The salt content trap
Public sector catering is fighting for survival, and conditions are getting worse as service providers can now be held responsible by the authorities for the salt content of the foods used in cooking. Anna Zoltai, president of the National Association of Public Sector Catering Service Providers (KÖZSZÖV) told: it was obvious already back in 2014, when the new nutritional health regulations were published, that it was impossible to comply with the new salt content rules. For instance in many cases the combined salt content of the ingredients used in cooking is already higher than the salt level allowed for a certain dish!

Anna Zoltai
The president told: the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (OGYÉI) is aware of this problem, but the past 8 years weren’t enough for the institute to publish a menu and recipe collection, which complies with the regulations and contain dishes that people find tasty. To make things worse, recently a new certification system has been put in place, which audits mass catering kitchens and checks whether they observe the salt content rules numerically! //
The above article is available for reading on p 138 of Trade magazin 2022.08-09.
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