Tag "Tesco"

The wage negotiations between the trade union and Tesco completed successfully

The wage negotiations between the Commercial Employees' Union (KASZ) and Tesco have been completed successfully, so the company in 2015, provides the professional wage minimum to about 6,000 workers in,...

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Only Hungarian watermelons are available in the domestic Tesco stores

The Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt. as the committed partner of the Hungarian suppliers only buys watermelon from domestic producers. Thanks to the long-term agreements, the chain pays a competitive price to...

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Innovations at the Tesco: the stores of future to come

The Tesco that is following the changes in customer requirements creates the “Department Stores of the Future” – for the first time in Budapest on Váci út, Székesfehérvár – the...

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Ten water tastes from Tesco

During this summer, the thermometer often reaches 30 degrees in celsius. We would spend the sweltering heat mostly on the beach, or in a cool room. Either way, it is...

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PET bottles are carving a niche

PET bottles accounted for 50% of global soft drinks packaging in 2009, the highest of any pack type, accounting for 303 billion units. In alcoholic drinks packaging, however, PET languishes...

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The Hungarian Wine Muster awarded the country's best wines

7 Grand Gold, 82 Gold and 30 Silver awards were handed over at the awards ceremony of the Hungarian Wine Muster. Tesco, the main sponsors of the competition gave additional...

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IT solutions in retail: they can do it all

Numerous new technological solutions are available to FMCG companies. Éva Kozma, commercial director of Szintézis Zrt. informed our magazine that 2014 was all about online cash registers. She thinks that...

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Several Tescos will open at 5 am

From 1 June several Tesco stores will open at 5 am – Tesco’s website states. The retail chain is the first among the large chains that will use the possibility...

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Tesco starts to sell the equipment of its closed shops

Tesco starts the selling of its equipments that remained in their 13 stores that were closed in February. The sales will take place via an online auction. This method has...

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The winners of the “Tesco for the Animals” contest will be given nearly 10 million HUF donations

The “Tesco for the Animals” contest, ended on 31 March 31. The contest aimed to spread knowledge and to raise the awareness of the pupils of primary schools to responsible...

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Magazine: How information technology can support sales rep work

An arsenal of devices is available to sales representatives to assist them in their work. These days their job is unimaginable without using IT devices. István Giesz, the managing director...

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The Nestlé is the most attractive employer on the FMCG market

The Mercedes has become the most attractive employer and thus the Randstad Award winner. According to an independent research, the Hungarian employees would prefer the service sector, in addition to...

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Tesco: preliminary results 2014/15

– £1.4bn Group trading profit, in line with expectations – UK like-for-like sales volumes up for first time in over four years, driven by better availability, service and pricing; like-for-like...

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Tesco launched its Online Shopping service in Székesfehérvár on 21 April

Two years ago, Tesco launched its Online Shopping service on March 16, 2013. The service has 73 thousand registered users, they ordered a total of 30 million goods within 450...

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Tesco to sell some of its lands

The Tesco, Britain's biggest retailer, has started the process to sell-off land from abandoned supermarket development projects, seeking to raise cash to help to finance its recovery plan under its...

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The Tesco will create a new organizational unit

The Tesco creates a new organizational unit called Tesco Europe. In the future, the Tesco in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland will continue to operate with unified management...

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One hundred percent Hungarian Finest eggs in the Tescos

The Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt. is working exclusively together with suppliers controlled by Tesco’s own quality assurance department to ensure consistent and reliable quality for customers. As the dedicated partner of...

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Two Tescos remain open on Sundays

Only two of the 209 Tesco stores will be open throughout the country on Sundays after 15 March – the department store chain informed Pénzcentrum. Only two Tescos will operate...

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Magazine: E-commerce is about to boom

Last year online retail estimatedly expanded by 22.5 percent and neared HUF 266 billion. According to a forecast by eNET, in the medium term (2014-2018) e-commerce is about to boom,...

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The Tesco Fresh Graduate Program to be launched this year again

The Tesco as Hungary's largest retail company is expecting curious and energetic young people who want to explore, understand, and manage this large, complex and ever-changing organization. The chain with...

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Yellow checks can be paid in the Tescos, first among the retail chains

Tesco has launched its check point services. The department store chain has set up 226 terminals in 209 of its shops in Hungary, where the customers can pay up their...

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New chairman at Tesco from March

The Tesco, Britain's biggest retailer, has named John Allan as its new chairman, succeeding Richard Broadbent who said in October he would step down in the wake of the supermarket's...

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The Tesco would strengthen its banking business branch

The Tesco would strengthen its banking business branch significantly. The store chain partially offset the recent weak performance with this step – portfolio.hu. wrote after Reuters. Although the company’s income...

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Tesco, Baumax: Take until the stocks last!

There was a great uproar in front of the Tesco in Tolna, which is one of the 13 closing business. The customers practically cleared the shelves of the electronics department...

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An agreement between Tesco and the trade union

The Commercial Employees' Trade Union (KASZ) representing thousands of Tesco employess reached an agreement with the leaders of Tesco. Tesco was able to find new jobs to 350 people, which...

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The Tesco named the stores that the company will close in the UK

The Tesco has named the 43 stores it is closing across the country, a move that will put 2,000 jobs at risk.The company is currently informing staff at the affected...

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Tesco fires less employees

There will be no redundancies, due to the law imposing a ban on Sunday work – that can be read in the letter sent by Tesco to its staff. However,...

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Tesco’s bread offer to be renewed on the occasion of the New Bread Celebrations

During the renewal of Tesco’s bread offer on the occasion of the New Bread Celebrations, nearly 20 new products will be put on the shelves. The Tesco, when expanding its...

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59 Hungarian products added to the menu Tesco

New Hungarian specialities have been added to the shelves of Tesco-stores in HUngary. The company held an open forum with the small- and medium-sized businesses of Fejér, – Komárom-Esztergom and...

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Tesco expands its range of diabetic foods

Tesco renewed its food supply with the help of the National Association of Hungarian Dieticians. The range of organic, gluten-and lactose-free and diabetic food evxpanded by more than 100 new...

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