Tag "USA"

American agriculture suffers from Arctic cold

The Arctic inflow of icy air has forced slaughterhouses and grain processors in the United States to temporarily shut down. The temperature in the Midwest region has fallen to such...

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The sentiment of American consumers are above expectations

Compared to December, the US consumer sentiment weakened, but were above expectations in January – according to the regular monthly survey of the University of Michigan. The January consumer sentiment...

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Tizenhat tonna csirkehúsból készült terméket hívott vissza a Tyson Foods

Mintegy 16 tonna szennyezett, csirkehúsból készült, elősütött terméket hív vissza a Tyson Foods, a világ legnagyobb húsfeldolgozó vállalata, írja az amerikai lapok, például a Huffington Post nyomán az origo. A...

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US employment data is over expectations

In contrast to the expected 178,000 people, 213,000 new jobs were created in the US private sector in January – portfolio.hu wrote afrter ADP. In addition to the better-than-expected developments,...

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The EC has authorized the use of American soybeans as biofuels

The European Commission has authorized the use of American soybeans as biofuels on Tuesday, which will certainly increase the volume of imports from the United States. Authorization was granted until...

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US consumer sentiment worsened significantly in January

US consumer sentiment worsened much more than expected in January, according to the Michigan University’s regular monthly survey, whose preliminary results were published on Friday. The consumer sentiment index stood...

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Inflation was in line with expectations in the US in December

Analysts expect consumer prices to rise in the United States in December: the US Department of Labor’s statistical office said on Friday that inflation was 1.9 percent year-on-year. Analysts also...

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Growth in retail sales were above expectations in the world’s largest economy

In November, retail sales were smaller than in the previous month, but increased above the expectations in November in the US – according to the report of Census Bureau published...

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The US consumer mood index stagnated in December

The American consumer mood index stagnated in December – according to the preliminary results of the regular monthly survey of the Michigan University. The consumer mood index stood at 97.5...

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Cyber Monday brought new record

According to Reuters, this year’s Cyber Monday ended with a record, as in the United States, buyers spent 7.9 billion USD that day – origo wrote. The Americans were most...

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The consumer sentiment has fallen in the United States

The Consumer Sentiment Index of the US Michigan University became worse than expected in November. In November, the Consumer Sentiment Index of the US Michigan University dropped to 97.5 points...

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The consumer sentiment deteriorated in November in the United States

The Consumer Sentiment Index of the University of Michigan and the Reuters news agency decreased but became better than expected in November in the United States. In November, the consumer...

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Consumer sentiment has fallen in the world’s largest economy

The consumer sentiment in the United States declined in October – according to the regular monthly survey of the Michigan University. The results were published on Friday. In October, the...

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China does not need US soy

Because of the customs war, China buys more soybeans from South America than from the USA – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The 2018-19 marketing year began a few weeks ago, and...

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American retail trade data is disappointing

Retail sales in September were less than expected by analysts. On Monday, the US Department of Commerce announced that the seasonally adjusted and retail-adjusted retail sales increased by 0.1 percent,...

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The consumer mood has fallen in the United States

The Consumer Mood Index of the US Michigan University declined in October , despite the expected improvement. In October, Michigan’s University’s non-final consumer mood index decreased from the previous month’s...

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US consumer sentiment improved in September

The mood of US consumers has improved significantly in September, according to the regular monthly survey of the Michigan University. The consumer sentiment index increased to 100.1 points from the...

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Costco adopts Apple Pay in the USA

In the USA Costco has begun accepting Apple Pay following its recently completed deployment of contactless payment equipment throughout its network of 750 stores. The company also is planning to offer...

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US consumer spendings increased

Consumers’ expenditure in the United States increased steadily in August as a sign of strong economic growth, while annual consumer price indices excluding consumer and non-food prices had reached 2...

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US consumers are confident

The US consumer mood index has improved in June, according to Michigan University’s regular monthly survey, whose preliminary results were published on Friday. The consumer mood index increased to 99.3...

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Consumer confidence continued to increase in the US in September

Consumers confidence in the United States continued to strengthen, the Conference Board index rose to a 18-year high in September. The Conference Board Non-Profit Organization announced on Tuesday that the...

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The Chinese-US customs war affects almost the whole world economy

The war between China and the United States of America affects almost the entire world economy – Szabó Dávid József, research director at Századvég Alapítvány told M1 news channel. He...

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Record American soybean yield decreased soybean prices

The price for soybeans dropped to 8.14 USD at the Chicago stock exchange, which is an almost ten year negative record – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The price peaked in August...

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Alibaba stepped back from American plans

The largest Chinese Internet retailer has withdrawn its promise to participate in creating 1 million jobs in the United States – the co-founder of the Chinese company announced. Jack Ma,...

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Consumer sentiment has improved in the world’s largest economy

The Consumer Sentiment Index of the Michigan University improved more than expected in September. In September, the uncompleted Consumer Sentiment Index of the Michigan University rose from the previous month’s...

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US retail trade grew less than expected in August

The retail sales in the United States grew at the lowest rate of the past six months ago in August, less than the analysts expected. According to the US Department...

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American breweries to innovate with marijuana

American breweries and beverage companies are planning to boost their stagnating turnover with marijuana – portfolio.hu wrote. Cannabis can be legally marketed in thirty US states and can be launched...

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The value of Amazon is over a thousand billion USD

Amazon has surpassed the one thousand billion USD market capitalization threshold. The online retailer, after Apple has become the second US company that worth at least 1000 billion USD –...

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Consumer sentiment in the United States is on annual low

The Consumer Sentiment Index of the Michigan University and Thomson Reuters business news service declined to the lowest level of the past year in August. In August, the consumer mood...

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Growth in retail sales in July was greater than expected

July retail sales in the United States have become significantly higher than expected by analysts. The US Department of Commerce announced on Wednesday that the seasonally adjusted and calendar effect...

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