Posts From trademagazin

Thematic skills

Exhibition director Levente Szalai told about this year’s Hoventa that TREND Island will focus on hotel rooms, but the representatives of building material manufacturing and construction technology will also be...

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Hungary’s flagships on Facebook

Since this summer a marketing website of social media, has been publishing the list of top 100 Hungarian culinary Facebook pages. The ranking is based on the number of...

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More up-to-date catering decree

The Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry for National Economy introduced the new catering decree together, at a press conference in July. Minister of state Dr Endre Kardeván stressed...

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New home for the Museum

This autumn the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism will move to the 3rd district, namely to Dugonics Square 13-17. Director Imre Kiss told MTI (Hungarian News Agency) that the...

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Guild member recruitment

MVI, the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs started their nationwide member recruitment tour, the first stop of which was Tanyacsárda in Lajosmizse at the end of June. Perhaps there could have...

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Falling demand, rising security

What characterised the last 12 months? Slow expansion in corporate lending and stagnation in the activity of commercial banks. In the first year of the crisis banks started a more...

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FHB Group lays more emphasis on financing the FMCG sector

Gábor Soltész, deputy CEO of FHB Kereskedelmi Bank Zrt. told our magazine that FHB’s financing strategy and target group remains unchanged: they focus on enterprises with annual sales revenue of...

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Bank product usage of corporate customers

According to GfK Hungária’s Corporate Banking Monitor survey for 2010, there were no significant changes in the bank product usage of Hungarian enterprises in the last couple of years. The...

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Kasier Winter Salami

Our latest innovation is Kasier Winter Salami. Its majestic and popular flavours are the result of unique spicing and a traditional aging process....

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Comfortable solutions

LeasePlan’s consultants help customers in compiling a company-specific Company Car Code. LeasePlan’s own WebService application makes everyday work easier for clients with a user-friendly online service, where service and maintenance...

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Mouth care: the market is going in the direction of problem solving

Still, everyday oral hygiene and oral health are considered vital only by a small proportion of Hungary’s population. Only 1.2 toothbrushes are sold per person a year, instead of the...

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Modern eating habits – modern store types

Olive oil retail sales continued to grow in the December 2010-May 2011 period: Nielsen registered a 5-percent growth in value and an 11-percent increase in volume. The annual market was...

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Red wine is still the favourite but its advantage is shrinking

In the eight retail chains measured by Nielsen, 8 percent more wine was sold in volume and value sales soared by 10 percent in the December 2010-May 2011 period. More...

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The meeting point of Tokaji wines and festivals

The label design competition of Tokaj Kereskedőház Zrt. was a great success. 60 graphic designers sent in their 98 ideas for the label of ‘Pincemester Bora’, a quality white wine...

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A change of perspective on the wine market

Premium wines did not manage to evade the negative effects of recession either. According to Ferenc Szlávik, head of wine division at Zwack Izabella Borkereskedés, in the culinary sector consumers...

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Starbucks coffeehouse

Coffeehouses in the 21st century use large spaces and despite their ‘industrial’ size they offer comfort, quality and in the new Starbucks unit attention and kind service as well. Coffees...

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Starbucks coffeehouse

Coffeehouses in the 21st century use large spaces and despite their ‘industrial’ size they offer comfort, quality and in the new Starbucks unit attention and kind service as well. Coffees...

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Zsuzsi presszó

The new owner keeps investing in the place and he even recognises those guests who only visit the place for the second time… Beer is fresh, glasses are clean, the...

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Zsuzsi presszó

The new owner keeps investing in the place and he even recognises those guests who only visit the place for the second time… Beer is fresh, glasses are clean, the...

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Piroska csárda

Piroska csárda in Siófok, had been rebuilt and reopened early this summer. The new chef revolutionised the menu card, which now consists of two main parts: csárda- and home-style dishes...

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Piroska csárda

Piroska csárda in Siófok, had been rebuilt and reopened early this summer. The new chef revolutionised the menu card, which now consists of two main parts: csárda- and home-style dishes...

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Café Cremé Gottier

Café Cremé Gottier is an elegant and cosy place that reflects the atmosphere of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Two dozens of artisan cakes and biscuits for HUF 350-590 and sandwiches (HUF...

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Café Cremé Gottier

Café Cremé Gottier is an elegant and cosy place that reflects the atmosphere of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Two dozens of artisan cakes and biscuits for HUF 350-590 and sandwiches (HUF...

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Lila Körte Café

Lila Körte Café opened mid-July, with a spacious modern interior and vivid colour-decoration. This confectionery-café-bar seats 110 guests and serves spectacular cakes, ice creams, coffee specialties, sandwiches, salty snacks and...

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Lila Körte Café

Lila Körte Café opened mid-July, with a spacious modern interior and vivid colour-decoration. This confectionery-café-bar seats 110 guests and serves spectacular cakes, ice creams, coffee specialties, sandwiches, salty snacks and...

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After the standstill of the last couple of years, hypermarkets strengthened their market position in 2011. From the retail sales of the 90 food categories measured by Nielsen hypermarkets’ share...

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Changes bring new business opportunities

– Raise you hand if you sell the same way as you did five yours ago – moderator Alex Thomson told 850 decision makers of key FMCG companies who convened...

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Personal Marketing: build and sell yourself!

There are many well-trained and experienced marketing experts on the labour market. What can we do to increase our own value and better our position? The labour market works the...

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Placement influences brand value

In the case of individual categories, manufacturers and retailers on the FMCG market consider the following factors to be the most important: not running out of stocks, implementation of secondary...

Read more for the whole family

In July Tesco launched, a new online magazine targeting pregnant women and mothers. Tesco did not forget about fathers either: future and practising parents can read about the latest...

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