Tag "tanulmány"

Cholesterol levels are falling in Western countries, but it is growing among the population of Asia

Cholesterol levels in Western countries are falling sharply, but increases a mong the population of low- and middle-income nations, especially in Asia, according to the largest research to date on...

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Because of the coronavirus, we eat more fruits and vegetables

People consume more fruit and vegetables, but also less ready meals, amid restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, the University of Antwerp found in its survey carried out in 11...

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Magazine: The world economy in 2020

Euromonitor International’s Global Economy in 2020 study reveals that forecasts downgraded the global GDP’s annual growth to 2.9 percent for 2019 and 3.1 percent for 2020. Emerging and developing economies...

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GfK: concerns raising about plastic waste in Europe

More than 53 percent of the European consumers consider plastic waste to be one of the biggest global environmental challenges and 44 percent believe it is climate change. When asked...

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We need to rethink measuring inflation in the digital age

The central banks of the developed countries have been unable to meet their inflation targets for nearly a decade, despite considerable efforts – Világgazdaság Online wrote. In two thirds of...

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Drinking coffee regularly can have health benefits

The intestinal microbiome of regular coffee consumers is healthier than those who drink little or no coffee – a new American study found. In recent years, numerous studies have demonstrated...

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Shoppers want the personal contact

In May JLL published a study about the future of retail. From this we learned that 65.2 percent of ‘veteran’ consumers need a professional’s help when shopping, for Baby Boomers entertainment...

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A better quality diet results in higher levels of food waste

A better quality diet results in higher levels of food waste – US researchers have shown in their study. According to the study Americans throw 422 grams of food out...

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The Hungarian purchasing power growth rate was generally higher than the European average

Back in 2006 the per capita purchasing power of Hungarian consumers was EUR 5,462, which grew to EUR 6,654 by 2018 – informs a GfK study. This sum is about...

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Az Amazon a világ legértékesebb márkája

A tavalyi harmadik helyről az élre ugrott az Amazon a világ legértékesebb márkáinak a listáján. A Kantar Millward Brown médiapiaci kutatóvállalat “Brandz Top 100” felmérése szerint az Amazon értéke 302,1...

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MVI-TUTSZ cooperation

Every year the Association of Tourism Consultants (TUTSZ) evaluates the situation of the sector. Since the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) annually publishes a report on the hospitality sector’s performance with...

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GfK has analysed the European retail sector

GfK’s ‘European retail in 2019’ study analyses trends and developments in 32 European countries, and it makes sales forecasts for 2019, serving as a kind of handbook for decision-makers in...

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Homemade cat food can be dangerous

Most of the cat food recipes from online sources or from books usually do not provide the necessary nutrients for pets, and there are also some that require ingredients that...

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Magazine: Ten main trends: What are consumers like in 2019?

Alison Angus, head of lifestyles research and Gina Westbrook, director of lifestyles have prepared the 71-page Euromonitor International ‘Top 10 Global Consumer Trends for 2019’ study. In this they identified...

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Magazine: Who is growing faster?

According to a study about FMCG retailers’ cooperatives published on the LZ Retailystic website of German trade magazine Lebensmittel Zeitung, expectation is that the market share of cooperatives will decrease...

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(HU) GfK: Merre halad a magyar digitális fogyasztó?

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The problems with cashless payment

A British study calls attention to the problems with cashless payment: ‘Access to Cash’ informs that in the United Kingdom the proportion of cash payments is 34 percent at the...

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Health is the direction

A recent online survey with 1,400 participants by GfK Hungária has found that Hungarians are increasingly health-conscious in their eating habits. People are looking for food information online more and...

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There is not enough fruit and vegetables in the world for everyone

If everyone wants to have a healthy diet, there would not be enough fruit and vegetables in the world – experts of the University of Guelph said. Canadian researchers have...

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The Budapest hotel market strengthened significantly

Due to the growing tourism industry, the Central and Eastern European hotel market has been growing rapidly over the last 3 years, which is reflected in both the hotel’s performance...

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Retail in Europe: Central and Eastern Europe is catching up

GfK has made a study on European retail trade. GfK has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the retail trade in 32 European countries, which analyzes the purchasing power, the retail...

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The convergence of the Central-European wages has stopped

A Hungarian researcher of the European Trade Union Confederation has highlighted a sad data on the Central European wage situation – hvg.hu wrote. Galgóczi Béla’s study shows that while productivity...

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A kínai befektetők növelik befolyásukat az európai cégvásárlási piacon

A növekvő politikai bizonytalanság hatására visszaeshet a felvásárlási és fúziós tranzakciók száma 2017-ben az előző évi várakozásokhoz képest. Míg 2016-ban a vállalatok 64%-a számított növekedésre, idén már alig több mint...

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GfK: health awareness seems to turn into a trend

The latest GfK research study of eating habits examines the affects of health consciousness on eating habits. The analysis appears regularly since 1989. According to the analysis, health consciousness is...

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According to a new research, pasta is not fattening, quite the opposite

In recent years pasta gained a bad reputation: it will fatten you. This led lots of people to limit its consumption, often as part of some aggressive “do it yourself”...

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Ferrero has a good reputation

From food industry companies Ferrero was ranked the highest on the Reputation Institute’s list of top 100 companies – Ferrero is 18th in the overall list. Rolex was named as...

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The Hungarian companies issue invoice abroad more than the European average

In Hungary, significantly more invoices are issued to the companies' foreign partners than at the European average. In the last two years, this occured mostly in retail and wholesale trade,...

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The tourism revenues of Budapest may increase with up to one billion euros in the medium term

In the medium term, the tourism revenues of Budapest may increase with up to one billion euros – according to the comparative study of the Roland Berger consulting firm, conducted...

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GfK: the price advantage of private label products has decreased

The price advantage of private label products has decreased last year, partly because their price rose in several other product categories – GfK’s commercial brand analysis study reveals. According to...

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Dispersed prices in the European Union

The difference between the price level of the cheapest and the most expensive country was nearly threefold in the EU last year. According to the survey of Eurostat, published on...

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