Tag "turizmus"

One can register for the World Tourism Day programs in Budapest from Monday

On the occasion of the World Tourism Day, the Budapest Festival and Tourism Center (BFTK) is organizing a second open tourist day with its partners on 27 September. One can...

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The state of play – in numbers

Every year the experts of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) prepare a study that evaluates the situation in the sector. This year’s statistical analysis is even more detailed and comprehensive...

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The Kisfaludy tourism development program was launched

The Kisfaludy tourism development program was launched. Within the program one can apply for the development of rural accommodation by 2030, with a total budget of about 300 billion HUF....

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The number of guest nights grew in Romania over seven percent

In the first seven months, the number of guest nights grew by 7.2 percent to 14.2 million in comparison with the same period last year, according to the Romanian National...

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Spain hosted more than 10 million foreign tourists in July

In July, Spain received 10.5 million foreign tourists, 10.1 percent more than in last July – the Spanish Statistical Office (INE) announced on Thursday. Between January and July, 46.9 million...

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A cooperation agreement was concluded between the Nébih and the Hungarian Association of Travel Agents

The Hungarian National Tourist Office (MUISZ) and the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) have signed a cooperation agreement to effectively inform tourists and thus reduce the food chain security...

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Vietnamese tourism broke a record in August

According to the official announcement the number of tourists visiting the country rose by 35.1 percent to 1.23 million in August. The reason for the significant increase is that the...

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Billions for the development of tourism

Thirty-five types of development are planned from almost 70 billion HUF domestic sources in the Danube Bend in the priority tourist area. According to the Government Decree, published in the...

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The baths of Budapest have an outstanding performance this season

The baths of Budapest are performing outstandingly this year, compared to last year, and the turnover of the capital’s baths also broke records in the August heat – Czinege Szilvia,...

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Eurostat: France has the highest number of hotels in the EU

The highest number of accommodations can be found in France in the European Union, according to Eurostat. Last year, France had a total of 5.1 million commercial accommodation units, followed...

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A community center will be created from abandoned factories in Mohács

An entertainment and community center is being built in Mohács, near the Danume on a 1,2 hectare unused industrial are, where historic buildings can be found as well – the...

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Three hundred billion HUF for the Kisfaludy accommodation development program

The strategic goal of the government is to increase the income generating capacity of tourism, ie to extend the length of the stay of foreign tourists and increase their spending...

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Hungarian treasures in the city of kings and in the depths of the Lake Velence

The Hungarian Treasures series of events visited Székesfehérvár and the Lake of Velence. The MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft.’s overnight programs show the outstanding Hungarian cultural, natural and historical values to...

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Eurostat: Hungarians spend less on holidays than the EU average

Luxembourg’s citizens spent the most on vacation in 2015 in the European Union, about EUR 740 per trip and per person (225 thousand HUF), while in Hungary this amount is...

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Wine song path and a labyrinth is being built in the cellar village in Györköny

A wine song path a labyrinth and a themed playground is under construction in the cellar village in Györköny, Tolna county, where three hundred press houses guard the architectural heritage...

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A VisitDebrecen tourist information point was opened in Debrecen

The first VisitDebrecen tourist information point was opened in Debrecen – the Deputy Mayor of Debrecen announced on Monday at a press conference. Széles Diána reminded that this year’s city...

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A two-digit growth in hotels in the first half of the year

Hungarian hotels achieved double-digit growth in the first half of the year: the total gross turnover in the hotels in Hungary was 17.4 percent, 19.9 percent higher in Budapest and...

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The tourism agency invites for a virtual tour of Hungary

The Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) invites the visitors of the Sziget festival to a virtual tour. On the special Hungary tour on Thursday, many festival goers took part sitting on...

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The dynamic growth of tourism continues

The dynamic growth of tourism will continue for the rest of the year, and the summer high season will bring even better results – according to analysts interviewed by MTI....

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Budapest Airport’s passenger traffic exceeded 1.3 million in July

The passenger traffic of the Liszt Ferenc International Airport reached a record in July. A record of 1 million 330 thousand passengers arrivals and departures were registered which is a...

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KSH: In June, the turnover of hotels increased by 12 percent

In June, the number of nights spent by foreign guests grew by 15.6 percent, while the number of nights spent by domestic guests grew by 8.8 percent over the same...

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We can be happy with the traffic at the Lake Balaton

Everybody can be happy with this year’s traffic at the Lake Balaton, from the buffet operators to the service providers. The out-of-season periods were quite good. According to locality, the...

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Foreign tourists spent a record amount in Spain

A record amount of over 37 billion euros was spent by foreign tourists who visited Spain during the first half of this year, according to the Spanish Statistical Office (INE)....

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The number of guest nights grew by 7.3 percent in the first half of the year in Romania

In Romania, the number of guest nights grew by 7.3 percent in the first half of the year, compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian National...

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Spain received more than 36 million foreign tourists in the first half of the year

The number of tourists visiting Spain has exceeded 36.3 million in the first half of this year, 11.6 percent more than in the same period last year, the Spanish Statistical...

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Tens of thousands of tourists visited Budapest due to the Water World Cup and the Formula One

Tens of thousands of tourists have arrived in Budapest over the last few weeks, mainly because of the Water Sports World Cup and and Formula One Hungarian Grand Prix –...

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The foundation stone of a four-star hotel was laid in Nyíregyháza-Sóstógyógyfürdő

The foundation stone of a four-star hotel was laid in Nyíregyháza-Sóstógyógyfürdő on Wednesday. The 4 billion HUF worth investment will be ready for the next tourist season. MTI Photo: Balázs...

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Tourism is being developed in Sarkad, Békés County from 170 million forints

The city of Sarkad in Békés county won 171 million HUF for the development of tourism under the Széchenyi 2020 program – the municipality informed MTI. During the project, the...

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A record number of tourists visited Japan

A record number of tourists visited Japan in the second quarter of this year, which was partly justified by the weakening of the yen. According to the Japanese National Tourism...

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The government office will carry out controls at major tourist sites

The government office of Budapest will carry out controls at frequented venues, especially in catering facilities, casual shops. According to the organization’s communication sent to the MTI on Wednesday, the...

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