Posts From trademagazin

The Koppány National Store network expands

The Koppány National Store network opened its seventh store yesterday, in Budaörs. Only Hungarian products can be found in the stores of the network. Megyesi Zoltán, the owner of the...

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Developments at Nádudvari Food Ltd.

150 million HUF investment completed at the Nádudvari Food Ltd., 25 percent of the development came from EU supports. Volosinovszki János, Executive Director, told that the company which has 170...

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Revolutionary innovation in hydration

Eucerin’s the newest product family the AQUAporin ACTIVE revolutionize skin hydration. Skin becomes healthier and brighter with the product innovation, based on Nobel Prize chemistry researches. Several clinical and dermatological...

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Great innovations in the lives of women

Thanks to Ariel, the Great innovations for Women open-air exhibition can be visited free of charge until the 21st of April, 24 hours a day on the stairs of ”Gödör”....

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Meat industry trade union to suspend demonstration

The meat industry trade union received substantive bid so suspended the demonstration, which was planned to the front of the centre factory of the Debrecen Meat Group Ltd. in Szolnok....

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Hungary will be the partner country in Serbia

Hungary will be the first partner country of the 77th International Agriculture and Food Fair of Novi Sad. The Hungarian organizers are preparing for a greater comprehensive portfolio.  Hungary will...

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Italians visit Budapest to bath

According to an Italian travel website’s survey; Budapest is the second among the Italian health tourism destinations in Europe and fifth in the world. According to the price-value ratio survey...

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If food is dangerous, it cannot be sold!

The Hungarian Trade Association’s press release calls the attention of the customers to the following: According to the inspections of the recent days, a number of food donot correspond to...

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New Subway fast food restaurants

Subway plans developments in the Central and Eastern European region. The franchise based network, plans to open restaurants in Slovenia and Romania as well. Subway has restaurants in in Poland,...

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Listeria monocytogenes infected ham in the Reál and the reaction of Pick

According to Reál Hungária’s statement; The Pick Szeged Zrt. produced ham may be dangerous to health. Pick Szeged Zrt. informs its customers and consumers that the company withdraws its Reál...

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The recent scandal of Lidl

Worker advocacy organizations attacks the Lidl stores. According to the serious charges, the ads of the major German supermarket chain contain misstatements. The supermarket chain a few weeks ago campaigned...

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Increasing winding-up procedings

The number of the winding-up procedures increased in the first quarter: 4211 procedures were launched against the companies, compared to the same period last year registered more than 3670 –...

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Henkel published its Sustainability Report 2009

Henkel Sustainability Report provides an overview of the major environmental and social developments of the 2009 financial year. Henkel is constantly working to make its own procedures more energy saving,...

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Antibiotic found in honey again

The Magyar Nemzet found antibiotics infected honey in the sores again. The honey are poisoned by such agents that are banned in Europe. The Bremen Applica laboratory found nitrofuran in...

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Nordsee opens its flagship

Within days, Nordsee will open a new restaurant in Budapest. The restaurant, famous for its fish dishes will open a flagship restaurant in the downtown Budapest. One and a half...

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Hungarian wines won at the world's highest wine competition

Eight Hungarian wineries were awarded at the world's most prestigious wine competition the VINITALY of Verona. The International Wine Competition (Concors Enologico Internazionale) also known as the world's strictest wine...

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Wonder Cofee competition at the Wonderful Coffee exhibition

The Wonderful Coffee exhibition will debut on the 23rd of April with the introduction of substantial brands and with the participation of companies, which have more than half of the...

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Refreshing cherry Milli Mia cottage cream for the summer months!

The summer novelty of Milli Mia dessert family the Cherry cottage cream arrives on the 1st of June 2010. The cottage cream dessert family is the best-known member of the...

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Billions for the small and medium-sized enterprises

The Hungarian Development Bank Ltd. approved nearly 304 billion HUF new loans, until the 5th of April, in the scope of the business lending programs. The bank between the 29th...

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The level of agricultural prices increased

The level of agricultural prices increased in February 2010 by 0.2 percent, over the same period the previous year. Including herbal products, the price level rose by 2 percent, the...

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The multinational stores would not close on Sunday due to the customers

The opinion of the Hungarian chains are various about the limitation of the opening hours on Sundays. According to the opponents; the limitation is contrary to the interests of the...

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Russian economy renewal?

The Russian economy may expand by 8.3 percent annually, due to domestic demand and aluminum prices in the second quarter – said the Moscow-based Renaissance Capital. In its earlier forecast...

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Decreaseing unemployment rate in the Czech Republic

Unemployment decreased slightly in the Czech Republic in March: the rate declined by 0.2 percentage points to 9.7 percent. According to the datas of the Labour Ministry, 556 thousand people...

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Increasing costumer conscioussness in the purchasing decisions

We are willing to visit more chains in a hope of a better offer. According to the analysis of GfK Hungária; a slow but clear change can be observed in...

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Budapest entered onto an another toplist in Sweden

According to the first quarter datas of the largest “citybreak” tour organiser, the Airtours; Budapest – for the first time – has a podium in sales. Compared to the past...

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The competitiveness index in Hungary has improved

GKI and Microsoft released its competitiveness and business environment index of March. The Competitiveness Index (Vex) stagnated in the Czech Republic, in the fourth quarter of 2009, increased in the...

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Increased traffic at the commercial accommodations

According to the datas of the Central Statistical Office (KSH); in January and February, the number of guests and guest nights spent at commercial accommodation rose by 3 percent, compared...

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Deficit occured in China's foreign trade – for the first time in 6 years

China's foreign trade balance showed a 7.24 billion dollar a deficit in March, for the first time since April 2004. In March, Chinese exports increased by 24.3, imports by 66.0...

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The STI Group acquired the Line Packaging & Display factory

Europe's leading POS solutions, and high-quality packaging materials company the STI Group acquired UK retail display company, the Line Packaging & Display Limited, on the 31st of March 2010. The...

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The staff of Carlsberg strike for beer

The staff of the world's fourth largest brewery began to strike, because after the 1st of April, the management of Carlsberg limited lunchtime beer consumption. Hundreds of drivers and warehouse...

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