Tag "vendégmunkások"

Péter Szijjártó spoke out in defense of guest workers

Illegal migrants cannot be confused with those who travel to work in another country under orderly conditions, and illegal border crossing is not a human right, but a crime, said...

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Food couriers are in a difficult situation: both guest workers and domestic workers

On Thursday evening, the Hungarian Two-Tailed Dog Party held a round table discussion under the title “The Hunger Games – the situation of food couriers with an immigrant background”, which...

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Do guest workers inevitably come to Hungarian agriculture and the food industry?

Significant labor shortages and employment difficulties exist in the Hungarian agricultural and food industry sectors, which can be attributed to multiple factors. According to Dr. Kántor Gyöngyi, HR director of...

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Sándor Czomba: the proportion of guest workers is low, jobs cannot be taken away from Hungarians

Hungary belongs to the Hungarians, it is only possible to temporarily stay and work in our country for the purpose and legal title determined by the Hungarian state, and if...

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KSH: The number of foreign guest workers in Hungary has increased

According to the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the number of foreign guest workers in Hungary increased significantly in 2023. In the publication Helyzetkép, 2023 – Labor...

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Multinational companies shared their experiences with guest workers

There is still a shortage of labor and professionals in Hungary. Unemployment is at an unprecedented low level, and the domestic labor force is almost completely exhausted. Thanks to the...

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British Poultry Council: there will not be enough Christmas turkeys if seasonal workers in Eastern Europe are not allowed to be exempted from quarantine

According to the British Poultry Breeders’ Business Organization, seasonal workers from Central and Eastern European EU countries, including Hungary, need to be exempted from the quarantine obligation imposed on the...

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The number of Hungarians working in Austria reached the highest level so far

The number of Hungarians working in Austria has reached the highest level so far. However, most of these workers are seasonal workforce, possibly commuters. In June, the number of Hungarians...

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British agrarian federations will also need EU labor after Brexit

In a joint open letter, the British government has been asked by more than one hundred British federal associations on Monday to ensure that the industry can use EU citizens...

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Guest workers can return

After the regime change in 1989, migration from Eastern and Central Europe to Western Europe has already reached its peak, so it is expected that the Easterns working in Western...

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