Loyalty site magyaranyero.hu is dedicated to customers looking for domestic products

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2024. 06. 05. 10:46

 was more than two years ago that Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. launched its loyalty site www.magyaranyero.hu. The website was created with the goal of having a platform through which manufacturers could reach consumers who are specifically interested in Hungarian products via a valuable database. This year the number of registered users exceeded 100,000.

Now a larger and more intensive campaign than ever before is being prepared for August: 1,000 trademarked products from 50 brands will take part in a prize game for a month in major chain stores nationwide!

All this is organised and financed by HUNGARIAN PRODUCT Nonprofit Kft. “We would like to see companies join us, either the collective campaign or their own prize game organised individually on the website”, emphasised Eszter Benedek, managing director of the company. Retail chain specific promotions will feature ALDI, CBA, COOP STAR, PENNY, REÁL, ROSSMANN and SPAR. //

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