Tag "turizmus"

The Hungarian Tourism Quality Award was handed over

Twenty-eight hotels and eleven restaurants received the Hungarian Tourism Quality Award within the 2018 competition. Together with them, 104 service providers, including 75 hotels and 29 restaurants entitled to use...

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The state will build a four star hotel in Zalaegerszeg

A four-star hotel with state investment will be built in Zalaegerszeg, the city received almost two hundred million forints to obtain plans and permits from the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ)...

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The passenger traffic of the low-cost airlines increased the most in Europe in the first quarter

The passenger traffic of the low-cost airlines increased the most in Europe in the first quarter, compared to the previous year’s figures – according to passenger data published by airlines....

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The Budapest Spring Fair awaits the guests at four venues

High-quality craft products, thematic gastronomic weeks, family and cultural programs await the visitors this year at the Budapest Spring Fair to the Fővám Square, Deák Square, City Hall Park and...

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Tourism agency: domestic tourism is stable and strong

More guests, stable domestic traffic, higher revenues, and significantly expanding SZÉP card sales were characterized the tourism industry in February – the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) commented on the statistics...

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KSH: guest traffic grew by two percent in February

In February, the guest traffic increased by 2.0 percent, the number of nights spent by foreign guests increased by 3.3 percent, while the number of nights spent by domestic residents...

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The hotels to be full for Easter holidays

All over the country, hotels will operate at full capacity during the Easter holidays, and average room rates will be 5-10 percent higher than last year – Flesch Tamás, president...

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Passenger traffic at the Ferihegy Airport slowed down significantly in the first quarter

The growth rate of passenger traffic at the Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport dropped significantly, with a 5.4 percent increase in sales in the first quarter of 2019, compared to...

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Tourism agency: the information system would be extended to other tourism providers

After the accommodations, the National Tourist Information Center (NAK) system in tourism would be extended to other service providers to actually measure the performance of the industry, not just at...

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There will also be a need for artificial intelligence in tourism

Two-thirds greater of the current demand there will be need for knowledge of artificial intelligence, virtual and extended reality in tourism, and one third more for analyst, data analysis, business...

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Hunguest Hotels has completed its most successful year so far

The Hunguest Hotels Zrt. closed last year with a year-on-year increase of 62 percent – Hülvely István, CEO told Magyar Nemzet. Hülvely István, CEO of Hunguest Hotels Zrt. highlighted: the...

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The municipality of Hévíz supports the development of private accommodation

This year, the municipality contributes to the development costs of more than one hundred private accommodation in Hévíz, where more than 140,000 guest nights were registered last year – the...

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The number of guest nights in Romania increased by nearly ten percent

In the first two months, the number of overnight stays in Romania rose by 9.8 percent to 2.969 million, compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian...

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Magazine: Trade forum

Every February the Virtual Café of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (KKVHÁZ) organises the Year Starting Tourism Summit. This event is a moderated debate, where about 40 representatives of the government,...

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The tourism development of Egerszalók’s center to be realized from nearly three hundred million forints

In the framework of the Regional and Municipal Development Operational Program (TOP), with the support of 260 million HUF of the government and European Union, a new community and city...

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The number of bookings in Croatia fell by ten percent

The number of bookings in Croatia fell by ten percent, compared to the same period of last year, however, professionals expect similar tourist traffic as in 2018, the Croatian daily...

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The free beaches of Lake Tisza to be developed from seven hundred million forints

The free beaches of Lake Tisza to be developed from seven hundred million forints government funds in seven settlements. MTI/Mészáros János Piroska Miklós president of the Tisza Lake Regional Development...

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Tourism developments have begun in Borsod

Forest rest places, viewpoints, meteorological stations are being built in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County in the area of Északerdő Zrt., in a value of almost two hundred million forints – Zay Adorján,...

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Tourist Agency: tourism revenue increased by 10 percent in January

In January, tourists spent about 30 billion HUF for domestic accommodation, and while the number of guest nights remained almost the same as in the previous year, the hotels were...

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Online toilet map for tourists was prepared in China

Baidu, one of the country’s largest internet search engines developed an online toilet map requested by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism to help tourists find the closest toilets...

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KSH January is not a peak season for Hungarian accommodations

In January, foreign guests spent 1.2 percent less, and domestic guests 0.1 percent less guest nights at commercial accommodation establishments than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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MEININGER Hotels opened a hotel in Budapest

MEININGER Hotels opened its new hotel in Budapest as the next stage of its international expansion. The MEININGER Budapest Great Market Hall awaits its guests with 184 rooms and 751...

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The tourist season begins with the long weekend in Fraknó and Kismarton

The Esterházy Private Foundation informed MTI on Tuesday that the cultural and tourist season begins in the Castles of Fraknó (Forchtenstein) and Kismarton (Eisenstadt) on 15 March. Visitors are welcome...

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Presidency and members’ meetings

At the end of February there was a meeting for the presidency and for the members of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI). President László Kovács evaluated 2018 and reported...

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The Hotel of the Year 2018 awards were handed over

The Hotel of the Year 2018 awards were handed over on Friday in Budapest. The Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants – with the professional support of the Hungarian Tourism...

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Sió’s tourist development can begin in the spring

In the spring, the planned development of tourism in the Tolna county section of the River Sió will begin, and the National Directorate for Water Management (OVF) will carry out...

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The number of tourists visiting Romania has increased

In January, 5 percent more 758,400 tourists arrived to Romanian commercial accommodations, compared to the first month of last year, while the number of foreign tourists decreased – the Romanian...

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Aldi strengthens in tourism

Aldi Utazás took part for the second time at the Travel 2019 exhibition, Hungary’s number one tourism fair in the Hungexpo Budapest Fair Center. Aldi Magyarország has launched its new...

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Budapest tourism center: 2018 was a record year in the capital

2018 was a record year in the guest turnover of Budapest, where the increase in the number of domestic guest and the number of guest nights was an important driving...

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The Mercure Budapest City Center won the Hotel of the Year Award

On 18 February 2019, the Hungarian Travel Agents Association (MUISZ) awarded the 2018 service provider prizes at an award ceremony among hotel representatives. In 2018, one of the 19 hotels...

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