budapest in mid-September. Despite the strict selection system, the store will offer a complete food sore...

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Winery of the year: the Abbey Winery of Pannonhalma

The prestigous “Winery of the Year” award, this year went to the Abbey Winery of Pannonhalma. The grape growing and wine culture of Pannonhalma has a tradition of centuries, however...

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The Spar at the Budapest International Wine and Champagne Festival

SPAR Hungary Ltd. – just like in previous years – is the main sponsor of the 19th Budapest International Wine and Champagne Festival. For SPAR, wine is not just a...

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COOP Szolnok Zrt. expands further

The priority objective of the COOP Szolnok Zrt. is the continuous and conscious market expansion. As the result of the market expansion, COOP Szolnok Zrt. purchased 100 percent of the...

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High efficiency against persistent contaminants

Washing up does not necessarily mean an unpleasant and tiring housework. One can take advantage of this opportunity to relax after a long day, to chill out or daydream looking...

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Junior VÖSLAUER: Children should drink, not just eat

Parents are thinking, what they should pack for their children during the autumn kindergarten and school starts in September. Many people used to forget, that fluid intake is also important....

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Next year’s IKEA catalogue has been published in nearly 200 million copies

IKEA’s 2011 catalog has been published. The 376-page publication is the international symbol of the consumer society. Last year it was published in nearly 200 million copies around the world,...

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Poór Zoltán is the new Chairman and CEO of Pannonmill

From the 1st of September 2010, Poór Zoltán was appointed as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Komárom-based Pannonmill Malomipari Zrt. The company is now the leading milling...

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International PRICER recognition to the Szintézis Group

At the PRICER conference partners were representing themselves from all over the world. The Szintézis group was represented by Szabó Dávid, Strategic Business Unit Director, who is also responsible for...

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Tesco: 25 million PET bottles and cans were collected by the customers

Tesco pays great attention on separate collection processes during its operation, therefore the chain launched a nationwide campaign this summer, for the recollection of PET bottles and aluminum cans. During...

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Another consumer group organizing firm was fined

The Competition Authority (GVH), imposed a fine of 2 million HUF to Swiss Invest 2009 Hungary Financial Services Ltd., and banned the publication of the investigated publishings – reports the...

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New Offer Management Director at METRO Kereskedelmi Ltd.

As of 1 September 2010 Mr. Xavier Plotitza has been appointed to the position as Offer Management Director at Metro Cash & Carry Hungary. Xavier Plotitza joined Metro Cash &...

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Fats were incorporate into the curriculum

From September, students will not only study math tasks: in more than 800 primary schools Nestlé’s NUTRIKID training program on a balanced diet will make colorful the lessons. More and...

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The eco truck will hit the road soon

On the 8th of September, Öko-Pannon’s interactive event truck will hit the road, to encourage Hungary for waste recycling. The renewed eco truck of Öko-Pannon Nonprofit Kft., will visit 19...

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The new member of the Red Bull MOBILE portfolio has arrived

The Red Bull MOBILE’s supply expanded with a new smartphone. The new RBMK android device is available for 1 HUF, from the 2nd of September exclusively at the Telenor shops....

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Tesco would buy Carrefour's 61 business in Asia

Tesco can increase its impact on the Asian markets, if the company will acquire the Carrefour supermarket chain’s stores in the region. The British giant will have to contend with...

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The food industry development of the decade in Makó

Makó has won the largest food industry investment of the last decade: the world's leading flavor – and parfume manufacturer, the Swiss Givaudan, will build a plant in the city,...

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The Gyulai Májas product family has won the Hungarian Product Grand Prix

The Gyulai Májas product family can receive the prestigious Hungarian Product Grand Prix Award. The Gyulai Májas is the top product of the Gyulai Húskombinát Zrt., because every third májas...

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Burger King has been purchased by an investment fund with Brazilian background

According to the Financial Times; The world's second largest hamburger chain, the Burger King Holding Inc. agreed with the Brazilian background 3G investment fund to acquire the company. According to...

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Ipsos: The lost pony has been found

In recent weeks, the lost pony campaign of the Hungarian Outdoor Media Association generated a large media coverage. According to the research of Ipsos; the campaign reached the highest detection...

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School start fundraising campaign in the Tesco

On the occasion of rhe school start Tesco and the Hungarian Red Cross organize a nationwide school supplies collection campaign. The volunteers of the Hungarian Red Cross are waiting the...

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Herz products on the shelves again

Thanks to Bonafarm Group, the Herz products can be found on store shelves again, less than half a year after the Competition Authority has authorized the purchase of the company's...

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Tesco launched its loyalty program

At the end of August, Tesco’s Clubcard Loyalty program has been launched. In the scope of the program, the customers can collect points on their personalized account, after the purchase....

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Henkel: new furniture in the schools

Henkel Magyarország contributed to the start of the school year with the purchasing of school furniture for the Árpád Fejedelem Elementary School in Vác. The institution was renovated in the...

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The Kométa provides the afternoon meal for the primary school children of Kaposvár

In the 2010/2011 school year, the employees of Kométa ’99 Zrt. joinrd forces to provide tasty afternoon meal for the approx. 700 first grade primary school children at the 17...

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