Company and Personal News

Praktiker will not leave Eastern Europe

According to the president of the company, Praktiker does not intend to discard its Eastern European interests. Thomas Fox, told that they really plan to review the portfolio, in order...

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Tesco may carry out large investments

Tesco nedds about one billion pounds (360 billion HUF) investments to revive the activities on its domestic market – Bloomberg writes, referring to the opinion of the company's fourth-largest owner....

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Zöldségmag Kft: refined hungaricums with EU support

The Kecskemét-based Zöldségmag Kft. starts to refine hungaricum vegetable specialties with using genetic sources. The company reported that the program is supported by the Economic Development Operational Programme (GOP). The...

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Tetra Pak received Industrial Oscar

Within two years, 25 percent less waste production, 14 percent less operating costs, 7 percent less specific power consumption and CO2 emissions, zero accidents and machine utilization increased to 75.3...

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Dachser Far East: new warehouse in Shanghai

The internationally operating logistics provider, DACHSER, is expanding its contract logistics activities in China. A new warehouse in Shanghai with 10,000 square metres was recently put into operation. Due to...

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The Body Shop opened with the system of Szintézis

The first Body Shop of Hungary has opened its gates using the commercial system of Szintézis. Body Shop’s exclusive national representation, the Avanzo Trade Ltd. opened its first brand store...

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New governmental and public relations manager at Kraft Foods Hungária Kft.

From April 2012 Kertész Péter Arnold is the governmental and public relations manager at Kraft Foods Hungária Kft. He is responsible for the implementation of governmental, corporate relations and communications...

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Green light to the square-shaped Milka chocolates

The Regional Court of Cologne has changed the first-degree prohibiting verdict and has given green light to the marketing of the square-shaped Milka products. The court explained that the packaging...

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CBA may acquire the leaving chains

According to market informations, the Profi and the Match can be the two chain of stores that may generate more excitement in the Hungarian commercial industry. Great competition has started...

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Slovakian Penta can buy the German drugstore chain

Only one serious bidder remained for the German Schlecker drugstore chain: the Slovakian Penta Investment financial group. According to the informations of Der Spiegel, the purchase price or the amount...

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Detki biscuits from the Easter bunny

Detki Keksz has made the decision to support children in need in Heves megye, so the gifted the Children-protection Center of Heves County in Egerszalók with a huge package of...

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Special award goes to Tutti Élelmiszeripari Ltd.

Ottó Prohászka Ottó, CEO of Tutti Élelmiszeripari Ltd. has received the special award of Hungarian Agrareconomy Quality Award at the mInistry of Rural Development for the company's oustanding work....

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CBA wants to be the market leader of the Hungarian food trade

CBA is intended to be once again the market leader in the Hungarian food trade – pointed out Baldauf László, president of the commercial food chain on Wednesday, at a...

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Heineken Limited Edition Design Contest Picks the Winning Bottle

The Heineken Limited Edition Design Contest had over 30,000 entries, yet the beer brand has finally chosen a design to commemorate the company's 140th year. For the contest, Heineken used...

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Stevia is the sweetest plant

Stevia enjoys the distinction of being the sweetest plant on earth. In fact, raw stevia leaves are reportedly about 15 times more potent than table sugar, while stevia extracts have...

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Technical breakthrough in the dairy industry

The world's leading food processing and packaging system manufacturer, the Tetra Pak has announced a revolutionary innovation. The OneStep technology, debuted at the Anuga FoodTec exhibition decreases the milk processing...

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A new Spar opens in the heart of the City

The  SPAR Magyarország Kft. opens its ninth City SPAR unit on 3 April 2012, in the center of Budapest under Károly boulevard 22-24. This is the second City SPAR opening...

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Body Shop beats in Budapest from today

Body Shop’s exclusive national representation, the Avanzo Trade Ltd. opened its first brand store in Budapest today. The store can be found in the Arena Plaza. This is the first...

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Novelty from Haas Natural: Rákóczi cottage cheese pudding powder

The Natural Haas product line expanded with a new product: with the Haas Natural Rákóczi cottage cheese pudding powder. The new, limited edition pudding The Natural Haas product line expanded...

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Molson Coors to acquire Cenral and Eastern European brewer StarBev

Molson Coors Brewing Company (NYSE: TAP; TSX) today announced that it has signed a definitive agreement with StarBev L.P., owned by funds (“CVC Funds”) advised by CVC Capital Partners Limited...

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METRO joined to the Earth Hour initiative for the fifth time

All illuminated signs of every METRO stores will be turned off in Hungary for an hour. The protection of the environment is important element of the operation of Metro. In...

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The sun protection of children is again in the center this year

The dm drogerie markt re-organizes its “Children of the Sun” campaign based on an international initiative. This is the second year, when dm draws attention to the dangers of sun...

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Russian supermarket chain buys two thousand tons of Hungarian apples

The Russian Magnit supermarket chain buys two thousand tons of Hungarian apples as the first step. The shipping of the fruits has begun to Russia – informed the Ministry of...

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Tesco awaits its local suppliers

Tesco organizes its sixth Regional Suppliers' Forum on 18 April in Szolnok. For the event the local producers of Nógrád, Heves, and Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county are expected. In addition to local...

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Special award goes to MIRELITE MIRSA

MIRELITE MIRSA has received the Special Award of Hungarian Agrareconomy. The award was handed to Dr. József Losó on 13th March 2012 in the ceremonial room of the Ministry of...

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Bonduelle: Ten tips for housewives

How to cook and eat healthy, simple and diversified with the use canned and frozen vegetables? 1. With the products of Bonduelle, you can save time and effort, as the...

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Avon will not sell itself for even ten billion USD

A ten billion USD acquisition is under way in the cosmetic industry, after Coty today made ​​an offer for Avon Products. The offer is 23.25 USD per share, which represents...

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New ice cream products for gourmets

Consumers have become more price sensitive in ice cream buying as well, and this led to more sales in promotion and a strikingly high market share for PL products. Dr...

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Image carriers on the go

András Gerencsér from Béflex Solution Kft. and Balázs Koncz from Nordenskjöd Design Kft. told Trade magazin that efficient fleet decoration is image-focused and does not feature too much text or...

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METRO cast their vote on a reliable type

A new vehicle fleet aids the work of METRO’s 140 regional sales reps, giving team members a uniform technological background and look. Yvette Krubl, communications manager of METRO Hungary told...

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