Posts From trademagazin

Benefit for processor, retailer and consumer

The operetor of Quality Food from Hungary mark, the Agricultural Marketing Centre (AMC) urge on bigger collaboration.  According to a new research by AMC, the Quality Food from Hungary mark...

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Lidl to build mineral water plant in Germany

According to press informations, Lidl and the existing Lidl-owned supplier MEG invest around EUR100 million into the new plant.  Schwarz Group-owned discounter Lidl in Germany is reportedly planning to build...

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II. Mangalica Festival in Vajdahunyad Castle

In frame of the program the Museum of Hungarian Agriculture shows to cultur history of the mangalica pig, which is a unique.  The three days event this time is organised...

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Tesco reedems PET bottles and drink alucans

The new system operates in 37 Tesco stores. The retailer pays HUF 5 for five PET bottles and HUF 10 for five drink alucans.  At the formal opening of the...

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Acceptance of holiday cheques increased

From January 2009 people can pay movie ticket, libery entrance, internet or adult education with holiday cheques.  The Hungarian Foundation of Holiday started its work 10 years ago. The aim...

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HUF 2.5 billion subvention for dairy firms

Agriculture minister József Gráf promisse central protection programs because of the low procurement prices.  The subvention means partly buying the dairy products, restart the school milk program in value of...

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Tesco became cheaper as a year before

More thousands of products are avelable under their last years price in Tesco units all over in Hungary.  According to Monika Hackl, spokerperson of the retailer, Tesco helps people to...

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4,000 sqm big cold storage in Székesfehérvár

According to business daily Napi Gazdaság, the development costs of Alföldi Tej plant in the city was HUF 900 million. The new cold storages was technicaly open in December, but...

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Map of shopping in Auchan

French retailer has started to test a solution that aims to speed up shopping for customers by optimising their way through the store at its unit in Vélizy, France.  To...

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Contactless payment at Carrefour France

The new card will be rolled out in France from 11 February 2009 by Carrefour's financial services division. Company hopes to sell 2.5 million PASS MasterCard cards in 2009 in...

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From February Dare Group operates Mellow Mood's three hotels in the city

After two years oparation Mellow Mood pass the City Hotel Mátyás, Pilvax és Ring to Dare Group and Platinum Hotels.  The Mellow Mood hotel portfolio grow dynamic in last years,...

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Extra duty for European food import

US wants to triple to 300 percent the import duty on world-famous Roquefort cheese, France turn to WTO.  The US move was the latest volley in a larger, 13-year-old trade...

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Hungarians have more PC, DVD and CD player as the European average

According to Nielsen study people use more PC or laptops as watching tv.  Nielsen asked 26,200 internet users in 52 countries about its home entertainment equipments. According to research 98%...

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One third of Hungarian on-line buyer are over 40 years

Internet is year to year more important as virtual market place – said GfK Hungária's Internet Insight Report.  According to the survey the number of intensiv internet users grow by...

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KFC increased sales in Romania

During 2008, the company opened eight restaurants, in total, KFC chain in Romania includes 32 units, but new openings will take place during 2009 starting from the capital.  KFC in...

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OMV to reduce Austrian petrol station network

Company wants to lower costs, raise its efficiency and concentrate on locations with higher customer frequency through its convenience brand Viva.  Austrian oil company OMV has announced that it is...

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X. Wine Growing Viniculture Conference in Eger

Subtitle of the four days event is 'For Marketability of the Hungarian Wines', the main menu are wine marketing and developing the technology of wine growing viniculture. The conference was...

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Tesco CEO asked for easier credit for companies

The ECB lowered its benchmark interest rate by half a percentage point last week to 2 percent, its fourth cut in as many months, reacting to the deepening euro zone...

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Salmonellosis Is In Decline

Campylobacter infections still topped the list of zoonotic diseases in the European Union and that the number of cases due to Salmonella infections in humans fell for the fourth year...

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Coca-Cola opens bottle recycling plant

Atlanta-based Coca-Cola Co. and United Resource Recovery of Spartanburg unveiled a new $60 million “bottle-to-bottle” recycling facility.  The state-of-the-art plant, said to be the largest of its kind in the...

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Auchan payed out its part-owner of its Romanian subsidiary

Auchan increased its shareholding to 100% in MGV Distri-Hiper, founded on May 2005 to set up and operate stores under the Auchan banner in Romania.  Auchan acquired a 29% stake...

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Not only the cool places can get nice menu

Vendég & Hotel magazin awarded Hungary's best menu, TOP 3 came from Budapest, Restaurant Rickshaw won an extra prize.  36 restaurants take part in the compatition, jurey awarded menus of...

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31 Hungarian hotels won the „Green Hotel 2009-2010” title

The Hotel Association of Hungary called domestic and international hotel chains and independent hotels for an environmental protection tender. Applications had to make till 2008 autumn.  Jurey controlled the applications...

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Environmental Ministry offers paper bags instead of plastic

This year the green tax has changed, retailer must to pay more after the small plastic bags.  It is not necessary, that the price of fruits or bakery products must...

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Decission about Pápai Hús credit on beginning February

Pápai Hús Kft. won the tender for Pápai Hús Zrt. „under liquadition” last year's end. The government assumed state guarantee on 80% of the loans, HUF 5.5 billion, the buyer...

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SPAR buys stores in UK

Retail Week has reported that SPAR has bought 11 former Somerfield stores and it will convert the stores to its Eurospar format.  Eurospar stores differ to SPAR stores in that...

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Delta M Group comes out from Ukraine

The Serbian retailer last year developed a supermarket network called Smak in a joint venture with Ritzio Entertainment Group in Ukraine, has closed down its network.  RetailStudio reported the retailer...

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Metro Group launches efficiency programme

The Group’s structures will be simplified to realise the maximum growth momentum and customer orientation while significantly reducing costs. 15,000 of staff will be fire.  Metro Group in Germany has...

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Saturn to expand in France

Metro Group-owned consumer electronics superstore banner Saturn in France is due to roughly double its store count to 60 by the end of 2011. According to Lebensmittel Zeitung the operation...

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SPAR Netherlands to increase store chain

SPAR in the Netherlands has said it wants to open 20 to 30 new grocery stores over the year 2009.  In 2008, turnover increased by nearly 25% up to EUR630...

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