Posts From trademagazin

The bakeries are hit by price increase of flour

If the Hungarian flour is too expensive, the bakers are buying cheaper foreign flour. They are considering to turn to the Economic Competition Authority, because it is suspicious, that almost...

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The profit of Coca Cola increased in the second quarter

The Coca Cola Co. increased its after-tax results by 16 percent in the second quarter of this year, compared to the same period of last year. According to the Wednesday...

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Consumer groups in the sight of GVH again

The businesses organizing consumer groups in their adverts misleading the consumers, showing the impression that they provide loan. The Competition Authority (GVH) prohibited two further companies from the communication of...

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China overtook the United States in energy consumption

According to the datas of the International Energy Agency (IEA); China consumes the most energy on Earth. China took the leadership, from the previous world leader the United States last...

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The Coca-Cola does not work with the agency making the spicy campaign

The Coca-Cola stopped all work in progress and is now considering the termination of the contract to the Lean Mean Fighting Machine advertising agency, after a campaign caused indignation. Coca...

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The cream of ice creams – Häagen-Dazs

Good news for the fans of Häagen-Dazs: the Macadami Nut Brittle appeared in a new lollipop version in an exclusive packaging. In the Häagen-Dazs ice-bar (Arena Plaza), more goodies are...

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After the poor season start the heat brings the guests

The country's biggest tourism operators reported decline in the first five months of the year. But because of the increased heat, the number of guests also increased. The experts and...

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The electronics market started well in 2010 globally

According to the statement of GfK Hungária; A significant growth occured worldwide in the electronics market (consumer electronics, IT, photography and telecommunications), in the first quarter of 2010. The electronics...

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Advertising market shrank by a quarter in Central and Eastern Europe

Zenith Optimedia predicts a 3.5 percent growth in 2010 on the global advertising market. No longer to be deal with great breakdown, but some countries will be trouble. Unfortunately, for...

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Tetra Pak is getting more greener

The Tetra Pak factory in Budaörs has increased its production by 95 percent, while reducing its specific energy consumption by 39 percent, in the last seven years. Beside the continuous...

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The Do together for the children program is above 7 million HUF

6,053,539 HUF has already been gathered in the scope of the ”Do together for the children” program, which supports the construction of the Education Center of Bakonybél this year. The...

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Unilever is the first in the area of environmentally friendly packaging

Unilever is the world's first multinational FMCG company, that committed to replace its paper and paperboard packaging materials to substances from sustainable sources within a specified time. Within five years,...

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Inspectors in the Tesco

The Central Hungarian organization of the National Labour Inspectorate (OMMF) began labour control in the Budaörs site of the Tesco Global Stores Inc. – informed MTI Gedeon András, the spokesman...

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Wal-Mart is the world's largest company

Forbes magazine ranked again the world's 500 largest companies. The first became the Wal-Mart shop network. The Royal Dutch Shell oil company, which was the world leader slipped back to...

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Pepsi-profit slightly weakened, compared to 2009

The PepsiCo Inc. announced that its second quarter profit decreased by 3 percent to 1.6 billion USD, to 98 cents per share from the 1.7 billion USD and 1.06 USD...

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Food Chain World Meeting in Hungary

Between 17 and 22 August the 1st Sustainable Food World Summit to be held in Hungary – announced Búza László, president of the organizer Foodlawment Association. In the scope of...

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Secondary import controls

From today food importers should provide detailed datas over prices, consume time limits, sources of supply. The secondary import controls aims to eliminate the low quality or dangerous items. Two...

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Increasing consumption may accelerate Central and Eastern Europe

Acccording to the experts of the Vienna-based Erste Group; consumption will be less vulnerable next year. This may boost the Central and Eastern European region’s economy. In Central and Eastern...

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Wine Marketing campaign again

The Wine Marketing Community launches a campaign to increase awareness of Hungarian wines. The target group is watching television. The key element of the campaign is a 30-second TV commercial,...

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Ten-year plan in agriculture: the Hungarikum law to come

The Ministry of Rural Development prepares a ten year agri concept – announced Fazekas Sándor, leader of the rural development ministry. The concept of the Ministry will include those tasks,...

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Az első eljárás eredménytelen lett, a második – hirdetmény nélküli tárgyalásos – eljárást pedig a Kö

The Hungarian Enterprise Development Foundation (MVA) issued a procurement tender for the integrated tourism development of the Slovak-Hungarian border region. The result of the 30 million HUF program is a...

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Heineken Hungária and Krétakör against irresponsible alcohol consumption

Another partner involved in the Heineken Hungária campaign to draw attention to the dangers of irresponsible and excessive alcohol consumption. The creative community of Krétakör addresses the young adults with...

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Unilever is the part of two billion people’s daily life with the help of British Telecom

BT (British Telecom) and Unilever expanded the value of their existing outsourcing contract with a further 173 million euros. According to the new agreement in the next four years, the...

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The red wine protects the heart

Among those who are on Mediterranean diet, the”bad” LDL cholesterol blood levels are lower on an average, and overweight is also less common among them. Although the French cuisine uses...

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The mall of Nagyvárad has been opened semi-finished

Nagyvárad’s newest shopping center, the Nagyvárad Pláza has been opened. The building is not yet complete, but it was handed over on Wednesday. The mall situates opposite to the castle....

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After sluggish start, encouraging continuation- the brewers are optimistic

Beer manufacturers disliked the relatively cold spring and cold early summer, but in the context of the current heat wave – beer consumption increased during the soccer World Cup –...

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The production of food may also be a Hungaricum

More food products and production processes should be classified as Hungaricum – said Kovács Mátyás, the leader of “Hungarikum” Food and Drink Manufacturer Cluster (Hungarikum ELIT Cluster), to MTI. Kovács...

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Ten year development plan in tourism

In the next ten years the national income (GNI) should be doubled within the tourism sector and the number of jobs also – proposed the Minister of national economy. Matolcsy...

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Hungarian SMEs may enter to the Chinese market

Tradeland Ltd. has set up a Merchant House in Shanghai, in order to help to the Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their market access in China – told...

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Rendezvous in the barn: Flavours of Hungarian regions at the SPAR

In the last 20 years, SPAR has evolved to the dominant food chain of Hungary. Local strategy is one of the most important points of the dynamic growth – focusing...

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