Tag "Tesco"

The 2023 local project supported by Tesco can be realized with a tender submitted in 2023

Nearly HUF 490 million in support for more than 1,900 local projects based on the votes of more than 29 million customers. This is where Tesco’s “You choose, we help”...

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This year, Tesco and Nestlé are also making a monetary donation from the food sold

This year, between September 28 and October 11, the Nestlé and Tesco joint campaign to support the work of the Hungarian Food Bank Association will run again. Within the framework...

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Egyre sokoldalúbb a Shell és a Tesco együttműködése

Két elismert márka, a Shell Hungary és a Tesco közös innovatív szolgáltatása a Shell töltőállomásokon üzemelő Tesco mini shopok hálózata, amely a kényelmes és gyors bevásárlás élményét garantálja tankolás közben. A...

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Személyesen vagy online?

Az elmúlt években a koronavírus számos országban, így hazánkban is jelentős mértékben hozzájárult az online értékesítés népszerűségének növekedéséhez. Bár kijelenthető, hogy az online piac egyre nagyobb szeletét teszi ki a...

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Tesco’s profit increased significantly in the first half of the business year

The profit of the largest British retail chain, Tesco, increased significantly in the first half of the company’s 2023-2024 financial year. According to the 55-page preliminary report published on the...

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Tesco and its customers are supporting the fight against breast cancer together again this year

As in previous years, Tesco also launched a charity campaign in October 2023 to support the fight against breast cancer. By purchasing products marked with the Go Pink label, customers...

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Reálértéken csökkent az e-kereskedelmi forgalom – GKID-Mastercard: 2023-ban is tovább polarizálódik az e-kereskedelem

Infláció alatti féléves forgalombővülés, töretlenül emelkedő rendelési frekvencia, stagnáló belföldi piac, élénkülő importforgalom és csökkenő online FMCG-vásárlószám jellemzi az online kiskereskedelem idei első hat hónapját, ahol a forgalom koncentrálódása miatt egyre inkább felértékelődik az...

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Nestlé and the Schwarz Group at the top of the international brand equity ranking

According to the latest report from brand valuation consultancy Brand Finance, Nestlé is the world’s most valuable food brand. Among retail chains, the Schwarz Group is the leader in Europe,...

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ÉMK: the food rescue program starts

The food rescue program is starting – the Élélmiszermentő Központ Nonprofit Kft. (ÉMK) announced to MTI on Tuesday. It was written that last Monday, the operation of the ÉMK trial...

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Medicine in grass, wood, functional

Fizikai és mentális egészség, nyugodt alvás, hangulatjavítás, energiapótlás – jólléte biztosításához, egészsége megőrzéséhez a ma embere már nem feltétlenül a gyógyszertárban keresi a segítséget, inkább az élelmiszerüzletek polcain. És még...

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161 organizations across the country can develop local community life with HUF 41 million Tesco support

Recently, Tesco customers were able to decide on the distribution of several million forints with their votes cast in the stores in the “You choose, we help” tender program, which...

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First Rossmann store with a shop-in-shop concept opens

Rossmann has opened its first shop-in-shop in the Tesco store on Fogarasi Road. The new concept means that the shop isn’t located in the outside aisle, but in the unused...

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The big question of autumn: can the price competition between stores be renewed?

Since the introduction of the price watcher, a significant decrease in prices has been observed in stores. The big question for the autumn is whether the price competition can renew...

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The competition office fined Tesco HUF 7 million for minor deficiencies

Tesco basically fulfilled its commitments to help consumers, but the follow-up investigation revealed minor shortcomings; the Economic Competition Authority (GVH) therefore imposed a HUF 7 million fine on the supermarket...

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Tesco focuses on private label products

The Tesco supermarket group is reducing the number of branded products in its basic goods category in its British convenience stores. This move is in response to the increasing trend...

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IKEA Teams Up With Tesco Ireland On Six New Pick-Up Sites

IKEA will add six new pick-up sites across Ireland by collaborating with Tesco Ireland as it aims to expand its collection service. The new sites, scheduled to open on 4...

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They rang the bell at Tesco

The beginning of the school year shopping season is already in full swing at Tesco, where customers can choose from a total of more than 3.8 million school supplies. In...

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Tesco offers all staff right to request flexible working

Tesco has become the first major UK supermarket to grant staff new flexible working rights almost a year ahead of an expected change in the law next year. The supermarket’s...

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Tesco and Lidl were also squeezed by the special tax

Tesco and Lidl both faced significant challenges due to the special retail tax, yet they managed to achieve substantial profits despite the unfavorable conditions and unfriendly government measures. The financial...

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As of August 1, Tesco’s chicken breast, chicken leg and pork leg are on sale

Even cheaper than the previous price-stop price, chicken breast fillets, chicken thighs and pork legs on the counter are available at Tesco for less, and in addition, they are available...

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Euronics is opening four new stores in different parts of the country

After the complete renovation of its stores in Budaörs and Dombóvár, the Hungarian-owned Euronics is expanding its nationwide physical store network with new units. In the next three months, the...

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The first shop-in-shop concept Rossmann has opened

Rossmann opened its first shop-in-shop store in the Tesco department store on Fogarasi út, achieving another milestone in business expansion. The new concept is expected to make it even easier...

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From dream prices to the Price Guarantee: the first rural Tesco hypermarket is 25 years old

Tesco’s first rural hypermarket in Kaposvár is celebrating its 25th anniversary. The country’s third Tesco department store opened in 1998. In the same year, the first MP3 player was launched...

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The fair is open at Tesco from July 18

Price-capped flour, oil, eggs and UHT milk will be available without quantity restrictions in Tesco stores and online from July 18 – helping customers before the end of the price...

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MediaMarkt continues to expand

On July 13, MediaMarkt opened its newest “Shop-in-Shop” store in Hódmezővásárhely. The company is planning to hand over two more units this year in the form of business implemented jointly...

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The fate of hundreds of thousands can be decided by a chip in Tesco

The voting phase of Tesco’s “You choose, we help” program has begun, in which the number of tokens thrown into the department stores’ collection boxes decides which of the applicants...

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Dolmio’s new packaging in the United Kingdom

Dolmio is launching a packaging revamp, with a new visual identity which wants to be “bolder, punchier and sharper than ever”. The relaunch from the icononic Italian pasta sauce brand seeks...

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Tesco is the hero of Price Monitor

Based on the Price Watcher, it is worth doing your bulk shopping at Tesco (also). According to a comparison of the Price Monitor data launched by the Economic Competition Authority...

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It’s coming! Hungarian melons are coming to Tesco

Hungarians’ favorite summer fruit will soon be in stores. Tesco is preparing for the summer with 4,500 tons of Hungarian melons. In the first week of July, Greek watermelons with...

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Automation, private labels and veganism – international retail in 2022

Workforce shortage? Automation! This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. In 2022 the workforce situation in FMCG retail wasn’t any better than in the previous year: both...

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