Company and Personal News

Coca-Cola HBC: the ecological footprint of soft drink production declines further

The Coca-Cola HBC has announced new water and carbon commitments after being named by the Dow Jones World and Europe Sustainability Indices (DJSI) as the world sustainability leader in the...

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Hungarian company is selling the foreign Tescos’ assets

The specialist of techical online auctions, the Intergavel Auction House enters the international market. The 100 percent Hungarian-owned enterprise will also organize auctions in Slovakia in the Czech Republic and...

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Unilever: zero waste to landfill

Unilever is the first among the world’s leading companies that sends no non-hazardous waste to landfill from its factories in Europe. In addition to the production plants, Unilever premises, logistics...

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Mayonnaise reimagined

Early November Koch’s Torma Kft. launches its latest mayonnaise product. The new, egg-free mayonnaise changes the way we think about mayonnaise, as it can also be eaten by people suffering...

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Leaders in HORECA is set to explore breakthrough concepts in restaurant industry

The HORECA industry is one of constant change and needs to fit standards set by the government, current trends, and the constant desire to create an atmosphere and culinary experience...

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The president of the National Council of Wine Communities has resigned

Tornai Tamás, the president of the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) resigned on Monday. Market management measures were applied for the first time under his chairmanship. Due to the...

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Children's Health Program in Szerencs

The GYERE Children's Health Program led by the Hungarian Dietetic Association to be launched in Szerencs as well. The aim is to promote children's health-conscious way of life and the...

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The three-day Garda Festival of Tihany to be held this weekend

The 14th Garda Festival of Tihany begins this Friday. The festival evokes the tradition of garda fishing and provides culinary a cultural programs as well. Rózsa Éva the director of...

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Another Early Bird registration deadline for the Sirha Budapest trade show

HUNGEXPO Fair Centre will host the Sirha Budapest trade show on 9-11 May 2016. Unlike in earlier years, exhibition spaces are now allocated using a pavilion map. The new system...

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Negro to be sold

The Mondeléz Hungária Kft will begin selling the Negro and its Győr-based production plant – the Népszabadság Online wrote after Faktor. The company in the future focuses on top brands:...

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The local government initiates the liquidation process in the case of the Meat Plant of Pápa

The local government of Pápa initiated the launch of the liquidation process of the Meat Plant of Pápa – the local government informed MTI on Monday. According to the communication,...

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A new IKEA store may open in Budapest

The Swedish furniture store had already bought the plot in the 13th district of Budapest next to the Auchan store in Soroksár. The opening is not yet certain, the IKEA...

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Lidl introduces modern waste management technology

Lidl Hungary has already modernised its waste processing in 79 from its 164 stores. When the project is complete (by the end of the 2016 business year), Lidl will be...

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Hungarian wines are promoted in China

Eleven domestic exhibitors – including the leading wineries of Tokaj, Villány and the Lake Balaton represent themselves at the community booth of the Hungarian National Tourist Office’s Agricultural Marketing Headquarters...

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Tesco: agreement on working time roster during Christmas

The Commercial Employees' Union clarified the misunderstandings about the working hours during Christmas with Tesco (KASZ). According to the union’s communication sent to MTI, the Commercial Employees' Union held a...

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NFM: currently Hungary has no payment obligation towards the Portuguese biscuit manufacturer

In the current phase of the arbitration procedure Hungary has not generated any payment obligation towards the Portuguese DanCake biscuit manufacturer – the Ministry of National Development (NFM) told MTI...

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New regional leader at Starbucks


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Concert at the re-opening store of dm


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Beautiful and new environment in the homes of more than 450 large families

Throughout the country, more than 450 large families took up a brush in recent days to paint their homes, to make their environment more beautiful. These disadvantaged households have all...

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First-half gross sales of Zwack Unicum Nyrt. Increased by 2 percent

The gross turnover of the Zwack Unicum Nyrt. increased by 2 percent in the first half of the company’s business year (1 April 2015 – 30 September 2016), compared to...

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Füstli Snacki & GO! Sága’s unconventional mini-cups turkey frankfurter won the HUNGAROPACK award

The Evaluation Committee of HUNGAROPACK gave the highest recognition, the HUNGAROPACK SaveFood 2015 Award jointly to the Sága Foods Zrt. and the Greiner Packaging Kft. for the unique innovative packaging...

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A Portuguese biscuits manufacturer requires 110 million euros compensation from the Hungarian state

The first phase of the in international arbitration proceedings for the dispute between the Hungarian government and the DanCake Portuguese biscuit manufacturing company has ended. According to the decision of...

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The logistics center of Pacapime was handed over in Mórahalom

The new logistics center of the Pacapime Logistics Kft. was handed over in Mórahalom on Wednesday in the industrial park. The investment cost almost one billion HUF of which 321.61...

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A new era in the Hungarian brewing industry

This year’s most important beer professional awards were handed over within a gala evening, organized by the Főzdefeszt Cluster and the Association of Hungarian Brewers. The new development strategy of...

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Unilever: the Word-of-Mouth Marketing on a strategic level

After the successful cooperation with the Dove brand, the Unilever raised the cooperation with the trnd Word-of-Mouth marketing specialist to a strategic level. In the second half of the year,...

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The Koch winery opened a wine shop offering the county's wines in Kecskemét

Koch Csaba winemaker from Borota opened a wine shop in Kecskemét, where in addition to his own wines, wines from Bács-Kiskun county can be purchased as well. Koch Csaba, emphasized...

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The Villányi Franc to debut at a tasting day

Fifteen wineries at five spots will present the Villányi Franc that was chosen as the special kind of wine of the Villány wine region at the Villány invites Loire tasting...

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Blackstone will buy the logistics real estate portfolio of Immofinanz

The Austrian Immofinanz has signed a contract with Blackstone for the sale of its entire logistics portfolio. The transaction covers all 36 logistics standing investments with approx. one million square...

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Martin's Day Wine Festival in the Gellért Hotel

Beijing goose and goose sushi can be tasted at the 5th Martin Day Wine Festival of the Gellért Hotel, which this year awaits the guests from Thursday to Sunday. The...

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Danone is promoting healthy lifestyle and nutrition within a Junior World Cup

22,000 spectators were cheering along the Marrakech Grand Stadium at the final match of the Danone Junior World Cup in the company of Zidane Zinedine, who is the international ambassador...

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